List of works by Dmitry Shostakovich

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The following information is given for each work, where available:

  • Opus — opus numbers
  • Title — the title in the English language
  • Instrumentation — a description of the work and forces required
  • Year — year(s) of composition, where known.
  • Notes — other important notes concerning the work.
Opus Title Instrumentation Year Notes
Funeral March in Memory of the Fallen Heroes of the Revolution Piano 1917 Juvenilia
The Gypsies, opera after Alexander Pushkin Orchestra 1919-1920 Juvenilia
Only 3 numbers have been discovered: No. 11 "Duet of Zemfira and Aleko", No. 12 "Old Man's Arietta", and No. 13 "Trio of Zemfira, Aleko, and the Old Man".
In the Forest Piano Juvenilia
2 Mazurkas Piano Juvenilia
Polka Piano Juvenilia
The Soldier Piano 1915-1917 Juvenilia
Hymn to Freedom Piano 1915-1916 Juvenilia
001 Scherzo in F sharp minor Orchestra 1919
Minuet, Prelude and Intermezzo Piano 1919-1920
002 8 Preludes Piano 1919–1920 Lost
Murzilka Piano 1920
5 Preludes Piano 1920-1921
003 Theme and Variations in B flat major Orchestra 1921-1922 Transcribed for solo piano as Op.3a
004 2 Fables of Ivan Krylov Mezzo-Soprano, Female Chorus and Chamber Orchestra 1922 Transcribed for mezzo-soprano and piano as Op.4a
005 3 Fantastic Dances Piano 1922 Several editions published as Op. 1
006 Suite in F sharp minor 2 Pianos 1922
007 Scherzo in E flat major Orchestra 1923-1924 Transcribed for solo piano as Op.7a
008 Piano Trio No.1 in C minor Piano, Violin, Cello 1923
009 3 Pieces Cello and Piano 1923-1924 Lost
010 Symphony No.1 in F minor Orchestra 1924-1925
011 Prelude and Scherzo String Octet 1924-1925
  1. Prelude [Прелюдия]
  2. Scherzo [Скерцо]
012 Piano Sonata No.1 Piano 1926
013 "Aphorisms", ten pieces Piano 1927
  1. Речитатив = Recitative
  2. Серенада = Serenade
  3. Ноктюрн = Nocturne
  4. Элегия = Elegy
  5. Похоронный марш = Funeral March
  6. Этюд = Étude
  7. Пляска смерти = Dance of Death
  8. Канон = Canon
  9. Легенда = Legend
  10. Колыбельная песня = Lullaby
014 Symphony No.2 in B major 'To October' Orchestra and Chorus 1927 Shostakovich made a reduction of the choral score for Voices and Piano
015 The Nose, opera in 3 acts after Nikolai Gogol Orchestra 1927-1928 Shostakovich assembled a suite from The Nose, for tenor, baritone and orchestra as Op.15a
Shostakovich made a reduction of the accompaniment of The Nose for piano
016 Tahiti Trot Orchestra 1928
017 2 Pieces by Domenico Scarlatti Wind orchestra 1928
018 The New Babylon (silent film music) Small Orchestra 1928-1929
019 The Bedbug (comedy music) by Vladimir Mayakovsky Orchestra 1928-1929 Shostakovich assembled a suite of the from The Bedbug for orchestra as Op.19a
Shostakovich arranged the music to The Budbug for piano as Op.19b
020 Symphony No.3 in E flat major The First of May Orchestra with Chorus 1929 Shostakovich made a reduction of the score for solo piano, including the vocal score of the final chorus as Op.20a
021 6 Romances on Texts by Japanese Poets Tenor and orchestra 1928-1932 Arranged for tenor and piano as Op.21a
022 The Golden Age, ballet in 3 acts Orchestra 1929-1930 Shostakovich assembled a suite from The Golden Age for orchestra as Op. 22a
Shostakovich extracted the polka from the suite for solo piano as Op. 22b
Shostakovich later arranged the same piece for piano 4 hands in 1962 as Op.22c
023 2 Pieces for Erwin Dressel's Opera Armer Columbus Orchestra 1929
024 The Gunshot (play music) by Alexander Bezymensky Orchestra 1929
025 Virgin Soil (play music) by Gorbenko and L'vov Orchestra 1930 Lost
026 Alone (1931 film music) (Odna) Orchestra 1930-1931 Shostakovich assembled a suite from the music for orchestra as Op.26a
