List of works by Arthur Willner

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Works with Opus Number

  • Op.1 - Piano Trio in G minor. Assigned Op.19 from Willner's Juvenilia. Manuscript score, cello part, violin part.
  • Op.2 - Piano Sonata in B minor. Assigned Op.23 in Willner's Juvenilia.
  • Op.3 - Piano Trio in E major. This is possibly Op.29 from Willner's Juvenilia.
  • Op.4 - Symphony in C major. First performance: Teplitz, Franz Zeischka. Assigned Op.27 in Willner's Juvenilia.
  • Op.5 - Lieder Episoden (Felix Dormann). Assigned Op.28 in Willner's Juvenilia.
  • Op.6 - Piano Rhapsody.
  • Op.7 - Piano Concerto.
  • Op.8 - Gesange (eigene texte).
  • Op.9 - String Quartet No.1 (No.3 in Juvenilia) in F major. First performance: Berlin, Gustav Hollaender Quartet, 1903. In manuscript. Assigned Op.30a in Willner's Juvenilia. Manuscript score and parts.
  • Op.10 - String Quartet No.2 (No.4 in Juvenilia) in E minor. First Performance: Berlin, Hollandisches String Quartet. In manuscript. Assigned Op.30b in Willner's Juvenilia. Manuscript scores (copy 1 and copy 2) and parts (copy 1, copy 2, copy 3).
  • Op.11 - Violin Sonata No.1 in D major. First performance: Prague, Henri Marteau. Assigned Op.31 in Willner's Juvenilia. Manuscript score (copy 1, copy 2, copy 3) and part (copy 1, copy 2).
  • Op.12 - Seebilder. Six Pieces for Piano. (Berlin: Ries and Erler, ?).
  • Op.13 - Sehnsucht (symphonic poem). First performance: Prageu, Leo Blech. Manuscript piano reduction.
  • Op.14 - String Quartet No.3 in C major. In manuscript. Manuscript scores (copy 1, copy 2, copy 3, copy 4), parts (2 copies), and sketches dated 1905.
  • Op.15 - Variations for Cello and Piano. First performance: Berlin, Jacques van Irier(sp?).
  • Op.16 - Variations for Piano. First performance: Frieda Kwast.
  • Op.17? - Jugend (symphonic poem).
  • Op.17 - Symphony No.1 "Aus Muenchener Tagen". Manuscript parts: copy 1, copy 2.
  • Op.18 - Sextet in F major for Piano, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon, Oboe, Flute. First performance: Amersterdam, Concertgebouw. Manuscript parts.
  • Op.18 - Piano Quintet in F major. Manuscript score and parts: copy 1, copy 2.
  • Op.19 - Abendstimmungen for Piano.
  • Op.20 - Variations for Two Pianos (Variationen über ein eigenes Thema). First performance: Weimar, Tonkunstlerfest. (Berlin: Dreililien, 192?). Manuscript score and copy of engraved score.
  • Op.21 - Violin Sonata No.2 in C minor. First performance: Berlin, Carl Flesch. Also performed over the radio in Paris and Bratislava. In manuscript. Manuscript score (copy 1, copy 2) and part (copy 1, copy 2, copy 3 (incomplete)).
  • Op.22 - An den Tod for baritone, chorus, and orchestra (Hebbel?). First performance: Orefelct (sp?), Tonkunstlerfest. (Cologne: Tischer and Jagenberg, ?).
  • Op.23 - 2 Sonatas for 2 Solo Violins (D major, B-flat major).
a. Sonata in D major (Berlin: Madrigal Verlag, ?). First performance: Carl Flesch and Kresz. Manuscript score.
b. Sonata in B-flat major (Vienna: Universal Edition, ?). First performance: Georg Steiner and Christa Richter (Christa Richter-Steiner, granddaughter of composer Paul Richter; see biography, a dedicatee of Schmidt's A major string quartet).
  • Op.24 - Von Tag und Nacht. 24 Klavierfugen. First performance: Donaueschingen, Tonkunstlerfest. (Leipzig: F.E.C. Leuckart, 1922?).
  • Op.24bis - Symphonic Fugue "Von Tag und Nacht".
