Clio and Euterpe (Roberts, Henry)

Sheet Music


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Fynnjamin (2020/4/3)

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Fynnjamin (2020/4/3)

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Fynnjamin (2020/4/3)

Publisher. Info. London: Henry Roberts, 1762.
Misc. Notes #617557 - Vol.3 missing pp.1-2, 25-28, 47-48, 73-74, 137-138, 145-146, 169-176.
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Fynnjamin (2013/5/9)

PDF scanned by GB-En
Fynnjamin (2013/5/9)

Publisher. Info. London: Henry Roberts, 1762.
Misc. Notes #280483 - Vol.1. Missing pp.19-22, 71-72, 79-80, 153-156.
#280484 - Vol.2. Missing title-page.
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Fynnjamin (2020/4/3)

Publisher. Info. London: Henry Roberts, n.d.[1758].
Misc. Notes Title-page missing. Includes a number of extra (unpaginated) songs bound in before p.1.
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Bassani (2011/8/31)

Publisher. Info. London: Henry Roberts, n.d.
Misc. Notes Title-page missing. Pages 9-80 only.
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Fynnjamin (2020/4/3)

Publisher. Info. London: Henry Roberts, 1762.
Misc. Notes Duplicate pages in scan removed.
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Fynnjamin (2020/4/3)

PDF scanned by CDN-Lu
Fynnjamin (2020/4/3)

Publisher. Info. London: John Welcker, 1777.
Misc. Notes Re-issue with new title-page.
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General Information