027 The Bolt, ballet in 3 acts Orchestra 1930-1931 Shostakovich assembled a suite from the music for orchestra as Op.27a
028 Rule, Britannia! (play music) by Adrian Piotrovsky Orchestra 1931
2 Pieces String quartet 1931
  1. Polka [Полька] (an arrangement of the Polka from the Golden Age)
Overture to The Green Company Orchestra 1931
029 Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, opera in 4 acts after Nikolai Leskov Orchestra 1930-1932 Shostakovich assembled a suite from the music for orchestra as Op.29a
Shostakovich extracted the Passacaglia from an Entr'acte to the music for organ
From Karl Marx to our Own Days, a symphonic poem Solo voices, chorus and orchestra 1932
The Big Lightning, unfinished comic opera Orchestra 1932
030 Golden Mountains (film music) Orchestra 1931 Shostakovich assembled a suite from the music for orchestra as Op.30a
031 Hypothetically Murdered (stage music) by Voyevodin and Riss Piano? 1931 Orchestration of Hypothetically Murdered as Op.31a
Reduction of 4 Movements of the Music to Hypothetically Murdered for piano as Op.31b
032 Hamlet (play music) by William Shakespeare Orchestra 1931-1932 Suite from Hamlet for small orchestra as Op.32a
033 Counterplan (film music) Orchestra 1932 "Song about the Oncoming Train", "My Heart's Aching and Moaning" were arranged for voice and piano as Op.33a
"We meet this Morning (The Song of the Young Workers)" was arranged for voice and piano as Op.33b
034 24 Preludes Piano 1932-1933 Transcribed for violin and piano as Op.34a
Transcribed for orchestra as Op.34b
035 Piano Concerto No.1 Piano, trumpet and strings 1933 Shostakovich made a reduction of the concerto for 2 pianos as Op.35a
036 The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda (animated film music) Chamber orchestra 1933-1934 Shostakovich assembled a suite from the music as Op.36a
037 La Comédie humaine (The Human Comedy, play music) after Honoré de Balzac Small orchestra 1933-1934
038 Love and Hate (film music) Orchestra? 1934
Suite for Jazz Orchestra No.1 Jazz orchestra 1934
Music to the film Girl Friends Small orchestra 1934-1935 Credited with a feminized Dmitriya Shostakovicha<ref> Film "Girl Friends" Overview, Retrieved 22 December 2014</ref>
039 The Limpid Stream, ballet in 3 acts Orchestra 1934-1935 Suite for orchestra from the music as Op. 39a
Moderato from The Limpid Stream for Cello and Piano as Op. 39b
040 Cello Sonata in D minor Cello and Piano 1934 Moderato for Cello and Piano as Op. 40a
041 Music to the film The Youth of Maxim Orchestra 1934-1935
042 5 Fragments Small Orchestra 1935
043 Symphony No.4 in C minor Orchestra 1935-1936 Arrangement of Symphony No.4 for 2 pianos as Op. 43a
044 Hail, Spain (play music) by Afinogenov Orchestra and Chorus 1935-1936
045 The Return of Maxim (film music) Orchestra 1936-1937
046 4 Romances on Verses by Alexander Pushkin Bass and Piano 1936-1937 Orchestration for bass and orchestra as Op.46a
Arrangement of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd movement for bass and string orchestra as Op.46c
047 Symphony No.5 in D minor Orchestra 1937 Reduction of the second movement for solo piano as Op.47b
048 Volochayev Days (film music) Orchestra 1936-1937
The 12 Chairs, operetta Orchestra 1937-1938
049 String Quartet No.1 in C major String quartet 1938
050 The Vyborg Side (film music) Orchestra 1938
051 Friends (1938 film music) Orchestra 1938 Vocalise from the music arranged for unaccompanied chorus as Op. 51a
052 The Great Citizen (film music), first part Orchestra? 1938
053 The Man with a Gun (film music) Orchestra? 1938
Suite for Jazz Orchestra No.2 Jazz Orchestra 1938 Not the 8 mvt work now known to be Suite for Variety Orchestra (post-1956)
