This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see Category:Bersa, Blagoje. A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page. Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.
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Wikipedia Worklist
Works with Opus Number
Op. 1 - Povero Tonin za violinu i klavir
Op. 3 - Valzer - A Major
Op. 7 - Trio u klasičnom stilu
Op. 8 - Mrtvoj dragoj
Op. 11 - Minuet
Op. 15 - Theme and Variations
Op. 16 - Bagatelle
Op. 18 - Rondo-Polonaise
Op. 19 - Piano Sonata No. 1 - C Major
Op. 20 - Piano Sonata No. 2 - F Minor
Op. 23 - Amleto
Op. 24 - Marcia Trionfale
Op. 25 - Overture drammatica
Op. 25b - "Il giorno delle mie nozze" Idillio
Op. 25c - Capriccio-Scherzo
Op. 25d - "Vita nuova" Finale
Op. 26 - Stabat Mater
Op. 27 - Fantaisie-Impromptu
Op. 28 - Primorska pjesmica
Op. 30 - Motette
Op. 33 - Zaljubljeni ludjak
Op. 37 - Ora Triste
Op. 38 - Notturno
Op. 40 - "Und als ich so lange" Lyrisches Intermezzo