Historical Organ-Recitals (Bonnet, Joseph)

Sheet Music


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Carolus (2013/4/9)

6 more: II. Johann Sebastian Bach • III. Masters of the 18th and 19th Centuries • IV. Three Composers of the Romantic Period • V. Modern Compoers • VI. Old Spanish Masters • Color cover

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Carolus (2013/4/9)

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Carolus (2013/4/9)

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Carolus (2013/4/9)

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Carolus (2013/4/9)

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Carolus (2013/4/9)

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Carolus (2013/4/9)

Editor Joseph Bonnet (1884–1944)
Publisher. Info. New York: G. Schirmer, 1917-40. various plates
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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General Information

Work Title Historical Organ-Recitals
Alternative. Title
Composer Bonnet, Joseph
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 6 volumes
  • I. Forerunners of Bach. Hofhaimer to Du Mage (1917)
  1. Hofhaimer: Fantasy on the song "On freudt verzer"
  2. Cabezón: Diferencias (Variations) sobre el Canto del Caballero
  3. Gabrieli: Canzona
  4. Palestrina: Ricercare
  5. Sweelinck: Fantasia in Echo Style
  6. Bull: Praeludium voor "Laet ons met herten Reijne"
  7. Titelouze: Ave Maris Stella
  8. Frescobaldi: Toccata per l'Elevazione
  9. Scheidt: "Da Jesus an dem Kreuze standt" - "As Jesus stood beside the Cross" - Chorale
  10. Scheidt: Cantilena Anglica Fortunae - Variations on the old English Song "Fortuna my Foe"
  11. Cornet: Salve Regina
  12. Lebègue: Noël: "Une Vierge Pucelle" - Christmas Carol
  13. Couperin: Fugue on the "Kyrie"
  14. Froberger: Capriccio
  15. Buxtehude: Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne
  16. Buxtehude: "Von Gott will ich nicht lassen" - "From God I ne'er will turn me" - Chorale
  17. Muffat: Toccata
  18. Pachelbel: "Vom Himmel hoch da komm' ich her" - "Good news from heaven the angels bring" - Christmas Chorale
  19. Purcell: Prelude
  20. Kuhnau: "Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder" - "O sacred Head, once wounded" - Chorale
  21. Marchand: Plein Jeu - In six parts
  22. Raison: Offerte upon "Vive le Roy!"
  23. Grigny: Récit de Tierce en taile
  24. Clérambault: Prelude
  25. Du Mage: Grand Jeu - (For Full Organ)
  • II. Johann Sebastian Bach (1918)
  1. Bach: In dulci jubilo (BWV 751)
  2. Bach: Credo - Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, Schöpfer_ - We all believe in one God, Creator - In Organo pleno (BWV 680)
  3. Bach: Agnus Dei - O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig - O Guiltless Lamb of God (BWV 656)
  4. Bach: In dir ist Freude - In Thee is Gladness (BWV 615)
  5. Bach: O Mensch, bewein' dein' Sünde gross - O Man, bemoan thy fearful sin (BWV 622)
  6. Bach: De Profundis - Aus tiefer Noth schrei' ich zu dir - From depths of woe - Pro Organo pleno (BWV 686)
  7. Bach: Passacaglia et Thema fugatum (BWV 582)
  8. Bach: Sonata III (BWV 527)
  9. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in D Major (BWV 532)
  10. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in G Major (BWV 541)
  11. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in G Minor (BWV 542)
  12. Bach: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (BWV 565)
  13. Bach: Pastorale (BWV 590)
  14. Bach: Little Fugue in G minor (BWV 578)
  • III. Masters of the 18th and 19th centuries. Handel, Mozart, etc. (1918)
  1. Handel: Prelude and Fugue in F minor (HWV 443)
  2. Handel: Tenth Concerto for Organ and Orchestra - Arranged with cadenzas for organ alone by Alex. Guilmant, Op.7 No.4 (HWV 309)
  3. Daquin: Noël sur les Flûtes (Mélodies lorraines) - Christmas Carols from Lorraine (To be played on the flute-stops)
  4. Martini: Gavotta (arranged by Alex. Guilmant)
  5. Krebs: Short Prelude and Fugue C Major
  6. Mozart: Fantasia in F
  7. Wesley: Gavotte
  8. Boëly: Prelude on the Gregorian Song "Pange lingua"
  9. Boëly: Three Preludes On Christmas Carols of the Sixteenth Century - (The melodies by Denizot)
    1. "Seigneur Dieu ouvre la porte"
    2. "Le vermeil du soleil"
    3. "Lyre ce n'est pas en ce chant"
  10. Boëly: Andante con Moto
  11. Boëly: Fantaisie and Fugue in B flat
  • IV. Three Composers of the Romantic Period. Schumann, Mendelssohn, and Liszt (1919)
  1. Schumann: Sketch in F minor
  2. Schumann: Canon in B major, Op.56
  3. Schumann: Canon in B minor
  4. Schumann: Fugue on the name BACH (No. 3), Op.60
  5. Schumann: Fugue on the name BACH (No. 6), Op.60
  6. Mendelssohn: Sonata I, Op.65
  7. Liszt: Fantasia and Fugue on the Chorale "Ad nos, ad salutarem undam"
  • V. Modern Composers. Franck to Reger (1929)
  1. Franck: Pièce héroique
  2. Franck: Andantino
  3. Lemmens: Prélude (5 Parts)
  4. Brahms: Choral Prelude and Fugue on "O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid" - Choral Prelude
  5. Saint-Saëns: Rhapsodie No. 3 On Berton Melodies (Pilgrimage of St. Anne La Palud)
  6. Guilmant: Two Variations on teh Christmas Carol "Puer nobis nascitur", Op.60
  7. Guilmant: Noël Languedocien - Christmas Carol from Southern France, Op.60
  8. Guilmant: Offertory upon "O Filii" - Easter Son "O Sons and Daughters of the Lord", Op.49, 2
  9. Gigout: Marche des Rogations
  10. Widor: Scherzo (uit Organ Symphony No.2, Op.13 No.2)
  11. Shelley: Spring Song
  12. Harwood: Andante
  13. Bossi: Siciliana - Stile antico
  14. Ropartz: Sur un thème Breton
  15. Vierne: Menuet, Op.32
  16. Tournemire: Pièce Symphonique, Op.16
  17. Reger: Intermezzo, Op.59, 3
  18. Reger: Toccata, Op.59, 6
  • VI. Old Spanish Masters. Cabezón to Cabanilles (1940)
  1. Cabezón: Canción religiosa "De la Virgen que parió y del Niho que nació" - "De la Vierge qui enfanta et de l'Enfant qui naquit" - Christmas Carol
  2. Cabezón: Diferencias sobre la Gallarda Milanesa - Variations on the Milanese Galliard
  3. Cabezón: Fuga a cuatro - Double Canon
  4. Cabezón: Ut queant laxis
  5. Santamaría: Cláusulas de I° Tono
  6. Santamaría: Cláusulas de VIII° Tono
  7. Aguilera de Heredia: Obra de Octavo Tono Alto - Ensalada
  8. Corrêa de Araujo: Tiento de quarto tono por E la mi - a modo de Canción
  9. Cabanilles: Tiento lleno por B Cuadrado
  10. Cabanilles: Tiento de falsas
  11. Cabanilles: Tiento de 5to tono, de falsas
First Publication. 1917-40 - New York: G. Schirmer
Copyright Information Volumes V, VI published 1929 and 1940, are under copyright in the USA.
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation organ
Templates {{BonnetHOR|volume|page-range (opt)}}