Work Title Clio and Euterpe
Alternative. Title
Composer Roberts, Henry
Title-page Details Title-page transcription
Clio and Euterpe or British Harmony. A collection of Celebrated Songs and Cantatas by the most approv'd Masters Curiously Engrav'd With the Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord and Transposition for the German Flute. Embelish'd with Designs adapted to each Song. In III Volumes</span>
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 3 volumes
Volume 1
1. Anon: Smile Britannia (sung by Beard at Ranelagh) [p.1]
2. Miller: I prithee send me back my heart (A Favorite Song)* [p.2]
3. Anon: The Disappointed Lover ("When dew drops gild the weeping thorn") [p.3]
4. Purcell: To Arms & Britons strike home (duet from King Arthur) [p.4]
5. Anon: Robin Hood ("As blyth as the linnet sings") (sung by Mr Beard)* [p.6]
6. Anon: The Incurious ("Give me but a wife") [p.7]
7. Anon: Under the greenwood shade ("To an arbor of woodbine") (sung by Mr Beard)* [p.8]
8. Anon: Something else to do ("The sun was sleeping") (sung by Mr Beard)+ [p.9]
9. Anon: Jocky & Jenny ("Stern winter has left us") (sung by Mr Lowe & Miss Falkner)* [p.10]
10. Anon: Kind Patt ("Inclin'd to retreat") [p.11]
11. Purcell: Genius of England (from King Arthur, with trumpet part)* [p.12]
12. Anon: Young Collin ("Young Collin was a sprightly Swain") [p.17]
13. Anon: The dawn of hope ("A dawn of hope my soul reviews")# [p.18]
14. Anon: The stanch man of the mill ("Near the side of a pond") [p.19]
15. Arne: Rule Britannia* [p.20]
16. Anon: Fair Hebe (" Fair Hebe I left wit a cautious design") (sung by Mr Beard) [p.22]
17. Anon: A Cock & a Bull ("To take in good part") (sung by Mr Beard) [p.23]
18. Fesch: Female friendship ("I love tis true" [p.24]
19. Anon: Fame let thy trumpet sound ("A Loyal Song") (for 2 voices)* [p.25]
20. Corfe: The Power of Wine ("Blooming Bacchus ever young") [p.26]
21. Burgess Jr.: Sweet are the flow'rs [p.27]
22. Handel: The flocks shall leave the mountain (A three Part Favourite Song; from: Acis and Galatea), w/ instrumental top line [p.28]
23. Anon: Colin and Dolly ("The morning cloud was ting'd with gold")*# [p.32]
24. Anon: Sweet William ("By a prattl'ing stream") [p.33]
25. Anon: The Sex ("As Jocky was walking one midsummer morn") [p.34]
26. Anon: The Jolly Toper ("The women all tell me I'm false")+ 35;
27. Anon: The Marriage Pretty between John and Betty ("Thank god at last the priest has fast") [p.36]
28. Anon: Strephon's Request ("Dearest Kitty kind and fair") (sung by Mr Lowe) [p.38]
29. Anon: The Constant Fair ("I'll to some shady cool retreat")# [p.39]
30. Anon: Carry the Jest to far ("When young my first love bad ambitions") [p.40]
31. Anon: Sally, a new Song ("No nymph that trips the verdant plains")* [p.41]
32. Anon: Dear Sir be advic'd by a friend (A Favourite song in Robin Hood)*+ [p.42]
33. Leveridge: English Roast Beef ("When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishmans food")+ [p.43]
34. Oswald: The Dust Cart, a favourite Cantata ("As Tink'ring Tom the streets his trade did cry")* [p.44]
35. Anon: Willy ("Long long I despair'd a young shepherd to find") (sung by Miss Stevenson)* [p.47]
36. Fesch: The Willing Maid ("What tho my parents frown I scold")+ [p.48]
37. Anon: Delia ("When first I saw my Delia's face") (sung by Mr Lowe)*+ [p.49]
38. Anon: Natures Holiday ("The sun in virgin lustre shone") [p.50]
39. Arne: The Highland Laddie ("The lawland lads think they are fine" [p.51]
40. Gunn: The Country Courtship, a Humourous Cantata ("Some courtly youth whom love inspires")* [p.52]
41. Arne: Lotharia ("Vainly now ye strive to charm me")+ [p.54]
42. Arne: Nature fram'd thee sure for loving (A Favourite Song) [p.55]
43. Corfe: The Lover's Declaration ("No more shall beauty crown the spring")*+ [p.56]
44. Anon: Ye little loves that round her wait (A Favourite Song) [p.57]
45. Arne: To Chloe ("When fond you Damons charms resite") [p.58]
46. Anon: Give us glasses my wench (A New Song) (sung by Mr Beard) [p.59]
47. Arne: Love & Wine in Alliance ("While Phillis is drinking")* [p.60]
48. Anon: The jolly bowl does glad my soul (A two Part Song) (soprano, tenor & basso)+ [p.62]
