List of works by Béla Bartók

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Category:Bartók, Béla.

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Catalogued works

The table below gives the following information for works by Béla Bartók (where applicable):

  • Sz — This is still the most widely used system for cataloging Bartók's works. These numbers refer to the catalogue of Bartók's mature works by András Szőllősy which appeared in Bartók: sa vie et son œuvre (1956) and which was revised in Ujfalussy's Béla Bartók (1965).
  • Opus (abbreviated as Op) — Bartók used three distinct sets of opus numbers throughout his career, described as follows:
    • Set No.1: Bartók used opus numbers 1-31 for his early works composed between 1890-94. For clarity, these opus numbers are labeled with one asterisk (*) in the table below.
    • Set No.2: With the composition of the Piano Sonata in 1894, he began again at 1 and gave opus numbers up through 21 before stopping. For clarity, these opus numbers are marked with two asterisks (**) in the table below.
    • Set No.3: With the Rhapsody for Piano (1904), Bartók started assigning opus numbers for the final time, this time only giving opus numbers to what he considered major works. After the Violin Sonata No.1 (1921) received Op.21, Bartók discontinued assigning opus numbers to his works. Numbers from this final set are not marked with any asterisk in the table, to differentiate from the two previous sets.
  • DD — The DD numbers come from Thematisches Verzeichnis der Jugendwerke Béla Bartóks (1974) by Denijs Dille, a book containing his catalogue of Bartok's early works. The catalogue features all of Bartók's works composed between 1890 and 1904.
  • BB — This is the most recent catalogue of Bartok's works and was done by László Somfai. It is a chronological index with works identified by BB numbers 1 to 129, incorporating corrections based on the Béla Bartók Thematic Catalogue.
  • Title — as used on IMSLP
  • Date — the year(s) of composition, where known
  • Forces — the instrumentation used (see IMSLP:Abbreviations for Instruments)
  • Genre — works are grouped in the following broad categories: Stage, Vocal, Orchestral, Chamber and Keyboard
  • Notes — concerning related works, completeness, authorship, etc.

The default table sort order is: first, (a) by ascending DD number until those numbers conclude, then (b) by ascending Sz number. Any remaining works that only have a DD or BB number are then inserted into an appropriate spot in the table.

