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모든 등록물이 자유 이용 저작물이거나 자신의 작품이며 PDF 형식임을 확인해주십시오. (ZIP 파일은 다음과 같은 경우가 아니라면 허용되지 않습니다: (ㄱ) PDF 파일과 함께 업로드되거나, (ㄴ) PDF 형식 파일의 원본이 포함되어있거나, (ㄷ) 업로드한 PDF 파일이 원래 페이지에 있는경우.)
*A composer page is the page under which all compositions by someone are listed. For instance, Johann Sebastian Bach is a composer page that includes links to virtually every one of his works. Each of those works is contained on its own work page (an example would be Erhöhtes Fleisch und Blut, BWV 173 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)), which houses all of the downloadable files. Note also that the title of the work might be in the original language in some cases, or fall under a generic title rule for pieces like Sonatas, Concertos, Symphonies and the like.
Note: If you are typesetting scores, before you create a PDF file of your typeset, you may also want to check that your work conforms to IMSLP's guidelines for typesets. Also, if possible, it is a good idea to include a zip archive of the actual engraving files and/or an archive of the typeset in a flexible format like MusicXML or MEI.
Important Note: If you are brand new to this website with uploading files for the first time. The administrators who manage this site WILL NOT TOLERATE aggressively spamming uploads on workpages and creating multiple workpages done in a sloppy manner with formatting details with fields and comments that do not comply to this website's formatting rules. It is highly recommended to proceed slowly and double or triple check your work before uploading. Certain important fields must be filled in English, like the file description and the instrumentation fields. Please review our Manual of Style for how to properly format fields on workpages and creating them. If you decide to upload, say, 20-100+ files in one day at your own risk and they all have to be corrected with the same mistakes, 95% of them will most likely have to be deleted depending on the severity of the issues on the workpages and file uploads if there are copyright issues (and if multiple workpages were of the same issues repeatedly). A few will be corrected (as long as it is, say, a typeset uploaded correctly but not a typeset uploaded as public domain or a public domain file with lack of details) at your own convenience to review and you will need to start over again and only upload a few at a time per day (5-10 a day for single file uploads on multiple workpages, vice versa for multi-upload on fewer workpages, can be more than 10 files though) until we feel you can upload more until as much as you want. If you do ignore our warnings about aggressively spamming uploads, your account and workpage may be blocked for a set period of time until you have read over the contributor portal. Please understand there is not a big team of administrators that are on here (most of the time just one or two) on a daily basis; please respect their time as there are many other files by other users to be reviewed for copyright. Remember, DO NOT upload your entire life's compositional output in one day (unless its a reasonable amount); if you want to have your entire output on the site, do not go overboard with uploading a huge amount at first. A little at a time IS BETTER than going many hours with a huge amount and all of them having to be corrected. It will be a journey of many weeks and months to upload files if you have several works to contribute, not a sprint done in a few days.
참조: 간단한 저작권
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