Ich freue mich im Herren (Vierdanck, Johann)

Sheet Music


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Ks (2020/5/7)

Editor Klaas Spijker
Publisher. Info. Klaas Spijker, 2020.
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General Information

Work Title Ich freue mich im Herren
Alternative. Title Geistliche Hochzeit-Freude
Composer Vierdanck, Johann
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IJV 4
Key C major
First Performance. 1643/02/23
First Publication. 1643
Language German
Average DurationAvg. Duration 3 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation Kassel manuscript: soprano (or tenor), 2 violins, continuo; 3 trombones (ad lib.) and ATB voices
Jakob Jeger print: soprano (or tenor), 2 violins, continuo
External Links Manuscript source in Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel

Navigation etc.

  • There are at present two known sources for this work. The first is a manuscript in the Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel (see above for link). Title page: "Geistliche Hochzeit-Freude auss dem Propheten Jesaia cap. 61 ... auff dero hochzeitlichen Ehrentag den 23. Februarii Anno 1643. gehalten. à 6. ò[vero]. 3. Autore Johann Vierdanck, org. ad S. Mariaen in Stralsundt." It is unknown whether this manuscript is an autograph manuscript.
  • RISM's link for this work is for the Swedish Stadsbibliotek, Växjö. It is for a print published in 1643 by Jakob Jeger, and it is for soprano or tenor, 2 violins, continuo. There is no mention of the other vocal parts, nor of the trombone parts. Since 1643 is within Vierdanck's lifetime, it is assumed this version had his approval.
  • This page is tagged for both options, until such time as more is known about whether the manuscript at Kassel is by a copyist or by Vierdanck himself.