Sz Op DD BB Title Date Forces Genre Notes
1 1* 1 1 Waltz 1890 pf Keyboard
- 2* 2 1 Changing Piece (Változó darab) 1890 pf Keyboard
2 3* 3 1 Mazurka 1890 pf Keyboard
- 4* 4 1 Budapest Athletic Competition (A Budapesti tornaverseny) 1890 pf Keyboard
- 5* 5 1 Sonatina No. 1 1890 pf Keyboard
- 6* 6 1 Wallachian Piece (Oláh darab) 1890 pf Keyboard
- 7* 7 1 Fast Polka (Gyorspolka) 1891 pf Keyboard
- 8* 8 1 'Béla' Polka 1891 pf Keyboard
- 9* 9 1 'Katinka' Polka 1891 pf Keyboard
- 10* 10 1 Voices of Spring (Tavaszi hangok) 1891 pf Keyboard
- 11* 11 1 'Jolán' Polka 1891 pf Keyboard
- 12* 12 1 'Gabi' Polka 1891 pf Keyboard
- 13* 13 1 Forget-me-not (Nefelejts) 1891 pf Keyboard
- 14* 14 1 Ländler No. 1 1891 pf Keyboard
- 15* 15 1 'Irma' Polka 1891 pf Keyboard
- 16* 16 1 Radegund Echo (Radegundi visszhang) 1891 pf Keyboard
- 17* 17 1 March (Induló) 1891 pf Keyboard
- 18* 18 1 Ländler No. 2 1891 pf Keyboard
- 19* 19 1 Circus Polka (Cirkusz polka) 1891 pf Keyboard
4 20* 20a 1 The Course of the Danube (A Duna folyása) 1891 pf Keyboard
4 20* 20b 1 The Course of the Danube (A Duna folyása) 1891 vn pf Chamber
- 21* 21 1 Sonatina No. 2 1891 pf Keyboard
- 22* 22 1 Ländler No. 3 1892 pf Keyboard Lost
- 23* 23 1 Spring Song (Tavaszi dal) 1892 pf Keyboard
- 24* 24 1 Szöllős Piece (Szöllősi darab) 1892 pf Keyboard Lost
- 25* 25 1 'Margit' Polka 1893 pf Keyboard
- 26* 26 1 'Ilona' Mazurka 1893 pf Keyboard
- 27* 27 1 'Loli' Mazurka 1893 pf Keyboard
- 28* 28 1 'Lajos' Waltz ('Lajos' valczer) 1893 pf Keyboard
- 29* 29 1 'Elza' Polka 1894 pf Keyboard
- 30* 30 1 Andante con variazioni 1894 pf Keyboard
- 31* 31 1 X.Y. 1894 pf Keyboard Lost
- 1** 32 2a Piano Sonata No. 1 in G minor 1894 pf Keyboard
- - 33 2b Scherzo in G Minor 1894 pf Keyboard
- 2** 34 3 Fantasie in A minor 1895 pf Keyboard
- 3** 35 4 Piano Sonata No. 2 in F major 1895 pf Keyboard
- 4** 36 5 Capriccio in B minor 1895 pf Keyboard
- 5** 37 6 Violin Sonata in C minor 1895 vn pf Chamber
- 6** 38 7 Piano Sonata No. 3 in C major 1895 pf Keyboard Lost
- 7** 39 7 Pieces for Violin 1895 vn Chamber Lost
- 8** 40 7 Fantasia for Violin 1896 vn Chamber Lost
- 9** 41 7 Fantasia for Violin 1896 vn Chamber Lost
- 10** 42 7 String Quartet No. 1 in B major 1896 2vn va vc Chamber Lost
- 11** 43 7 String Quartet No. 2 in C minor 1896 2vn va vc Chamber Lost
- 12** 44 7 Andante, Scherzo and Finale 1897 pf Keyboard Lost
- 13** 45 8 3 Klavierstücke 1897 pf Keyboard 1. Spring Song (Tavaszi dal), 2. Valse (Valcer) 3. In Wallachian Style (Oláhos)
- 14** 46 9 Piano Quintet in C major 1897 2vn va vc pf Chamber Lost
- 15** 47 9 2 Pieces 1897 pf Keyboard Lost
- 16** 48 9 Great Fantasy 1897 pf Keyboard Lost
- 17** 49 10 Violin Sonata in A major 1897 vn pf Chamber
8 18** 50 11 Scherzo oder Fantasie 1897 pf Keyboard first pub: 1965 (Schott: Der junge Bartók II)
- 19** 51 12 Piano Sonata in A major 1898 pf Keyboard
9 20** 52 13 Piano Quartet in C minor 1898 vn va vc pf Chamber
6 21** 53 14 3 Klavierstücke 1898 pf Keyboard
10 - 54 15 3 Lieder 1898 v pf Vocal
