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This page is the main manual page for accessing the old IMSLP API. See IMSLP:API for a description of the new IMSLP API.
IMSLP offers a simple Ruby script to access this API. Anyone interested in obtaining the script should e-mail User:Feldmahler with a description of the purpose for the request.
IMSLP has a separate API to query information not contained on work pages. The entry page is Special:IMSLPAPI.
General Usage Syntax:<return format>/<function>/<first double url-encoded arg>/<second double url-encoded arg>/<and so on>...
General Return Format: All return values are serialized using the PHP serialize() function. A string with the error is returned on failure, a non-string with the result on success.
function query_imslp_api( $function, $args = array() ) { return unserialize( file_get_contents( "{$function}/" . implode( '/', array_map( 'rawurlencode', $args ) ) ) ); }
unserialize is the main function; do_uns is a helper function and should not be called directly.
def unserialize( string ) string = string ) def string.read_until( char ) val = '' while (c = 1 )) != char val << c end val end do_uns( string ) end def do_uns( string ) case (type =[0,1]) when 'a' # associative array, a:length:{[index][value]...} val = {} string.read_until( '{' ).to_i.times { |i| key = do_uns( string ); val[key] = do_uns( string ) } 1 ) # skip the ending } when 's' # string, s:length:"data"; len = string.read_until( ':' ).to_i + 3 # quotes, separator val = len )[1...-2] # read it, kill useless quotes when 'i' # integer, i:123 val = string.read_until( ';' ).to_i when 'd' # double (float), d:1.23 val = string.read_until( ';' ).to_f when 'N' # NULL, N; val = nil when 'b' # bool, b:0 or 1 val = ([0] == ?1 ? true : false ) else raise TypeError, "Unable to unserialize type '#{type}'" end val end