  • Op.25 - 24 Tanzweisen for Piano. First performance: Berlin, Lydia Hofm(ann?). (Vienna: Universal Edition, 1924). Manuscript score of arrangement for orchestra nos.?.
  • Op.26 - Piano Sonata No.2 in C major. First performance: Eduard Erdmann. Possibly also entitled "Fugue, Chaconne et Final." (Vienna: Universal Edition, 1925).
  • Op.27 - Piano Sonata No.1 - C major. In manuscript. First performance: Radio Prague. In manuscript. Manuscript score.
  • Op.28 - Piano Sonata No.3 in B-flat minor(?). In manuscript.
  • Op.29 - Vox lontana for Organ. First performance: Concerthaus Vienna or by Joos in Brussels(?). Not published (?). Also entitled "Adagio."
  • Op.30 - String Quintet in A minor (2 violins, viola, cello, double bass). Manuscript parts.
  • Op.31 - Violin Sonata No.3 in G major. First performance: Berlin, Jos. Wolfsthal. Manuscript score (copy 1, copy 2, copy 3) and part (copy 1, copy 2, copy 3), score and part (intermingled).
  • Op.32 - Suite for Violin and Piano. First performance: Vienna, Fredy Wanz(sp?). (Vienna: Universal Edition, 1929). Manuscript score and part (copy 1, copy 2).
  • Op.33 - Cello Concerto in F major. In manuscript. Manuscript score (incomplete), manuscript score cello/piano reduction (copy 1, copy 2, copy 3), cello solo part.
  • Op.34 - Sonata for Flute solo. (Leipzig: Zimmermann, ?).
  • Op.35 - Piano Sonata No.4 in C-sharp minor. In manuscript.
  • Op.36 - Praludium for Violin and Organ. Manuscript score (?). Possibly just the first part of the Moderato and Andante mit variationen.
  • Op.36 - Moderato and Andante mit variationen for Violin and Piano (Organ?). Manuscript score and part (copy 1, copy 2).
  • Op.37 - Concerto for String Orchestra in A minor. First performance: Vienna, Franz Schalk, 1926. (Vienna: Universal Edition, 1927). Manuscript full score (copy 1, copy 2), manuscript of piano solo reduction.
  • Op.38 - Choral-Vorspiele ("de Bach") for Organ. In manuscript.
  • Op.39 - Piano Sonata No.5 in B-flat major. In manuscript.
  • Op.40 - Frauenchore. First performance: Vienna.
  • Op.40 - Fantasie for Organ. Manuscript score.
  • Op.41 - Male Choruses. (Cologne: Tischer and Jagenberg, ?).
  • Op.42 - Poem of Hebbel for Mixed Chorus and Orchestra.
  • Op.43 - Tanzvariationen for Piano (or trio?). In manuscript.
  • Op.44 - String Quartet in D minor (A minor in another list). In manuscript. Manuscript scores (copy 1 and copy 2).
  • Op.45 - 12 Kleine Stucke for Piano 4 Hands. (Vienna: Doblinger, ?).
  • Op.46 - Suite for Violin and Cello Solo. Performed over Berlin radio. In manuscript. Also listed as Op.47 in another work list.
  • Op.47 - Chaconne for Cello and Piano. Performed over Konigsberg radio. Manuscript cello part for Duo-Suite Op.47.
  • Op.48 - ?
  • Op.49 - Meistergeige (I.H. Mackay) for Male (mixed?) Chorus and Orchestra. Performed over Vienna radio.
  • Op.50 - String Quartet in B minor. Performed over Leipzig radio. In manuscript.
  • Op.51 - Fantaisie in A minor for Organ.
  • Op.52 - Vom Licht. Cantata for Chorus and Orchestra.
  • Op.53 - Piano Concerto in E major. First performance: TSF Paris, Radio Strassburg. In manuscript. Manuscript orchestra parts (most erroneously marked as Op.56).
  • Op.54 - Hymnes for Voice and Piano.
  • Op.55 - Composition for piano 4 hands (?).
Op.55b - Variations for three Double Pianos on the Theme Oh Du Lieber Augustin. Manuscript score.