- - 55 16 Scherzo in B minor 1898 pf Keyboard
- - 56 17 String Quartet in F major 1898 2vn va vc Chamber
- - 57 18 Tiefblaue Veilchen 1899 sop orch Orchestral
- - 58 19 Scherzo in Sonata Form for String Quartet 1899-1900 2vn va vc Chamber
- - 59 19 Scherzo in B minor 1900 ca. pf Keyboard
54 - 60a 19 6 Dances 1900 ca. pf Keyboard
- - 60b 19 Waltz for Orchestra 1900 ca. orch Orchestral arr. of DD.60a, Nos.1-2
- - 61a 19 3 Choruses 1900-01? ch Vocal 1. Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht, 2. Was streift vorbei im Dämmerlicht, 3. Guckst du mir denn immer nach
- - 61b 19 Was streift vorbei im Dämmerlicht 1900-01? mch Vocal arr. of No.2 from DD.61a
- - B10 19 Piano Quintet fragments 1899 2vn va vc pf Chamber
- - B12 19 Piano Quintet fragments 1899 2vn va vc pf Chamber
13 - 62 20 Liebeslieder 1900 v pf Vocal
- - 63 21 Scherzo in B minor 1900 pf Keyboard
- - 64 22 Variations on a Theme by F.F. 1900-01 pf Keyboard first pub: 1965 (Schott: Der junge Bartók II)
17 - 65 19 Scherzo for Orchestra 1901 ca. orch Orchestral
- - 66 23 Tempo di minuetto 1901 pf Keyboard
15 - 67 24 4 Lieder 1902 v pf Vocal
16 - 68 25 Symphony in E major 1902 orch Orchestral unfinished - only Scherzo in C major orchestrated by composer. Has been completed by other hands and broadcast.
- - 69 26a Duo for 2 Violins 1902 2vn Chamber
- - 70 26b Albumblatt in A major 1902 vn pf Chamber
22 - 71 27 4 Pieces 1903 pf Keyboard
20 - 72 28 Violin Sonata in E minor 1903 vn pf Chamber
- - B14 28 Andante in F minor 1903? vn pf Chamber fragment from Violin Sonata, BB.28
- - 73 29 Evening (Est) 1903 v pf Vocal first pub: 1963 (Schott: Der junge Bartók I)
19 - 74 30 Evening (Est) 1903 mch Vocal for male chorus; first pub: 1965 (EMB)
21 - 75a 31 Kossuth 1903 orch Orchestral
21 - 75b 31 Marche funèbre 1903 pf Keyboard
18 - 76 32 4 Lieder 1903 v pf Vocal Lost
23 - 77 33 Piano Quintet in C major 1903-04 2vn va vc pf Chamber
26 1 - 36a Rhapsody for Piano 1904 pf Keyboard
27 1 - 36b Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra 1905 pf orch Orchestral
28 2 - 35 Scherzo for Piano and Orchestra 1904 pf orch Orchestral
29 - - 37 Hungarian Folksongs (Magyar népdalok) 1904-05 v pf Vocal Unfinished preliminary version of Sz.33
29 - - 38 Petits morceaux 1905 pf Keyboard first pub: 1965 (Schott: Der junge Bartók II); arr. of BB.37/2 and BB.24/1
30 - - 34 Székely Folksong (Piros alma) 1904 v pf Vocal
31 3 - 39 Suite No.1 1905 orch Orchestral
32 - - 41 To the Little 'Tot' (A kicsi 'tot'-nak) 1905 v pf Vocal 5 songs
33 - - 42 10 Hungarian Folksongs 1906 v pf Vocal rev. 1938
33a - - 43 10 Hungarian Folksongs (2nd series) 1906-07 v pf Vocal first pub of Nos. 4, 6, 7 and 8: 1963 (Schott: Der junge Bartók I)
33b - - 44 2 Hungarian Folksongs 1907 v pf Vocal
34 4 - 40 Suite No.2 1905/07 orch Orchestral
35 - - 45a From Gyergyó 1907 rec pf Chamber first pub: 1961 (EMB); sources disagree on the original instrumentation: "voice (or reed pipe) and piano" (Wikipedia), "tilinkó and piano" (Ujfalussy), "recorder and piano" (Bartók Archives)
