List of Works by Francis Edward Bache

This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see
Category:Bache, Francis Edward.

A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.

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  • Wikipedia worklist
  • Hofmeister XIX Database
  • VIAF
  • Available pieces Online

Works with Opus Number

  • Op. 1 - 3 Impromptus
  • Op. 2 - ?
  • Op. 3 - ?
  • Op. 4 - ?
  • Op. 5 - ?
  • Op. 6 - ?
  • Op. 7 - ?
  • Op. 8 - ?
  • Op. 9 - Polonaise for Piano and Orchestra
  • Op. 10 - ?
  • Op. 11 - ?
  • Op. 12 - ?
  • Op. 13 - 4 Mazurkas de Salon - Pub. 1855.
  • Op. 14 - "The Harp that once thro’ Tara’s halls" Rêverie caractéristique sur une Mélodie irlandaise - Pub. in Leipzig by Kistner, 03/1857.
  • Op. 15 - 5 Charakterstücke - Pub. 1855.
  • Op. 16 - 6 Melodies - Pub. 1850.
  • Op. 17 - 2 Polkas de Salon - Pub. in Leipzig by Kistner, 07/1757.
  • Op. 18 - Piano Concerto - E Minor - Pub. 1856.
  • Op. 19 - "Souvenirs d'Italie" 8 Morceaux
  1. "Toujours gai" Marche gracieuse
  2. "Madelaine" Romance
  3. "Bon Matin" Bluette
  4. "Sur les Lagunes" Barcarolle-Etude
  5. "L’Allégresse" Presto capriccioso
  6. "Rêve d’une Villageoise" Chant pastoral
  7. "Dors, mon enfant" Berceuse
  8. "Fête napolitaine" Morceau de Fantaisie
  • Op. 20 - ?
  • Op. 21 - 2 Romances for cello and piano - Pub. 1859.
  • Op. 22 - ?
  • Op. 23 - "Feu follet" Galop brillante No. 2 - Pub. in Leipzig by Kistner, 09-10/1859.
  • Op. 24 - ?
  • Op. 25 - Piano Trio - D Minor - Pub. 1865.
  • Op. 26 - "Souvenirs de Torquay" 5 Morceaux - Pub. in Leipzig by Kistner, 01/1860.
  1. "L’Invitation" Mazurka
  2. Prière de jeune Fille
  3. Mélodie-Etude
  4. "Les quatre Voleurs" Scherzo
  5. "La Légèreté" Rondo élégant

Works without Opus Number

  • Andante and Allegro for Organ
  • Duo brillante for violin and piano
  • Flute Concerto - Pub. 1852.
  • "L’Irrésistible" Galop di Bravura - Pub. in Mailand by Luca, 12/1861.
  • Litany
  • Piano Concerto - G Minor - Comp. 1850.
  • "Rubezahl" Opera - Pub. 1852.
  • String Quartet - F Major - Pub. 1851.
  • "Which is Which" Opera