49. Arne: Nature beyond Art ("Still to be neat") [p.63]
50. Fesch: Young Patty ("Young Patty was wanton") [p.64]
51. Arne: Coelia [sic: Celia] ("Yes Im in love I feel it now")*+ [p.65]
52. Anon: Gazing on my idol treasure (A Favourite Song) [p.66]
53. Anon: The Lass of the Brook ("On a brook's grassy brinks") [p.67]
54. Arne: The Judgment of Paris ("Distracted I turn") (sung by Mr Beard)* [p.68]
55. Anon: The Address ("Tell me my lovely charming fair") [p.71]
56. Anon: He comes the hero comes (A two Part Song) (two voices: SB)+ [p.72]
57. Anon: The other day young Strephon met me (A New Song) [p.73]
58. Granom: The Slighted Nymph ("To sooth my Chloes pensive grief") [p.74]
59. Fesch: Gay Polly ("To make me feel a Virgins charms") [p.75]
60. Anon: Russells Triumph or The Memorable Ninety two ("Thursday in the morn of the Nineteeth of May")*+ [p.76]
61. Anon: The Charms of Coelia [sic: Celia] ("With ev'ry charm was Coelia") [p.78]
62. Count St Germain: O wouldst thou know what sacred charms (A Favourite Song)* [p.79]
63. Anon: How little do the landmen know (The Words by Mr Garrick) (sung by Mr Beard)+ [p.80]
64. Dunn: The Swains Resolution ("Tho form'd by the tend'rest care")* [p.81]
65. Arne: Gay Florimell ("Florimell od noble birth")*+ [p.82]
66. Anon: The Honey Moon ("As May in all her youthfull dress") [p.83]
67. Arne: Phillis ("My fair ye swains is gone") (A Favourite Song), w/2 violin parts * [p.84]
68. Arne: Why so pale [p.86]
69. Arne: Pitty Patty ("One morn e'er sweet Peggy arose")*+ [p.87]
70. Anon: Plain Truth ("The man who seeks to win the fair") [p.88]
71. Arne: Oh Lovely Maid ("Oh lovely maid how dear's thy pow'r")* [p.89]
72. Greene: Anacreon's Dream ("As I on purple tapestry lay")*+ [p.90]
73. Anon: Cross Purposes ("Tom loves Mary passing well") (sung by Mr Beard) [p.91]
74. Arne: Ariel's Song in the Tempest ("Where the bee sucks"), w/2 violin parts [p.92]
75. Oswald: From the man whom I love (A Favourite Song)* [p.94]
76. Anon: The Maidens Choice ("If ever oh Hymen I add to thy tribe")*+ [p.95]
77. Anon: The Doctor Outwitty'd ("When tutor'd by mother") [p.96]
78. Anon: I'll sing you a song (A New Song) (sung by Mr Beard) [p.97]
79. Handel: I like the amorous youth (A Favourite Song)+ [p.98]
80. Anon: The Ploughman's Ditty ("When Molly smiles beneath her cow")*+ 99;
81. Greene: Go Rose ("Go rose, my Chloe's bosom")* [p.100]
82. Arne: Dione ("Upon a summers evening dear")* [p.102]
83. Dean Swift: The Unhappy Lover ("Flutt'ring spread thy purple pinions") [p.103]
84. Arne: The Scholar's Relapse ("By the side of a grove") [p.104]
85. Joseph Jackson: The Inconstant ("As late at ruddy close of day") [p.105]
86. Arne: Let ambition fire thy mind (A Favourite Song) [p.106]
87. William Riley: Cupid's Mistake ("As afternoon one Summer's day"), duet: treble & bass [p.108]
88. Anon: The Blush ("On a primrose bank") [p.110]
89. Anon: Contentment ("To meet with contentment") [p.111]
90. Arne: The Complaint ("Behold ye sweet flowers around") [p.112]
91. Anon: The Miller's Wedding ("Leave neighbours your work") (sung by Mr Beard) [p.113]
92. Anon: To Sylvia ("Why shine those charming eyes") [p.114]
93. Hudson: The Disconsolate ("No more attempt in softest strains")+ [p.115]
94. Arne: Jessy or The Happy Pair ("How blest has my time been")*+ [p.116]
95. Arne: Nan of the Vale ("In a small pleasant village")+ [p.118]
96. Lampe: Strephon's Remonstrance ("When to my Cloe first I broke my passion")*+ [p.120]
97. Greene: A well a day ("The blythest bird that sings in May")* [p.121]
98. Anon: Colin's Success ("To woo me and win me") (A Favourite Song) (sung by Mrs Chambers)+ [p.123]
99. Arne: The Caution ("From sweet bewitching tricks of love")* [p.124]
100. Heighington: The Reasonable Request ("When I survey that matchless face") [p.126]
101. Granom: The Morning Air ("Would you taste the morning air") [p.127]
102. Oswald: Thy fatal shafts unerring move (A Favourite Air)* [p.128]
103. Anon: Jenny of the Green (While others strip the new fall'n snow") (sung by Mr Lowe) [p.129]
104. Signior Palma: When first I saw thee graceful move (A Favourite Air), duet: 2 sopranos & bass+ [p.130]