35a - - 45b 3 Hungarian Folksongs from Csík 1907 pf Keyboard based on Sz.35
35b - - 46 4 Slovak Folksongs 1907 ca. v pf Vocal first pub of Nos. 1, 3, and 4: 1963 (Schott: Der junge Bartók I)
36 - - 48a Violin Concerto No.1 1907-08 vn orch Orchestral
37 5 - 48b 2 Portraits 1907-11 orch Orchestral
38 6 - 50 14 Bagatelles 1908 pf Keyboard
39 - - 51 10 Easy Pieces 1908 pf Keyboard
40 7 - 52 String Quartet No.1 1908-09 2vn va vc Chamber
41 8b - 49 2 Elegies 1908-09 pf Keyboard
42 - - 53 For Children 1908-09 pf Keyboard
43 8a - 56 2 Romanian Dances 1909-10 pf Keyboard
44 9b - 54 7 Sketches 1908-10 pf Keyboard
45 9a - 58 4 Dirges 1910 pf Keyboard
46 10 - 59 2 Pictures 1910 orch Orchestral
47 8c - 55 Burlesques 1908/11 pf Keyboard
47a - - 61 Romanian Dance for Orchestra 1911 orch Orchestral first pub: 1965 (EMB); arr. of Sz.43/I
48 11 - 62 Bluebeard's Castle 1911 vv orch Stage rev. 1911/18
49 - - 63 Allegro barbaro 1911 pf Keyboard
50 - - 60 4 Old Hungarian Folksongs 1910 mch Vocal rev. 1926
51 12 - 64 4 Pieces 1912/21 orch Orchestral
52 - - 66 Piano Method 1913 pf Keyboard collaborative work, co-authored/composed with Sándor Reschofsky (1887-1972); first pub: 1913 (Rózsavölgyi); 18 of the pieces composed by Bartók were published in Sz.53
53 - - 66 First Term at the Piano 1913 pf Keyboard Comprised of 18 pieces originally from Sz.52
55 - - 69 Sonatina 1915 pf Keyboard
56 - - 68 Romanian Folk Dances 1915 pf Keyboard
57 - - 67 Romanian Christmas Carols 1915 pf Keyboard
58 - - 57 2 Romanian Folksongs 1909 ca. fch Vocal for female chorus; first pub. in the Béla Bartók Complete Critical Edition (Vol IX, "Choral Works", Appendix I, 2019)
59 - - 65 9 Romanian Folksongs 1912 ca. v pf Vocal unpublished
60 13 - 74 The Wooden Prince (Ballet) 1914-17 orch Stage
60 13b - 74 The Wooden Prince (Suite) 1921-24 orch Orchestral
61 15 - 71 5 Songs 1916 v pf Vocal first pub: 1961 (UE); librettist for Nos.1,2,4,5: Klára Gombossy (1901–1980); librettist for No.3: Wanda Gleiman (1897–1963)
62 14 - 70 Suite for Piano 1916 pf Keyboard
63 16 - 72 5 Songs 1916 v pf Vocal
63a - - 73 Slovak Folksong (Krutí Tono vretena) 1916 v pf Vocal first pub: 1963 (Schott: Der junge Bartók I)
64 - - 47 8 Hungarian Folksongs 1907/17 v pf Vocal
65 - - 80a Leszállott a páva 1914 pf Keyboard First version of BB.80b/I (Andante)
66 - - 80b 3 Magyar népdal 1914/18 pf Keyboard first pub: 1942, in collection "Homage to Paderewski" (Boosey & Hawkes)
67 17 - 75 String Quartet No.2 1914-17 2vn va vc Chamber
68 - - 76 Romanian Folk Dances (orchestra) 1917 orch Orchestral
69 - - 78 5 Slovak Folksongs 1917 mch Vocal previously catalogued as BB 77
70 - - 77 4 Slovak Folksongs 1916 ch Vocal previously catalogued as BB 78
71 - - 79 15 Magyar parasztdal 1914-18 pf Keyboard
72 18 - 81 Studies for Piano 1918 pf Keyboard
73 19 - 82 The Miraculous Mandarin (Ballet) 1918-24 orch Stage rev. 1923-31
73 19b - 82 The Miraculous Mandarin (Suite) 1919-27 orch Orchestral
74 20 - 83 Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs 1920 pf Keyboard
