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A Toy
For Guitar
Publisher Info.
David Booth, 2020.
Synthesized MIDI
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Sheet Music
Publisher. Info.
Manuscript, n.d.
Misc. Notes
Partly malign scan. According to WorldCat there should be 54 unnumbered leaves. (?) Here 92 PNG-files are included. File-names 00, 02, 02v, 03, 03v, ..., 35v, 36, 37, ..., 43, 44, 44v, ..., 49v, 50v, 51, 51v conserved in PDF-bookmarks.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions
A Toy
For Guitar
David Booth (b. 1960)
Publisher. Info.
David Booth, 2020.
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Le Rossignol
For Lute and Violin (Váša)
Vladimír Váša (b. 1982)
Publisher. Info.
Vladimír Váša, 2023.
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General Information
Work Title
Jane Pickering's lute book
Alternative. Title
Pickering, Jane
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
First Publication.
1616 ca.
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
Extra Information
British Library MS Egerton 2046
Navigation etc.
Content; fol.-numbering as used by Sarge Gerbode and in the PDF. (Normally, title/author, if given, is placed where the piece _ends_.)
- 02v the battelle
- 03v the battelle for ij lutes
- 04 the pauecheo for ii lutes Johnsone (John Johnson, Lavecchia Pavan; just part 1)
- 04 Lauecheo gallyerde for ii lutes by Johnsone (John Johnson, Lavecchia Galliard)
- 04v Lauecheo gallyerde for ii lutes by Johnsone (John Johnson, Lavecchia Galliard)
- 05 the flatt pauion for ij luttes by Johnsone (John Johnson, Flat Pavan)
- 05 the flatt pauion for ij luttes by Johnsone (John Johnson, Flat Pavan)
- 05v the galyerd to the flatt pauion for ij luttes by Johnson (John Johnson, Flat Galliard)
- 06 the galyerd to the flatt pauion for ij luttes by Johnson (John Johnson, Flat Galliard)
- 06 Drewries accordes (2 lutes) (Anonymous)
- 06v drewries accordes (2 lutes) (Anonymous)
- 07 delatrumba for ij luttes (Anonymous, De la Tromba Pavan)
- 08 delatrumba for ij luttes (Anonymous, De la Tromba Pavan)
- 08 Larosignall for ij luttes (Anonymous, La Rossignol, part 1)
- 08 the ground to the quadro galyerd to the treble (Anonymous, Quadran Galliard, duet ground)
- 08v Larolignoll (Anonymous, La Rossignol Almain, part 2)
- 09 A Treble (John Johnson, The Queen's Dump, duet treble)
- 09 the grounde to the treble be fore John Johnson, The Queen's Dump, duet ground)
- 10 the quadro pauing (Anonymous, Quadran Pavan, duettreble)
- 10 the gronud to the quadro pauing treble (Anonymous, Quadran Pavan, duet ground)
- 11 the treble to the spanish Pauinge by Alfonces (Alfonso Ferrabosco, Spanish Pavan, duet treble)
- 11 the ground to the treble (Alfonso Ferrabosco, Spanish Pavan, duet ground)
- 12 the treble to the pauinge of allasons (Richard Allison, Sharp Pavan, duet treble)
- 12 the ground to the treble (Richard Allison, Sharp Pavan, duet ground)
- 13 the treble to the quadro galyer[d] (Anonymous, Quadran Galliard, duet treble)
- 13 the ground to the treble (Anonymous, Quadran Galliard, duet ground)
- 14 A treble by Mr Johnson (John Johnson, Short Almain 2, duet treble)
- 14 the grownd to the treble (John Johnson, Short Almain, duet ground for 1 & 2)
- 14 A pauing (Mathias Mason, Pavan)
- 15 A treble (John Johnson, The Leaves be Green the Nuts be Brown, duet treble)
- 15 the grownd to the treble before (?John Johnson, The Leaves be Green the Nuts be Brown, duet ground)
- 15 ./. (Anonymous, Toy)
- 15 ./. (Anonymous, Toy)
- 16 the scottish Huntsupe (John Johnson, The Scottish Hunt's Up)
- 17 Lacrime by dowlande (John Dowland, Lachrimae Pavan)
- 17 Strogers galyerd (Nicholas Strogers, In Nomine Galliard)
- 18 the battell galyerd by mr. dowlande (John Dowland, Battle Galliard/King of Denmark's Galliard/Mr Mildmay's Galliard)
- 18 My Ladie Riches galyerd (John Dowland, Lady Rich's Galliard/ Dowland's Bells)