105. Anon: Matrimonial Bondage ("The man who for life is plaug'd" with a wife")+ [p.131]
106. Smith: You spotted snakes (A Favourite Air in the Opera of the Fairys [Midsummer night's dream]) (sung by Miss Young)+ [p.132]
107. Anon: Daffodil ("Spring returns ye fauns advance") (sung by Mrs Smith) [p.134]
108. Anon: Moggys Complaint ("On the Tays verdant banks") [p.135]
109. Anon: The fool that is wealthy is sure of a bride (A New Song)[p.136]
110. Worgan: The Fair Thief ("Before the urchin well cou'd go") (sung by Lowe)* [p.137]
111. Anon: Jockey ("I'll sing to my lover") (sung by Miss Stevenson at Vauxhall) [p.138]
112. Arne: Cloe Sleeping ("One of her hands") [p.139]
113. Arne: Sweet Echo ("Sweet echo sweetest nymph that liv'st") (A Favourite Song in Comus), w flute, 2 violins & basso)* [p.140]
114. Anon: The Darling Swain ("My love was once a bonny lad") [p.144]
115. Rameau: Beauty and Musick ("Ye swains whom radiant beauty moves")* [p.145]
116. Arne: How gentle was my Damons air (A Favourite Cantata)* [p.147]
117. Worgan: Jockey & Jenny ("When Jockey was blest") (A Favourite Dialogue), duet: 2 sopranos & bass (sung at Vaux Hall)* [p.148]
118. Anon: Kitty Fell ("While beaus to please the ladies write") (sung by Mr Beard at Ranelagh)* [p.150]
119. Joseph Jackson: Sally of ye Dale ("Leave your Parnassus sacred nine")* [p.151]
120. Anon: The Poets Picture of his Love ("My Cloes eyes an heav'nly blue")* [p.152]
121. Anon: The Rover ("In all ye sex some charms I find") (sung by Mr Lowe) [p.153]
122. Arne: Blow thou winter's Wind - by Shakespeare, w/instrumental line (sung by Mr Lowe)+ [p.154]
123. Arne: The Female Phaeton ("Fair Kitty beautifull and young") (the words by Mr Prior), w/instrumental line [p.156]
124. Arne: Loves the tyrant of the heart (A Favourite Air in Alfred) (sung by Miss Isabella Young)+ 158;
125. Anon: That Jenny's my friend (A Favourite Song) (sung by Mr Beard) [p.160]
126. Hawdon: So brightly sweet fair (A Favourite Air) [p.161]
127. Taylor: Had I but the Wings of a Dove (sung by Miss Falkner)*+ [p.162]
128. Smith: When that gay season did us lead (A Favourite Song in the Opera of the Fairys [Midsummer night's dream]) [p.164]
129. Anon: The Choice Spirits ("Ye sons of the bottle")* [p.167]
130. Arne: Strephon and Molly ("Young Strephon he went to ther day") (a new Ballad) [p.168]
131. Baildon: Ye Nymphs & Swains ("Ye Nymphs & Swains ye sweetly play")* [p.169]
132. Handel: When Phoebus the tops of the hills does a dorn (A Favourite Song - for two voices; 2 sopranos, no basso) [p.170]
133. Fesch: Collin and Chloe ("When Collin met Chloe") [p.172]
134. Greene: Orpheus with his lute (A Favourite Song - the words by Shakespear)* [p.174]
135. Arne: My Grandmother's Cot ("When I liv'd in my grandmother's cot")* [p.176]
136. Anon: The meads and the groves (A Favourite Air in an Organ Concerto)* [p.177]
137. Arne: The Charms of Isabel ("Fair is the swan the ermin white"), w/2 violins* [p.178]
138. Anon: The Sleeping Fair ("To shun bright sols meridian heat") [p.180]
139. Fesch: Collin ("Oh pitty Collin cruel fair")* [p.181]
140. Burney: The Man to my Mind ("Since wedlocks in vogue")* [p.182]
141. Anon: Pastora's come with myrtle crown'd (A Favourite Dialogue) [p.183]
142. Anon: Plato's Advice ("Says Plato why should man be vain") [p.184]
143. Arne: My Bliss too Long+ [p.185]
144. Arne: Ianthe and Iphis ("Ianthe the lovely the joy of the plain")* [p.186]
145. Arne: Colins Invitation ("Come Rosalind oh come")* [p.188]
146. Anon: Blooming Sally ("Not Semele's attracting love") [p.190]
147. Oswald: Let the nymph still avoid (A New Song)* [p.191]
148. Oswald: Hymn of Eve ("How cheafull along the gay mead (A Favourite - in the oratorio of Abel)* [p.192]
149. Oswald: The Wheel Barrow ("As porter will along St Pauls did move") (A Favourite Cantata)* [p.195]
150. Arne: Valentine's Day ("When blushes dy'd the check of morn") (A Favourite Song)* [p.196]
151. Arne: The Happy Bride ("Ye nymphs whose softer souls approve") [p.198]
152. Wynne: Happy is a country life (A Song for two Voices: 2 sopranos & basso) [p.200]
A Table of the Songs in This Volume [alphabetical by title]