75 21 - 84 Violin Sonata No.1 1921 vn pf Chamber
76 - - 85 Violin Sonata No.2 1922 vn pf Chamber
77 - - 86 Tanz-Suite 1923 orch Orchestral
78 - - 87a 5 Village Scenes (Falun) 1924 v pf Vocal first pub: UE, 1927 (plate U.E. 8712); collection of Slovak folksongs for female voice and piano
79 - - 87b 3 Village Scenes (Falun) 1926 vv orch Vocal first pub: UE, 1927 (vocal score, plate U.E. 8713; full score, plate U.E. 8714); for 4 or 8 female voices and chamber orchestra; arr. of BB.87a, Nos.3-5; at least in the vocal score, the original Slovak text is translated to German by Bence Szabolcsi (1899–1973), and to Hungarian by Viktor Lányi (1889–1962)
80 - - 88 Piano Sonata 1926 pf Keyboard
81 - - 89 Out of Doors 1926 pf Keyboard
82 - - 90 9 Little Pieces for Piano 1926 pf Keyboard
83 - - 91 Piano Concerto No.1 1926 pf orch Orchestral
84 - - 92 Rondos on Slovak Folk Tunes 1916/27 pf Keyboard
85 - - 93 String Quartet No.3 1927 2vn va vc Chamber
86 - - 94a Violin Rhapsody No.1 1928 vn pf Chamber
87 - - 94b Violin Rhapsody No.1 1928-29 vn orch Orchestral arr. of BB.94a
88 - - 94c Rhapsody for Cello and Piano 1928-29 vc pf Chamber arr. of BB.94a
89 - - 96a Violin Rhapsody No.2 1928 vn pf Chamber
90 - - 96b Violin Rhapsody No.2 1928-29 vn orch Orchestral rev. 1944; arr from BB.96a
91 - - 95 String Quartet No.4 1928 2vn va vc Chamber
- - - 97 5 Hungarian Folksongs 1928 v pf Vocal first pub: 1970 (EMB); adapted from BB.42, Nos. 1, 2, 4a, 9, 8
92 - - 98 20 Magyar népdal 1929 v pf Vocal
93 - - 99 4 Magyar népdal 1930 ch Vocal for mixed chorus; first pub: 1932 (UE)
94 - - 100 Cantata profana 1930 vv ch orch Vocal
95 - - 101 Piano Concerto No.2 1930-31 pf orch Orchestral
- - - 102a Sonatina for Violin and Piano 1930 ca. vn pf Chamber collaborative work, co-composed with Endre Gertler (1907-1998); first pub: 1931 (Rózsavölgyi); arr. of BB.69
96 - - 102b Transylvanian Dances 1931 orch Orchestral arr. of BB.69 and BB.102a
97 - - 103 Hungarian Pictures 1931 orch Orchestral
98 - - 104 44 Duos for 2 Violins 1931-32 2vn Chamber
99 - - 106 Székely Folksongs 1932 mch Vocal first pub: 1938 (Magyar Kórus); for male chorus
100 - - 107 Magyar parasztdalok 1933 orch Orchestral first pub: 1933 (UE); arr. of BB.79, Nos.6-12, 14, 15
101 - - 108 5 Hungarian Folksongs 1933 v orch Vocal first pub: 1933 (UE); for solo voice and orchestra; arr. of 5 pieces from Sz.92
- - - 109 Hungarian Folksongs for Violin and Piano 1934 vn pf Chamber collaborative work, co-composed with Tivadar Országh (1901-1963); first pub: 1934 (Rózsavölgyi); arr. of BB.53, For Children; the Bartók Archives work listing documents no Sz number for this piece, but see the note for Sz.109.
102 - - 110 String Quartet No.5 1934 2vn va vc Chamber
103 - - 111a 27 2 and 3-part Choruses 1935-36 ch Vocal first pub: 1937 (Magyar Kórus); in 8 volumes: Vols.1-6, 21 works for children's chorus; Vols.7-8, 6 works for female chorus
