Favorite Russian Romances for 7-String Guitar (Aleksandrov, Nikolay)

Sheet Music


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Publisher. Info. Moscow: P. Jurgenson, n.d. Plate 10713.
Misc. Notes from Boije's Collection
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General Information

Work Title Album of favorite Russian romances for seven-string guitar
Alternative. Title Альбомъ любимыхъ Русскихъ романсовъ для семиструнной гитары
Composer Aleksandrov, Nikolay
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 10 pieces
  1. She's already gone, by Bulakhov; Её ужъ нетъ, Булахова
  2. Heart, by Gurileva; Сердце, Гурилева
  3. How sweet it is for me to be with you, by Glinka; Какъ сладко съ тобою мне быть, Глинки
  4. It was hard not to have strength, by Varlamov; Тяжело не стало силы, Варламова
  5. Bird, by Dubuka; Птичка, Дюбюка
  6. Love me, by Pashkova; Люби меня, Пашкова
  7. I remember everything, by Tarnowski; Я помню все, Тарновской
  8. Do not scold me dear, gypsy song; Не брани меня родная, цыганская песня
  9. I feel sorry for you, by Varlamov; Мне жаль тебя, Варламова
  10. Tell her!, by Knyatini Kochubey; Скажите ей!, Княтини Кочубей
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation 7-string guitar