Volume 2
A Table of Songs in this Volume [alphabetical by title]
1. Festing°: The Lass of the Mill ("Who has eer been at Baldock") (sung by Mr Beard) [p.1]
2. Oswald: To Handels pleasing notes (A Favourite Cantata) [p.2]
3. Arne: Dearest Daphne turn thy eyes (a new Dialogue in "Harlequin Sorcerer") [p.4]
4. Anon: Harvest home ("Come Roger and Nell") (sung by Mr Lowe in "The Sorcerer")*+ [p.6]
5. Long: The Warning ("Lovers who wast your thoughts") [p.7]
6. Oswald: O joy of joys to lighten woe (A Favourite Air in "Alfred")*+ [p.9]
7. Anon: The Sheep Shearing ("Come my good shepherd") (sung by Mrs Cibber)+ 10;
8. Arne: Damon and Florella ("Cast my love thine eyes around")* [p.12]
9. Buswell: On an Absent Friend ("No more the mounting lark")+ [p.14]
10. Anon: When your beauty appears (sung by Mr Lowe at Vaux Hall)* [p.16]
11. Anon: My Peggy ("Love never more shall give me pain") (sung by Mr Lowe) [p.17]
12. Anon: Did you see eer a shepherd (A Favourite Song sung by Miss Stevenson at Vaux Hall) [p.18]
13. Arne: The Reasonable Lover ("I seek not at once in a female to find")*+ [p.20]
14. Anon: The Happy He ("To make the wife kind") (sung by Mr Beard at Ranelaugh)*+ [p.22]
15. Anon: The Modern Rake ("When e'er a beautious nymph I spy") [p.24]
16. Anon: The Gear and the Bragrie ot ("O shame light on this worlds Pelf")* [p.25]
17. Arne: The Bonny Broom ("How blyth was I each morn") (A Favourite Song)+ [p.26]
18. Arne: To keep my Gentle Jessy (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.28]
19. Bell: Friendship United ("As pleasing as shades")+ [p.31]
20. Bell: The Innocent Fair ("Young I am and yet unskill'd")* [p.32]
21. Bell: The Virgin's Wish ("Virgins if e'er at length it prove") [p.33]
22. Arne: The School of Anacreon ("The festive board was met") (A favourite Cantata; sung by Mr Lowe at Vaux Hall)* [p.34]
23. Riley: Ye gentle winds that fan the sea (A Favourite Song) [p.40]
24. Hodson: Toby Reduc'd ("Dear Tom this borwn jug that now foams") [p.41]
25. Arne: Sylvia ("Sylvia wilt thou waste thy prime")*+ [p.42]
26. Anon: Ye prigs who are troubled (A Humerous Song; sung by Mr Beard)* [p.44]
27. Baildon: Attend ye nymphs while I impart (A Favourite Song; sung by Miss Stevenson)*+ [p.46]
28. Anon: April Fool ("When April Day began to rise") [p.48]
29. Anon: The Fly ("See that insect proud and vain") (A Simile)* [p.49]
30. Anon: John and Nell ("As Nell sate underneath her cow") [p.50]
31. Anon: Beneath this fragrant myrtle shade (A New Song) [p.51]
32. Arne: My fond shepherds of late (A Favourite Song in the opera of "Eliza")* [p.52]
33. Anon: Strawberry Hill ("Someone up Gunner's bury") [p.54]
34. Anon: Contentment ("No glory I covet no riches I want") [p.55]
35. Anon: The Generous Confidence ("Ah Strephon what can mean the joy")+ [p.56]
36. Oswald: Woud you obtain the gentle fair (A Favourite Song) [p.57]
37. Anon: Silly swain no longer dwell (A New Song) [p.58]
38. Anon: The Despairing Lover ("In Chloes frowns I read my fate") [p.59]
39. Arne: Where chaste Dian keeps her court (sung by Miss Isabella Young in the opera of "Eliza")*+ [p.61]
40. Fesch: The Maidens Resolution ("As Cloe sat shelter'd and breath'd")+ [p.62]
41. Oswald: Ev'ry nymph and shepherd bring (A New Song) [p.64]
42. Anon: Ye mortals whom fancies and troubles perplex (A Favourite Song sung by Mr Beard) [p.65]
43. Arne: Cymon and Iphigenia ("Near a thick grove") (A Favourite Cantata, sung by Mr Beard at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane and at Ranelagh Gardens)* [p.66]
44. Baildon: As Cloe ply'd her needles art (A New Song)+ [p.73]
45. Anon: The Injur'd Fair ("Cloe one Summer's evening stray'd") [p.74]
46. Anon: The Wood Lark ("The wood lark whistles through the grove") [p.75]
47. Baildon: Pearch'd by his side her little breast (A Favourite Song in the opera of "Eliza", sung by Mr Lowe)* [p.76]
48. Anon: O blissfull tis to languish (A Favourite Air)*+ [p.80]
49. Anon: The Miser's Feast ("Avarus sent for me to dine")* [p.81]
50. Anon: A Loyal Song ("Say lovely peace"), 2 voices: SB, no basso) [p.82]
51. Baildon: The Spinning Wheel ("Young Collin fishing near the mill")*+ [p.84]
52. Weideman: Damon and Flavella ("When first by fond Damon") (sung by Mr Lowe at Vaux Hall) [p.86]
53. Arne: Peggy ("Tho Peggy's charms have oft been sung")* [p.88]
54. Anon: The Adieu ("Since Moggy I mun bid adieu")+ [p.89]
55. Arne: With swords on their thighs (A Favourite Air in the opera of "Eliza", sung by Signora Frasi)* [p.90]
56. Arne: To fair Fideles grassy tomb (A Favourite Song from Shakespears Cimbeline)*+ [p.92]
57. Popely: Had Neptune when first he took charge (A Favourite Drinking Song) [p.94]
58. Anon: To convent streams or shady groves (A Favourite Air) [p.96]
59. Anon: I search'd the fields of ev'ry kind (A Favourite Air) [p.97
60. Travers: When vernal airs perfume the fields (A Favourite Song) [p.98]
61. Arne: The Sky Lark ("The lark her lowly nest defends") (in the opera of "Eliza", sung by Signora Frasi)* [p.100]
62. Selby: If beautys pow'rs potent be (A New Song) [p.103]
63. Anon: Fanny Murray ("Tho Pollys and tho Peggys charms") [p.104]
64. Anon: The Lass of the Green ("There lives a lass upon the green")* [p.105]