Works without Opus Number

Juvenilia (Jugendwerke)

Dates of composition: Op.1: 1896; Opp.2-9: 1897; Opp.10-14: 1898; Opp.15-20: 1899; Opp.21-25: 1900; Opp.26-28: 1901. Opp.29-31 probably date from 1902.

  • Op.1 - Phantasie in F minor for piano.
  • Op.2 - Phantasie in F-sharp minor for piano.
  • Op.3 - 2 Capriccios (C major, E-flat major) for piano.
  • Op.4 - 7 Clavierstücken.
  • Op.5 - 3 Duos for violin and piano.
  • Op.6 - 4 Rautendelein Lieder (Nickelmann).
  • Op.7 - Piano Sonata No.1 in D minor.
  • Op.8 - Piano Sonata No.2 in C minor.
  • Op.9 - 2 Pieces for piano (Etude, Phantasie (Kaiserlied)).
  • Op.10 - Piano Sonata No.3 in A major.
  • Op.11 - 12 Lieder.
  • Op.12 - 7 Frühlingslider (Uhland).
  • Op.13 - Piano Sonata No.4 in G major.
  • Op.14 - 6 Lieder.
  • Op.15 - Violin Sonata in B-flat major.
  • Op.16 - Piano Sonata No.5 in F major.
  • Op.17 - Suite in A minor for piano.
  • Op.18 - 7 Lieder.
  • Op.19 - Piano Trio in G minor. This was assigned Op.1 in Willner's list of works he recognized. Manuscript score, cello part, violin part.
  • Op.20 - String Quartet No.1 in D major. Manuscript score (Op.1 in pencil).
  • Op.21 - Octet in C major.
  • Op.22 - String Quartet No.2 in G major. Also listed as Op.1 on the manuscript. Manuscript score.
  • Op.23 - Piano Sonata No.6 in B minor. This was assigned Op.2 in Willner's list of works he recognized.
  • Op.24 - Preludien and Fuge for Organ.
  • Op.25 - Vision for soloist, chorus, and orchestra.
  • Op.26 - 2 Rhapsodies.
  • Op.27 - Symphony No.1 in C major. This was assigned Op.4 in Willner's list of works he recognized.
  • Op.28 - Episoden (11 Lieder). This was assigned Op.5 in Willner's list of works he recognized.
  • Op.29 - Piano Trio No.2 in E major. This is possibly the Trio Op.3 in Willner's list of works he recognized.
  • Op.30 - 2 String Quartets.
a. String Quartet (No.3) in F major. This was assigned Op.9 in Willner's list of works he recognized. Manuscript score and parts.
b. String Quartet (No.4) in E minor. This was assigned Op.10 in Willner's list of works he recognized. Manuscript scores (copy 1 and copy 2) and parts (copy 1, copy 2, copy 3).
  • Op.31 - Violin Sonata in D major. This was assigned Op.11 in Willner's list of works he recognized. Manuscript score (copy 1, copy 2, copy 3) and part (copy 1, copy 2).


