Improvisations on a theme by Constant Lambert (Rawsthorne, Alan)

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Sheet Music


PDF scanned by Sissel Ng
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Publisher. Info. London: Oxford University Press, 1962.
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General Information

Work Title Improvisations on a theme by Constant Lambert
Alternative. Title
Composer Rawsthorne, Alan
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IAR 19
First Performance. 1961/01/11
  • Performed by Northen Sinfonia Orchestra, conducted by Michael Hall, in Newcastle.
First Publication. 1962
Dedication Isabel Rawsthorne (1912 - 1992)
Average DurationAvg. Duration 12 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Modern
Instrumentation orchestra
Extra Information Commissioned by Northern Sinfonia Concert Society. Theme bought from Lambert's ballet Tiresias, which was premiered in Covent Garden, London in 1951.
The work appears to be for chamber music more than an orchestral music. -Sissel