65. Anon: We've fought we have conquer'd (A Favourite Song, sung by Mr Beard)+ [p.106]
66. Greene: Fond Philander ("As fond philander in the pit")*+ [p.108]
67. Smith: To what my eyes admir'd before (A Favourite Song in "The Tempest")+ [p.110]
68. Baildon: Palaemon lov'd Pastora (A New Song) [p.112]
69. Oswald: The Gamester's Song ("Good Sir do not start") [p.113]
70. Smith: On tree top'd hill + [p.114]
71. Arne: Come Britannia shake thy lance (A Favourite Song, sung by Mrs Vernon in the opera of "Eliza")* [p.116]
72. Fesch: Daphne on her arm reclin'd (A Favourite Song)* [p.118]
73. Anon: Natural Love ("Ask why the miser hoards his pelf") [p.119]
74. Handel: Ask if yon damask Rose (A Favourite Song)* [p.120]
75. Anon: Corydon and Delia ("Can lovely Delia still persist") [p.121]
76. Greene: Hamilla or The Raptur'd Lover ("See where my dear Hamilla smiles")* [p.122]
77. Arne: When all the attic fire (in the opera of "Eliza" sung by Mrs Vernon)* [p.124]
78. Attfield: Cupid's Power Restor'd ("Ah luckless Cupid art thou blind") [p.127]
79. Bryan: The Confession ("O lovely Fanny charming maid")* [p.128]
80. Anon: Jenny ("No lass on fam'd Hibernia's plains") (A New Song)* [p.129]
81. Arne: Jockey and Mary ("When trees did bud and fields were green") (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.130]
82. Boyce: The Accident ("As tother day milking I sat"), w/ instrumental part (sung by Miss Thomas; set by Mr Bryan)*+ [p.132]
83. Abington: Chloe Sleeping ("Be still ye winds") [p.134]
84. Anon: Damon and Coelia [sic: Celia] ("To Coelia thus fond Damon said") (sung by Mr Lowe) [p.135]
85. Anon: Advice to Cloris ("Cloris it is not in our pow'r")* [p.136]
86. Arne: Chloes Power ("Forbear fond God forbear your dart")+ [p.137]
87. Anon: Come Damon Come oh haste away (w/instrumental part; A Favourite Song; set by an eminent master)* [p.138]
88. John Gerrard: On Friendship ("The world my dear Myra"), w/instrumental line + [p.140]
89. Anon: The Wit and Beau ("With ev'ry grace young Strephon chose") (sung at the Publick Gardens)* [p.142]
90. Abington: An Ode Address'd to a Lady ("The bird that from ye lime twig flies")* [p.144]
91. Anon: The Fond Lover ("Dear Cloe come give me sweet kisses") (sung by Mr Lowe at Vaux Hall) [p.145]
92. Greene: Lucy ("Of all the nymphs that tript the green") (set to musick by Mr Bryan)*+ [p.146]
93. Baildon: If love's a sweet passion (sung by Mr Lowe at the Theatre Royal)* [p.148]
94. Anon: Phillis we dont grieve that nature (A Favourite Air) * [p.151]
95. Arne: Where the primrose decks the well (sung by Miss Young in the opera of "Eliza")* [p.152]
96. Greene: Strephon and Chloe ("Beneath a beach as Strephon laid reclin'd") (A Favourite Cantata; sung by Mr Beard and Miss Young) [p.153]
97. Anon: The other day to grief betray'd (A New Song) [p.157]
98. Anon: Strephon and Cara ("Oft I have with wonder seen") (A Dialogue)* [p.158]
99. Travers: The Comparison ("When first we see the ruddy sun rise")+ [p.159]
100. Holmes: The Maiden's Advice ("Vain youth thy flattery give oer") [p.160]
101. Anon: The Jovial Fellow ("Since life is a bubble tis folly")* [p.161]
102. Arne: The Beer-drinking Britton ("Ye true honest Brittons who love your own land") (sung by Mr Beard)*+ [p.162]
103. Arne: Nothing New ("You may talk as you will") (words by Mr Worsdale)* [p.164]
104. Holmes: Brevitas Vitae ("To ask me dearest friend") [p.166]
105. Anon: An Occasional Ode on the Success of Our Arms ("Hail England old England") [p.167]
106. Arne: Credulity in Love Recomended ("Loves a dream of mighty treasure")* [p.168]
107. Anon: The Maidens Case ("At the foot of a hill") (sung by Miss Thomas) [p.169]
108. Baker: Kitty Fisher ("Let others in fantastic phrase") [p.170]
109. Anon: Saw ye John a coming (a New Scotch Song) [p.171]
110. Arne: Hebe - a Pastoral Ballad ("When forc'd from dear Hebe")*+ [p.172]
111. Arne: Delia ("Soft pleasing pains unknown before") (A favorite Song)*+ [p.174]
112. Anon: Cupids Refuge ("Jove when he saw my Fannys face") [p.176]
113. Arne: When you gave me ye garland (sung by Miss Bricklayer in the opera of "Eliza")* [p.177]
114. Bryan: The Judicious Fair ("You tell me I'm handsome") (sung by Miss Young)* [p.178]
115. Arne: Sally ("Sure Sally is the lovliest lass") (A favorite Song)*+ [p.180]
116. Arne: Disappointment ("Ye shepherds give ear to my say") (A Pastoral)*+ [p.182]
117. Anon: Vanity of Life ("Life how vain esteem'd")* [p.184]
118. Anon: To Fanny fair I would impart the cause (A New Song) [p.185]
119. Arne: Hope ("My banks they are furnish'd with bees") (a Pastoral)* [p.186]
120. Orme: The Tempest of War ("Let the tempest of war be heard")* [p.188]
121. Arne: *Sollicitude ("Why will you my passion reprove") (A Pastoral)* [p.190]
122. Anon: The Toast ("When Bacchus jolly god invites") (sung by Mr Beard)* [p.192]
123. Anon: To thee oh gentle sleep (sung by Mr Lowe in "Tamerlane")*+ [p.193]
124. Arne: A Touch of the Times ("Come listen and laugh at the times")* [p.194]
125. Arne: The Kind Inconstant ("Why Cloe still those jealous heats")* (set by Mr Arne) [p.196]
126. Bryan: Damon ("Sure Damon to the blithest swain") (sung by Miss Thomas)*+ [p.198]
127. Anon: Brittania's sons rejoice (A Song for three Voices)* [p.200]

