Le cercle des heures (Samazeuilh, Gustave)

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Sheet Music


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Daphnis (2018/7/7)

Translator Rudolf Kayser (1889-1964), German translation
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand, 1933. Plate D. & F. 12,338.
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General Information

Work Title Le cercle des heures
Alternative. Title Stundenkreis
Composer Samazeuilh, Gustave
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IGS 21
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 7 movements:

I. Son nom
II. Doute
III. Renouveau IV. Si j'étais une luciole...
V. Deux étoiles brillantes...
VI. Baiser

First Publication. 1933
Librettist Franz Toussaint (1879-1955) and other authors as collected in Anthologie de la littérature chinoise (1933) by Sung-Nien-Hsu. Those librettists, as stated on page 3 of the vocal score, are as follows.
  1. Franz Toussaint (1879-1955)
  2. K'ang-Po-Ts'ing
  3. Tsong Po-hona (=? Song p'o an?)
  4. Li Tai Po
  5. Me-Cheng
  6. Wang Ye-ngan
Language French
Dedication à Alfred Bachelet
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation voice, piano

Navigation etc.

Author's note on the first page of the "Son nom" movement:

Le texte de la première de ces pièces est un poème arabe tiré du Jardin des Caresses de Mr Franz Toussaint. Ceux des cinq autres sont extraits de l'Anthologie de la littérature chinoise par Sung-Nien-Hsu et ont respectivement pour auteurs MM. K'ang-Po-Ts'ing, Tsong Po-hona, Lieou Ta-po, Me-Cheng et Wang Ye-ngan.

Who is the translator of the Chinese poems? Can one include text incipits to attempt to guess at the names of the original authors, as "Tsong Po-hona" and most of the others (Lieou Ta-Po is clearly Li Tai Po!) seem to be new to us at least as written??... -ES