Josef Seiling

sacred work cover ca. 1880s
unusual secular work cover ca. 1880s



Josef Seiling (1851-1924) published church music in Regensburg and Munich from 1881 to 1894. The catalog included works by Caspar Ett, Joseph Hanisch, Friedrich Koenen, Carl Santner, Ferdinand Schaller, and Franz Xaver Witt. The most distinguished work was Joseph Rheinberger's Stabat Mater Op.138 (1885)(see Monatsbericht (1885), p.14). The firm had the title Hoflieferant S[einer] K[öniglichen] Hoh[eit] d[es] Prinzen Ludwig Ferdinand v[on] Bayern and Hofmusikalienverleger.

Schwann of Düsseldorf bought the firm in 1894, but a retail shop continued in Munich.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies

  • Josef Seiling
  • Seiling

Plate Numbers

Josef Seiling's plate numbers were issued in a regular chronological fashion. Plate numbers are in the format of ###. Dates in italics are estimated. Many issues may have been issued without numbered plates.

Plate Composer Work Year
010 Hanisch 4 Antiphonae Marianae: ad duas voces, Op.21 1882
011 Hanisch Mass No.1, Op.20 '1882
029 Hanisch Mass No.2, Op.22 '1882
109 Zenger 3 Lieder in oberbayerischer Mundart, Op.78 1893

Sources Consulted

BSB catalog