Op. Op. (Juvenilia) Title Key Date Genre Instr Notes
1 19 Piano Trio G Minor comp. 1899 Trios vln, vlc, pf Manuscript, Cello part, Violin part
2 23 Piano Sonata B Minor comp. 1900 Sonatas pf
3 29 Piano Trio E Major comp. 1902 Trios vln, vlc, pf
4 27 Symphony C Major comp. 1901 Symphonies orch
5 28 "Episodien" 11 Lieder ? comp. 1901 Songs ?
6 Piano Rhapsody ? ? Rhapsodies pf
6 Piano Concerto ? ? Concertos pf, orch
8 Gesange ? ? Songs ?
9 30a String Quartet No. 1 (Juvenilia No. 3) F Major comp. 1902 Quartets 2 vlns, vla, vlc Manuscript, Parts
10 30b String Quartet No. 2 (Juvenilia No. 4) E Minor comp. 1902 Quartets 2 vlns, vla, vlc Manuscripts:copy 1, copy 2. Parts:copy 1, copy 2, copy 3
11 31 Violin Sonata No. 1 D Major comp. 1902 Sonata vln, pf Manuscript scores:copy 1,copy 2). Parts:(copy 1, copy 2, copy 3
12 "Seebilder" 6 Pieces ? Pieces pf
13 "Sehnsucht" Symphonic Poem ? ? Symphonic Poems orch, pf red. Manuscript piano reduction
14 String Quartet No. 3 C Major ? Quartets 2 vlns, vla, vlc Manuscripts:copy 1, copy 2, copy 3, copy 4). Parts: 2 copies. Scketches:dated 1905
15 Variations for Cello and Piano ? ? Variations vlc, pf
16 Variations for Piano ? ? Variations pf
17 "Aus Muenchener Tagen" Symphony No. 1 ? ? Symphonies orch Manuscripts: copy 1, copy 2.
17[b] "Jugend" Symphonic Poem ? ? Symphonic Poems orch
18 Piano Sextet F Major ? Sextets pf, cl, hrn, bsn, ob, fl.
18[b] Piano Quintet F Major ? Quintets pf Manuscripts: copy 1, copy 2.
19 Abendstimmungen ? ? Pieces pf
20 Variations for Two Pianos ? comp. ca. 1920's Variations 2 pf
21 Violin Sonata No.2 C Minor ? Sonatas vln, pf Manusripts: copy 1, copy 2. Parts: copy 1, copy 2, copy 3 (incomplete).
22 An den Tod ? ? Pieces B, orch
23 2 Sonatas for 2 Solo Violins ? ? Sonatas 2 vlns Sonata No. 1: Manuscript score.
24 "Von Tag und Nacht" 24 Klavierfugen ? Pub. ca. 1922 Pieces pf?
24[b] "Von Tag und Nacht" Symphonic Fugue ? ? Fugues orch?
25 24 Tanzweisen ? Pub. 1924 Dances pf Scores: Manuscript score of arrangement for orchestra.
26 Piano Sonata No. 2 C Major Pub. 1925 Sonatas pf
27 Piano Sonata No. 1 C Major ? Sonatas pf
28 Piano Sonata No. 3 B Minor ? Sonatas pf
29 Vox lontana ? ? Pieces org
30 String Quintet A Minor ? Quintets 2 vlns, vla, vlc, cb Scores: Manuscript parts.
31 Violin Sonata No. 3 G Mayor ? Sonatas vln, pf Scores: copy 1,copy 2, copy 3) and part (copy 1, copy 2, copy 3), score and part (intermingled)
32 Suite for Violin and Piano ? Suites vln, pf Scores: copy 1, copy 2
33 Cello Concerto F Major ? Concertos vcl, orch; vcl, pf Scores: Manuscript score (incomplete), manuscript score cello/piano reduction (copy 1, copy 2, copy 3), cello solo part
34 Solo Flute Sonata ? ? Sonatas fl
35 Piano Sonata No. 4 C# Minor ? Sonatas pf
36 Präludium for Violin and Organ ? ? Preludes vln, org Scores: Manuscript score (?)
36[b] Moderato and Andante mit variationen for Violin and Piano ? ? Variations vln, pf Scores: copy 1, copy 2
37 Concerto for String Orchestra A Minor ? Concertos str. orch; pf Scores: copy 1, copy 2), manuscript of piano solo reduction
38 Choral-Vorspiele ("de Bach") ? ? Chorals org
39 Piano Sonata No. 5 B Major ? Sonatas pf
40 Frauenchore ? Pieces ?
1 Phantasie F Minor comp. 1896 Pieces pf
2 Phantasie F# Minor comp. 1897 Pieces pf
3 2 Capriccios comp. 1897 Pieces pf
4 7 Klavierstücken comp. 1897 Pieces pf
5 3 Duos for violin and piano. comp. 1897 Duos vln, pf
6 4 Rautendelein Lieder von Nickelmann comp. 1897 Songs voice, pf
7 Piano Sonata No.1 D Minor comp. 1897 Sonatas pf
8 Piano Sonata No.2 C Major comp. 1897 Sonatas pf