- 19 A Pauine by Francis Cuttinge (Francis Cutting, Sans Per Pavan)
- 19 ./. (Anonymous, Toy)
- 19 ./. (Anonymous, Toy)
- 19 ./. (John Dowland, Mrs White's Choice/Thing)
- 19 ./. (Anonymous, What if a day or a moneth or a year)
- 20 Pipers Pauinge by Mr dowlande (John Dowland, Captain Digorie Piper's Pavan)
- 21 A pauine by daniell Bachler (Daniel Bacheler, Pavan)
- 21 A Toye (Anonymous)
- 22 A pavine by Franns Cuttinge (Francis Cutting, Mrs Anne Markham's Pavan)
- 22 A Toye (Anonymous)
- 22 ./. (Anonymous, Toy)
- 22 A Toye (Anonymous)
- 22v Sweet Robyne (John Dowland, Robin is to the Greenwood Gone/Bonny Sweet Robin/Robin Hood)
- 23 A pauin by mr Johnsonn (John? Johnson, Pavan)
- 24 A Fantasia (?John Dowland)
- 24 A Toye (Anonymous)
- 24 A Toye (Anonymous)
- 24 A Toye (Anonymous, Bara Faustus's Dream)
- 25 A Fantasi (John Dowland)
- 25 god be with the Francs
- 25 My lord willobes wellcome home by John dowland (John Dowland)
- 26 A Pavin by Rossetters (Philip Rosseter, Pavan)
- 26 A galyerd by Rossesters (Philip Rosseter, Galliard)
- 27 Mall Symes (Johan Leo Hassler)
- 27v A pauin by Mr Daniell Bachler (Daniel Bacheler, Pavan)
- 28 A Galyard by Mr Edmond Collarde (Edmund Collard)
- 28 ./. (Anonymous, Toy)
- 28 Drawe neare me and lowe me (Anonymous)
- 28v A Carranta (Daniel Bacheler, More Palatino/En Me Revenant)
- 29 A Crananto (Anonymous, Courant)
- 29 A H J (?Anthony Holborne, Almain)
- 29 A Toy (Anonymous)
- 29 A Toy (Anonymous)
- 29v Go from my window by Mr Dowland (John Dowland)
- 30 A Galyard by Mr Daniell Bachler (Daniel Bacheler)
- 30 The Maids in Constrite
- 31 ./. (John Dowland/Daniel Bacheler, Une Jeune Fillette/Nonette)
- 31 A Toye (Anonymous)
- 31v Dowlandes Lamentation Semp dolent (John Dowland, Semper Dowland Semper Dolens)
- 32 Almaine by frauncis Cuttinge (Francis Cutting)
- 32 Delight galyerd by Mr Johnsonn (John Johnson)
- 32 The English Huntsuppe by John Whitfelde (John Whitfield, The English Hunt's Up)
- 32v Chow bente (Anonymous)
- 33 Carmans whistle by Mr Johnsonne (John Johnson)
- 33 ./. (John Dowland, Loth to Depart)
- 33v My lord willoughbies welcom home by Mr byrde (William Byrd arr. ?John Dowland)
- 33v A Toye (Anonymous)
- 33v A Toye (Anonymous, Robin Redbreast)
- 34 The Countiss of pembruth fineralle by anthouy holborne (Anthony Holborne, Pavan, The Countess of Pembroke's Funerals)
- 34 A Toye (Anonymous, Up Tails All)
- 34 A Toye (Anonymous, The Friar and the Nun/The New Medley)
- 35 The Madlay (John Johnson, The New Medley)
- 35 Sweet Robyhn (John Dowland, Robin is to the Greenwood Gone/Bonny Sweet Robin/Robin Hood)
- 36 Daphney and Corridon by John Whitfeild (John Whitfield)
- 36 A Galyerd (Robert Johnson)
- 38 ./. (Charles de L'Espine, Courante)
- 39 ./. (Anonymous, Courante)
- 41 ./. (Anonymous, Allemande)
- 42 ./. (?Robert Ballard, La Courant Sarabande)
- 43 Coranto Jo: Lawrence (Harpe way) (John Lawrence, Courant)
- 43 A Ballat Jo: Lawrence (John Lawrence, Ballet)
- 44 Gautier (Gaultier, Courante)
- 44 Sarabrande Jo: Lawrence (John Lawrence, Sarabande)
- 44v Coranto Gautier (Ennemond Gaultier, Courante)
- 45 ./. (Anonymous, Courant)
- 45v ./. (Anonymous, Almain?)
- 45v out (Anonymous, Almain)
- 46 Sarabande (Anonymous)
- 46v Le Sarabande (Germain Pinel)
- 46v ./. (Anonymous, Prelude, unmeasured)
- 47 Madamoiselle de beau (Anonymous, Branle de Metz)
- 47v ./. The king's March
- 47v ./. (Anonymous, Bouree)
- 48 ./. (Ennemond Gaultier, The Nightingale)
- 48v ./. (Anonymous, Sarabande)
- 48v ./. (Anonymous, le Sarabande.)
- 48v ./. (Anonymous, Prelude?, unmeasured)
- 49 Prelude (Anonymous)
- 49v ./. (Anonymous, Jig?)
- 50v Gauter tuninge (Anonymous, Country Dance?)
- 50v Galliarde. Gautier tuneinge. (Anonymous)
- 50v ./. (Anonymous, frgmt)
- 51 Gauteir: Tuneinge Hornespipe (Anonymous, Hornpipe)
- 51v a Corranto Gau: (Anonymous, Patientia Courant)
- 51v Besse Bell Gau. (Anonymous)
- 51v Trenshmoore Gau: (Anonymous)