103 - - 111b 7 Choruses with Orchestra 1937-41 ch orch Vocal first pub: 1937 (Magyar Kórus, Nos.1-5 with Hungarian text); second ed: 1941 (Boosey & Hawkes, Nos.2–7, with English text); arr. of BB.111a (IV.3, III.4, IV.1, III.1, IV.2, I.2, V.1)
104 - - 112 From Olden Times (Elmúlt időkből) 1935 mch Vocal first pub: 1937 (Magyar Kórus); for male chorus
105 - - 113 Petite suite 1936 pf Keyboard
106 - - 114 Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta 1936 orch Orchestral
107 - - 105 Mikrokosmos 1926/32-39 pf Keyboard
108 - - 120 7 Pieces from Mikrokosmos 1939-40 2pf Keyboard first pub: 1947 (Boosey & Hawkes); for 2 pianos, 4 hands
109 - - - Hungarian Folksong (Debrecennek van egy vize) 1934 ca. v pf Vocal Sz.109 is not present in the Bartók Archives worklist, and an associated BB entry cannot be identified. In the previous IMSLP worklist, it was also identified as BB.109, but the Bartók Archives has a separate listing for that number (now present in this table). Wikipedia has conflicting data (either Sz.109/BB.109 or Sz.109/BB.deest). It is possible this work is not in the BB catalog.
110 - - 115 Sonata for 2 Pianos and Percussion 1937 2pf perc Chamber
111 - - 116 Contrasts 1938 cl vn pf Chamber
112 - - 117 Violin Concerto No.2 1937-38 vn orch Orchestral
113 - - 118 Divertimento 1939 str Orchestral
114 - - 119 String Quartet No.6 1939 2vn va vc Chamber
115 - - 121 Concerto for 2 Pianos, Percussion, and Orchestra 1940 2pf perc orch Orchestral arr. of Sz.110
115a - - 122 Suite for 2 Pianos 1941 2pf Keyboard first pub: 1960 (Hawkes & Son); arr. of Sz.34, Op.4b
116 - - 123 Concerto for Orchestra 1943 orch Orchestral rev. 1945
117 - - 124 Sonata for Violin Solo 1944 vn Chamber
118 - - 125 Ukrainian Folksong (A férj keserve) 1945 v pf Vocal first pub: 1951 (in Bartók Béla levelei (Az utolsó két év gyűjtése). Budapest, Művelt Nép); title variously translated to English as Goat Song, The Husband's Grief, or The Husband's Lament
- - - 126 3 Ukrainian Folksongs 1945 ca. v pf Vocal unpublished
119 - - 127 Piano Concerto No.3 1945 pf orch Orchestral
120 - - 128 Viola Concerto 1945 va orch Orchestral Unfinished, completed and orchestrated by Tibor Serly in 1949; revised and edited by Peter Bartók and Paul Neubauer in 1995

Listed without numbers or not listed above

There are also pieces that are not categorized under any numbers, or only under another numbering system.

  • Andante movement (written ca.1917) originally intended as Mov. II for Suite for Piano, Sz.62. First published in 1955 (Új Zenei Szemle (New Musical Review), Oct 1955 issue).
  • Slovakian Dance for Piano (or Slovak Dance). It was originally meant to be included in Tanz-Suite, Sz.77, and existed in sketch form until it was revised and published in 1999. See Wikipedia article for more background.
  • Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs




  • Orchestral transcription of Erlkönig, WoO 131, as completed by Reinhold Becker


  • Sonata in G Major



  • Sonata in Bb Major


  • 3 Courants
  • Toccata in A Major
  • Toccata in C Major


  • Pastorale in C Major