pURLs simplify the submissions process by making the IMSLP server download the file directly from another website or service.
All pURLs follow the following basic syntax:
<pURL type>://<pURL data>
Type-specific Description and Syntax
Upload from a URL
- Description: This pURL allows a submitter to request that the IMSLP server download a file directly from a HTTP or HTTPS URL.
- Type String: http:// or https://
- Syntax: Simply paste the http or https URL. If you want to upload to a different filename, add !!NAMEAS!! followed by the new filename to the end of the pURL.
Upload from Sibley
- Description: This pURL allows a submitter to request that the IMSLP server download the file directly from the Sibley Music Library. It is a part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
- Type String: sibley://
- Syntax: This pURL is strictly for internal use by the Sibley upload special page. Do not attempt to use this pURL directly.
- Description: This pURL allows a submitter to request that the IMSLP server submit a range of pages from one or more existing submitted PDF (e.g. for an item in a collection or to combine a number of PDF files).
- Type String: pdf://
- Syntax: pdf://<IMSLP # of first file>/<page range(s), or empty for entire file>[/<IMSLP # of second file>/<page range(s)>/...]
- <page range(s)> may include ranges with commas, for example, 2-3,5,7-9 for pages 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9.
- Examples:
- pdf://12345/1-3 (extract pages 1-3 of IMSLP #12345)
- pdf://12345/1-2,5/54321/5,3-4 (extract pages 1, 2 and 5 from IMSLP #12345, and pages 5, 3 and 4 from IMSLP #54321)
- pdf://12345//54321//23456/ (combine IMSLP #s 12345, 54321 and 23456)
Please contact Feldmahler if you are having trouble with pURLs.