Conceptio tua - Solo ao Pregador (Passos, Carlos dos)




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Rafoio (2021/2/16)

Publisher Info. Rafael Sales Arantes, 2021.
Performers Finale
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Sheet Music


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Rafoio (2021/2/16)

Editor Rafael Sales Arantes (b. 1980)
Publisher. Info. Rafael Sales Arantes, 2021.
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Rafoio (2021/2/18)

Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

For Soprano and Orchestra (Arantes)

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Rafoio (2021/2/16)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rafoio (2021/2/16)

Arranger Rafael Sales Arantes (b. 1980)
Publisher. Info. Rafael Sales Arantes, 2021.
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General Information

Work Title Conceptio tua - Solo ao Pregador
Alternative. Title
Composer Passos, Carlos dos
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. ICP 4
Key D major
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1904
Librettist Unknown
Language Latin
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation soprano, flute, clarinet, 2 horns, trumpet, strings

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Latin text: Conceptio tua, Dei genitrix virgo, gaudium annuntiavit in universo mundo: Ex te enim ortus est sol justitiae, Christus Deus noster: Qui solvens maledictionem, dedit benedictionem; et confundens mortem, donavit vitam sempiternam.

English translation: Your conception, Virgin mother of God, announced joy to the whole world: For out of thee arose the Sun of justice, Christ our God: Who, by paying for evil, gave blessing; and confounding death, gave life everlasting.

Nas partes originais não havia partes de violinos separadas, nem de viola. No arranjo feito usei como base a parte de violino existente como guia para fazer o arranjo das cordas. Os outros instrumentos foram mantidos como no original.

(In the original parts, there were no separate violin parts or viola parts. In the arrangement I used as a base the part of the existing violin as a guide to make the arrangement of the strings. The other instruments were kept as in the original.)