Volume 3
A Table of Songs in this Volume [alphabetical by title]
1. Arne: The Faithful Lover ("Go gentle gales") (A Choice Song)* [p.1]
2. Purcell: The Croaking of the Toad ("You twice ten hundred deities") (A Favourite Song)* [p.3]
3. Greene: Cloe's Resolves ("As Cloe on flowers reclin'd")*+ [p.6]
4. Arne: Colinet and Happy Bet ("Now ye happy knot is ty'd") [p.8]
5. Arne: Long had I borne of love the pain (A Favourite Air)* [p.9]
6. Fesch: Wert thou yet fairer than thou art (A Choice Song)*+ [p.10]
7. Arne: Who'd know the sweets of liberty (A Favourite Song; in the opera of "Eliza")*+ [p.12]
8. Anon: Tis Time Enough Yet ("A term full as long as the siege of old Troy") (A New Song)* [p.14]
9. Greene: Yes I'm in love (A Choice Song)* [p.16]
10. Boyce: You say at your feet that I wept (A favourite Air)* [p.17]
11. Boyce: The Non-pariel ("Tho Cloes out of fashion")*+ [p.18]
12. Arne: The Fond Appeal ("Gentle youth o tell me why")*+ [p.20]
13. Handel: As when the dove laments her love (A Favourite Song; in "Acis and Galatea")* [p.22]
14. Howard: Tis wine makes us love (A Drinking Song)* [p.25]
15. Anon: The Fair English Rose ("The lillies of France") (A Favourite Song) [p.26]
16. Arne: The Rover Reclaim'd ("My roving heart has oft with pride")*+ [p.28]
17. Anon: The Lark's shrill Notes (A Choice Song; sung by Mrs Vincent at Vaux Hall)* [p.30]
18. Anon: De dare my pretty maid (A Favourite Song; sung by Mr Beard)* [p.33]
19. Arne: The Invitation ("Come Myra idol of the swains")* [p.34]
20. Anon: Tis liberty dear liberty (A Choice Song; sung by Mrs Vincent)*+ [p.36]
21. Arne: Now Phoebus sinketh in the west (A favourite Song in "Comus")* [p.38]
22. Anon: Charming Chloe ("Charming Chloe looks with pity")* [p.40]
23. Anon: Alexis and Laura ("The sun declining milder rays") [p.41]
24. Arne: Chloe Gen'rous as Fair ("When Chloe shines serenely gay")* [p.42]
25. Handel: Come ever smiling liberty (A Favourite Song in "Judas Maccabeus")* [p.44]
26. Boyce: From flow'r to flow'r (A Favourite Song)* [p.47]
27. Anon: The Linnet ("The warbling linnet from his mate")* [p.48]
28. Anon: The Modern Hum ("When Strephon to Chloe made love") [p.49]
29. Arne: Hear me gallant sailor (A favourite Song)*+ [p.50]
30. Boyce: Push about the brisk bowl (A favourite Song)* [p.52]
31. Arne: Preach not me your musty rules (A Favourite Song in "Comus"; sung by Mrs Clive)*+ [p.54]
32. Boyce: Paloemon and Pastora (Farewell my Pastora)* 56;
33. Boyce: Three godesses standing together (A favourite Song)* [p.57]
34. Anon: Come all ye brave Britons (A Favourite Song on the Memmourable Year Fifty Nine) [p.58]
35. Arne: Kindness Prefer'd to Beauty ("Tis not the liquid brightness of those eyes")*+ [p.60]
36. Smith: When faires dance round on the grass (A Favourite Song; in the pantomime of "Queen Mabb")+ [p.62]
37. Anon: Lately on yonder swelling bush (A Favourite Song) [p.64]
38. Anon: Rural Happiness ("Let the tempest of war be heard")* [p.65]
39. Boyce: Come cheer up my lads (A Choice Song sung by Mr Champness)+ [p.66]
40. Handel: My faith and truth (A Favourite Air; in the oratorio of Sampson [sic: Samson])* [p.68]
41. Boyce: In vain I try my ev'ry art (A favourite Air)* [p.72
42. Handel: The smiling Dawn (A Favourite Air; in the oratorio of Jeptha [sic: Jephtha])*+ [p.73]
43. Boyce: Rail no more ye learned asses (A Choice Song)+ [p.76]
44. Greene: The merchant to secure his treasure (A Choice Song)*+ [p.78]
45. Anon: I have rambl'd I own it (sung by Mr Lowe at Vaux Hall)* [p.81]
46. Smith: Attend all ye fair and I'll tell ye the art (A favourite Song in "The way to keep him")+ [p.82]
47. Boyce: Vain is ev'ry fond endeavour (A favourite Song)*+ [p.84
48. Arne: The card invites (A Favourite Song in "Lethe") [p.86]
49. Anon: Prepare British boys your heart (A New Song) [p.88]
50. Arne: The Power of Beauty ("As Cloe came into the room") (A Favourite Air)* [p.89]
51. Bernardino: How welcome my shepherd (A Favourite Air)+ [p.92]
52. Arne: Too late for redress (A Favourite Song) [p.94]
53. Boyce: On thy banks gentle Stour (A Favourite Air)* [p.96]
54. Gates, jr: Thou gentle sources of bliss (A New Song)* [p.97]
55. Anon: I made love to Kate (A new Favourite Song; sung by Mr Beard) [p.98]
56. Jackson of Exeter: The heavy hours are almost pass'd (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.100]
57. Boyce: Medcine can soften the bosoms (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.102]
58. Moze: In Mira all the charms unite (A New Song)* [p.104]
59. Boyce: The Silent Lover ("I look'd and I sigh'd")* [p.105]
60. Anon: As Colin rang'd early one morning (A Favourite Song; sung by Mr Beard at Ranelagh) [p.106]
61. Boyce: With horns and with hounds (A Favourite Song in Dryden's secular masque)* [p.108]
62. Anon: You've told me what beauty appears (A Favourite Song sung by Miss Young) [p.112]
63. Handel: Oh had I Jubal's lyre (A Favourite Air in "Joshua")* [p.113]
64. Boyce: The drum is unbrac'd (A Favourite Song in "The Shephards Lottery")+ [p.116]
