IMSLP:Score submission guide/File Information

This page details the accepted style used in various informational fields within work pages' file entry blocks.


File Descriptions

The file descriptions appear in the coloured boxes on each work page, and can be edited as part of the page in the usual way. Much of this information is generated automatically when the files are uploaded, and we must take care not to alter or delete any text that could affect the downloading of the files. The parts we need to concern ourselves with in this section are the lines for "File Descriptions" fields, which appear in the following form:

|File Description 1=

Each PDF file has its own description, which is the bold blue text you would normally click on to download the file. This would normally be entered by the person uploading the file in the first place, but it can be changed later at any time.

It is not necessary to indicate here whether this is an orchestral score, an arrangement, etc. as that information should already be given in the page headings and sub-headings (see elsewhere for more on that).

Complete Work

In general, the sole purpose of the File Description field is to show whether the file concerned represents the whole work or just an extract from it. For example:

|File Description 1=Complete Score

... means that the file covers the complete work. It is generally best to use this description when the entirety of a work is represented in one file. This applies to all scores, including transcriptions and excerpts, but they must be under the proper heading - see IMSLP:Score submission guide/Layout of Work Pages. Thus, the File Description fields might contain something like the following sample text:
Machaut's lost Concerto Grosso for Car Horn, Tuba, and Xylophone
===Full Scores===

|File Description 1=Complete Score
|File Description 2=Complete Score (better scan)
Edition info, etc.
|File Description 1=Complete Score (Color)
|File Description 2=Complete Score (Monochrome)
|File Description 1=Complete Score (300 dpi)
|File Description 2=Complete Score (600 dpi)

===Vocal Scores===

|File Description 1=Complete Score

Single Movements/Pieces

In the case of opera with multiple pieces under the same opus (e.g. Brahms Op. 119), it is best to title the complete file Complete Score, but any individual files #. NAME. Individual movements of whole pieces (Symphonies, etc.) use Roman Numerals (I, II, IV, etc.) - I. Allegro ma non troppo ed un poco scorrevole. Taking the Brahms Op. 119 as an example:
4 Piano Pieces
====Original Version====

|File Description 1=Complete Score
|File Description 2=1. Intermezzo
|File Description 3=2. Intermezzo
|File Description 4=3. Intermezzo
|File Description 5=4. Rhapsody

===Arrangements and Transcriptions===
=====For Bassoon, Cello, and Mezzo-Soprano (Anonymous)=====

|File Description 1=Complete Score

====No.1. Intermezzo====
=====For Orchestra (Liszt/Carter)=====

|File Description 1=Complete Score

Or the Mozart Coronation Concerto:
Piano Concerto No.26, K.537
===Full Scores===

|File Description 1=Complete Score
|File Description 2=I. Allegro
|File Description 3=II. Larghetto
|File Description 4=III. Allegretto

Stage Works

In the case of Dramatic Works, it is best to split the file by act (scene/number if necessary). Also, introductions (overture, intrada, prelude, etc.) get titled as they are. Thus: (complete field information omitted from here for brevity's sake)

===Full Scores===
Complete Score
Act I
Act II
Act IV
Act V
Complete Score
===Vocal Scores===
Complete Score


Please keep all parts in score order. Parts fall under 2 distinct categories: Orchestral and Chamber.


See Also: IMSLP:Community Projects/Orchestra Parts Project/Manual of Style
Title Strings by the section - Violins I, Violas, Basses, Octobasses, and winds by singular instrument - Flute 1, 2; Oboe 3, 14. For doubling, use (doubling INSTRUMENT) (i.e. Soprano (doubling tambourine). For transposing instruments, use the nomenclature (KEY) (i.e. Flute 1, 2 (E); Oboe 1 (D), 2 (F)).


Chamber instruments are usually singular; please keep all parts in separate files. Just use the same nomenclature as above - Violin I, Flute, Glass Harmonica, Heckelphone.
Chamber pieces with piano are an exception. Usually, the piano part will also be the full score. In these cases, the description is Complete Score, even when no other parts are available. For example:
Sonata for Piano and Harp (Anonymous)

Complete Score


Audio files follow the same rules, except "Complete Score" becomes "Complete Performance".

Publisher Information & Reprint

General notes

The Publisher Information field contains most of the information concerning a score's edition, with the Reprint field filling out the rest. At their most general and verbose, the fields would be written in this format:

|Publisher Information=''Series title'', enum ##<br>Place: Publisher, No.####, date. Plate #####.<br>''Reissue'' - Place: Publisher, No.####, date. Plate #####.
|Reprint=Place: Publisher, No.####, date. Plate (or catalog) #####.

Any of these pieces of data may be omitted if they are not applicable or cannot be found; however, if the name of the publisher or the date is unavailable, an appropriate placeholder should be inserted (e.g., 'Unidentified publisher' or 'n.d.'). Such unidentified publications can be readily handled by use of the {{NoPubID}} template. The absolute minimum required publisher information, then, looks something like this:

|Publisher Information=Publisher, date.

Note that in cases of typesetters' uploads of their own work, the date is frequently omitted altogether if it is not available--leaving just the name of the typesetter or publisher by itself.

The following is a typical example:

|Publisher Information=''Artists' Vocal Album''<br>Boston: White, Smith & Co., 1887. Plate 2097-5.

... which looks like this on the page:

Artists' Vocal Album
Boston: White, Smith & Co., 1887. Plate 2097-5.

Formatting dates

Most pieces of data in the publisher information field are pretty self-explanatory, but the notation for publication dates is a little more involved. Essentially, there are the following possible cases: (publisher and date information here are for example purposes only)

Leipzig: C.F. Peters, 1915.
-- meaning: The date 1915 was printed on the original score and is visible in the scan.
Leipzig: C.F. Peters, (1915).
-- meaning: The date 1915 was printed on the original score, but is not visible in this particular scan.
Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.[1915].
-- meaning: The score was not printed with a date, but it could be verified through a reliable third-party source.
Note that 'n.d.' should be written even if the score was later marked with a date, for example by a library.
Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.(ca.1915). or
Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.(1915?). or
Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.(before 1915). (etc.)
-- meaning: The score was not printed with a date, and the true date could not be verified in any other source. 1915 here is a guess.

Misc. Notes

This field can include any other information required to distinguish between different versions, such as the key or instrumentation:

|Misc. Notes=For medium voice (in F major)
|Misc. Notes=Includes solo violin part
|Misc. Notes=With numerous cuts and alterations

It can also provide details of scoring for arrangements/transcriptions (lower case, separated by commas):

|Misc. Notes=Scored for flute, 2 clarinets (A), horn (F), trumpet (D), violins I, violins II, violas, cellos, double basses
|Misc. Notes=Original 1869 version.

Furthermore, this field is designed to contain information about the scanning or typesetting method, if applicable. Separate from other comments using a line break (<br>). Try to be a specific as possible:

  • Scanning: Scanned at [resolution] dpi, in [color scheme (color depth/grayscale/monochrome)], with [compression method (JPEG/CCITT/...)] compression. Optionally you can include the name of the scanning device.
  • Typeset: Typeset using [typesetting software] version [software version].

All other notes that are of interest should be included:

|Misc. Notes=Page xx missing / unreadable / ...