Jōgashima no Ame (Yanada, Tadashi)

This work has been identified as being in the public domain in Canada and the United States, as well as countries where the copyright term is life+50 years. However, this work is not in the public domain in countries where the copyright term is life+70 years (including all EU countries), unless an exception (such as the rule of the shorter term) applies. Works still protected by copyright can only be used with the permission of the copyright holder. See public domain for details.
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MID file (audio/video)
Tsester (2013/7/30)

Publisher Info. Spyridon Papanastasiou
Performers MIDI
Misc. Notes v0.4
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Sheet Music


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Shin-Itchiro (2010/7/1)

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Shin-Itchiro (2010/7/1)

PDF typeset by editor
Shin-Itchiro (2010/7/1)

Editor Shin-Itchiro Yokoyama
Publisher. Info. YOKOYAMA Shin-Itchiro's Sheet Music Library
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PDF typeset by editors
Ebe123 (2017/7/2)

ZIP typeset by editors
Ebe123 (2017/7/2)

Editor Spyridon Papanastasiou
Engraver Lilypond
Publisher. Info. Tsester, IMSLP, 2013
Misc. Notes Source at User:Tsester/Jōgashima no Ame (Yanada, Tadashi)
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General Information

Work Title Jōgashima no Ame
Alternative. Title 城ヶ島の雨
The Rain on Jōgashima Island
The Rain at Jōgashima Island
Composer Yanada, Tadashi
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. ITY 1
Key C minor
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1913
First Performance. 1913-10-30 at Yūraku-za (有楽座), Tokyo
Copyright Information Possibly public domain in EU and other 70 pma territories.
This item, which is in the public domain in its country of origin, is likewise in the public domain in countries which apply the rule of the shorter term. All EU countries apply the rule of the shorter term in general.
Note that in some cases this rule may be overridden by a treaty with the source country (especially the United States) and/or may not apply to works which fell into the public domain in their source country due to a failure to renew copyright or comply with other formalities.
Librettist Hakushū Kitahara (北原 白秋, 1885-1942)
Language Japanese
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation voice, piano
External Links Miura City, Kanagawa (Japanese)