65. Boyce: Beneath the Vine or Fig trees (A Favourite Air in "Solomon")* [p.118]
66. Arne: The Lovesick Invocation ("As o'er the flow'ry meads I pass") (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.121]
67. Boyce: Contented all day I will sit at your side (A favourite Song in "The Chaplet"), solo, then chorus [ST without basso])* [p.125]
68. Greene: In young Astrea's sparkling eye (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.126]
69. Arne: Get you hence for I must go (A favourite Air; sung by Mr Beard in "The Winter's tale")* [p.129]
70. Handel: Let me wander not unseen / Or let the merry bells ring around (Two favourite Songs) (sung by Mrs Vincent at Vauxhall)* [p.131]
71. Boyce: Oft am I by the women told (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.134]
72. Howard: Myrtilla ("Ye chearful virgins") [p.137]
73. Arne: The Generous Distress'd ("Blow ye bleak winds")* [p.138]
74. Boyce: Upon My Honour ("The flame of love sincere I felt") (sung by Mr Lowe at Vauxhall) [p.140]
75. Arne: The Contest ("At length too soon dear creature")*+ [p.142]
76. Long: I told my nymph I told her true (sung by Miss Thomas at Ranelagh)*+ [p.144]
77. Handel: May balmy peace and wreath'd renown (A favourite Air)* [p.145]
78. Arne: The Despairing Shepherd ("Ah well a day must I endure")*+ [p.146]
79. Arne: Myrtilla demanding the aid of my pen (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.148]
80. Smith: No more dams I'll make for fish (A Favourite Air in "The Tempest")* [p.150]
81. Handel: Pious orgies pious airs (A favourite Air)* [p.152]
82. Arne: Vain is Beautys gaudy flower (A Favourite Air; sung by Miss Brent at Vauxhall) [p.153]
83. Boyce: Well Judging Phillis ("Near Thames green banks")* [p.156]
84. Anon: Come mortals come follow me (A favourite Air in "Lethe"; sung by Mr Beard)*+ [p.158]
85. Heron: To Celia ("While some in flowing strains rehearse")*+ [p.160]
86. Anon: What the Fool Meant ("When Jenny the gay I first courted")* [p.161]
87. Signor Giardini: Voi amante or Rondeau ("Dearest creature of all nature / Voi amante che vedete")* [p.162]
88. Handel: Wise men flatt'ring may deceive you (A Favourite Air)* [p.164]
89. Boyce: You say you love and twenty more have sighed (A Favourite Song)* [p.166]
90. D. Russel: Why Strephon why dost thou thus pine (A New Song) [p.168]
91. Boyce: Boast not mistaken swain (A favourite Song)* [p.169]
92. Arne: *The English Padlock ("Miss Danae when fair and young")* [p.170]
93. Boyce: When the nymphs were contending (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.172]
94. Baildon: Hark the horn calls (A Favourite Hunting Song; sung by Mr Lowe at Vauxhall)*+ [p.174]
95. Boyce: Johnny and Jenny ("Let rakes for pleasure range the town") (A favourite Dialogue, sung by Mr Beard and Miss Brent)* [p.177]
96. Arne: The Dumps ("A maidens soft wailings")*+ [p.180]
97. Boyce: My Florio wildest of his sex (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.182]
98. Anon: While Strephon thus you teize me) (A favourite Song) [p.184]
99. Selby: When from my Sylvia I remove (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.185]
100. Anon: When glory invites what Briton so mean (A Favourite Song sung by Mr Beard in the entertainment call'd "The Fair")+ [p.186]
101. Samuel Long: Where virtue encircles the fair (A New Song Address'd to the fair Sex)*+ [p.188]
102. Samuel Long?: Wine we allow the brisk fountain of mirth (A New Song Address'd to the Bachelors)*+ [p.190]
103. Anon: Young Colin was the bonniest swain (A Favourite Song) [p.192]
104. Stanley: Who'll buy a heart (A Favourite Song) [p.193]
105. Stanley: An Answer to Who'll buy a heart ("As in a pensive form") [p.196]
106. Arne: Colin and Phoebe, A Pastoral ("Be still o ye winds"), w/ chorus a3/STB, & b.c)* [p.198]
First Publication. 1758
Language English
Average DurationAvg. Duration 1-5 minutes each
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation 1-3 voices and/or flute, continuo
Related Works See also the precursor to this collection, Calliope, or English Harmony

Navigation etc.

Each song headed by a vignette
(*) indicates figured bass symbols
(+) indicates that a flute transcription follows the song
(#) in compass of the German Flute
(°) composer listed in another source
  • Named composers: Miller [possibly Edward?], Henry Purcell, [Willem] Defesch, [Joseph] Corfe, Burgess, Dr. [T. A.] Arne, [G. F.] Handel, [Richard] Leveridge, [James] Oswald, Granom, St. Germain, Dunn, (Dr.) [Maurice] Greene, Jos. Jackson, William Riley, Hudson, Hodson (possibly the same person), [John Frederick] Lampe, Dr. Heighington, Palma, [John Christopher] Smith, [John] Worgan, Rameau, [Matthias] Hawdon, [Joseph] Baildon, [Charles] Burney, Wynne, Samuel Long, Buswell, Bell, Weideman, Popely, John Travers, [William] Selby, Attfield, Bryan, Abington, Holmes, Baker, Orme, [William] Boyce, John Gerrard, [Samuel] Howard, Bernardino (possibly Marcello Bernardini?), Gates junr., [William] Jackson of Exeter, Moze, [Henry] Heron, [Felice] Giardini, Russel, [John] Stanley.