054 Symphony No.6 in B minor Orchestra 1939
055 The Great Citizen (film music), second part Orchestra? 1939
056 The Silly Little Mouse (animated film music) Orchestra 1939
Suite on Finnish Themes Solists, chorus, chamber orchestra, piano 1939
3 Pieces Solo Violin 1940 Lost?
057 Piano Quintet in G minor Piano quintet 1940
058 Orchestration of the Opera Boris Godunov (opera) by Modest Mussorgsky Orchestra 1939-1940
059 The Adventures of Korzinkina (film music) Orchestra? 1940 Assembled into a suite as Op.59a
Katyusha Maslova, opera after Tolstoy's novel Resurrection Orchestra 1940
King Lear (play music) by William Shakespeare Orchestra 1940
060 Symphony No.7 in C major Leningrad Orchestra 1941
061 Piano Sonata No.2 in B minor Piano 1943
"The Oath to the People's Commissar" Bass, chorus and piano 1941
"Songs of a Guard's Division" ("The Fearless Regiments Are On the Move"), marching song Bass and mixed chorus with simple accompaniment for bayan (accordion) or piano 1941
Polka in F sharp minor Harp duet 1941
The Gamblers, unfinished opera after Nikolai Gogol Orchestra 1941-1942 Later reworked into mvt 2 of Viola Sonata
062 6 Romances on Verse by English Poets Bass and Piano 1942 Later arranged for orchestra and bass as Op.62a
063 Native Country (spectacle music), suite Native Leningrad Orchestra 1942
Solemn March Military band 1942
Patriotic Song after Yevgeniy Dolmatovsky Voices 1943
"Song about the Red Army" after Golodny Voices 1943
Russian Folk Songs Chorus 1943
3 Russian Folk Songs 2 soloists, chorus, piano accompaniment 1943
064 Zoya (film music) Orchestra 1944
065 Symphony No.8 in C minor Orchestra 1943
066 Russian River (spectacle music) Soloists, Choir and Orchestra 1944
067 Piano Trio No.2 in E minor Piano, Violin, Cello 1944
068 String Quartet No.2 in A Major String Quartet 1944
069 Children's Notebook, 6 pieces Piano 1944-1945
070 Symphony No.9 in E-flat major Orchestra 1945 Reduction of the piece for piano 4 hands as Op.70a
071 Simple People (film music) Orchestra? 1945
072 2 Songs to the spectacle Victorious Spring after Mikhail Svetlov Voices and Orchestra 1945 Arranged for piano as Op.72a
073 String Quartet No.3 in F major String Quartet 1946
074 Poem of the Motherland, cantata Mezzo-soprano, Tenor, 2 Baritones, Chorus, Orchestra 1947
075 The Young Guard (film music) Orchestra 1947-1948
076 Pirogov (film music) Orchestra 1947
3 Pieces Orchestra 1947-1948
077 Violin Concerto No.1 in A minor Violin and Orchestra 1947-1948
078 Michurin (film music) Orchestra 1948
079 From Jewish Folk Poetry, song cycle Soprano, Contralto, Tenor and Piano 1948
080 Encounter at the Elbe (film music) Voices and piano 1948
Anti-Formalist Rayok (Peep Show) For Voices, Chorus and Piano 1948
081 Song of the Forests, oratorio after Yevgeniy Dolmatovsky Tenor, Bass Soli, Mixed and Boys' Chorus and Orchestra 1949
082 The Fall of Berlin (film music) Orchestra 1949
083 String Quartet No.4 in D major String quartet 1949
Merry March 2 Pianos 1949
084 2 Romances on Verses by Lermontov Male Voice and Piano 1950
085 Belinsky (film music) Orchestra and Chorus 1950
086 4 Songs to Words by Yevgeniy Dolmatovsky Voice and Piano 1951
087 24 Preludes and Fugues Piano 1950-1951
088 10 Poems on Texts by Revolutionary Poets Chorus and Boys's Chorus a capella 1951
  1. Take Heart, Friends, We’re Marching Onward [Смелей, друзья, идём вперёд] Leonid Radin (1860-1900)
  2. One of Many [Один из многих] Evgeny Tarasov (1882-1943)
  3. To the Streets! [На улицу!] Unknown
  4. A Farewell Meeting [При встрече во время пересылки] Aleksey Gmyryov (1886-1911)
  5. To the Executed [Казнённым] Aleksey Gmyryov (1886-1911)
  6. The Ninth of January [Девятое января] Arkady Kots (1872-1943) (later used in his 11th Symphony)
  7. Last Shots Fallen Silent [Смолкли залпы запоздалые] Evgeny Tarasov (1882-1943)
  8. They Were Victorious! [Они победили] Aleksey Gmyryov (1886-1911)
  9. The Mayday Song [Майская песнь] Arkady Kots (1872-1943)
  10. Song [Песня] Vladimir Tan-Bogoraz (1865-1936), after Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
089 The Unforgettable Year 1919 (film music) Orchestra (1951)
The Homeland Hears Chorus and Tenor Soloist with Wordless Chorus 1951
Ten Russian Folk Song Arrangements Soloists, Mixed Chorus and Piano 1951
090 The Sun Shines on Our Motherland, cantata after Yevgeniy Dolmatovsky Dolmatovsky Mixed & Boys' Chorus and Orchestra 1952
091 4 Monologues on Verses by Aleksandr Pushkin Bass and piano 1952
092 String Quartet No.5 in B-flat major String quartet 1952
Seven Doll's Faces Piano 1952
Greek Songs Voice and Piano 1952-1953
093 Symphony No.10 in E minor Orchestra 1953
094 Concertino in A minor 2 Pianos 1953
095 Song of the Great Rivers (film music) Orchestra 1954
096 Festive Overture in A major Orchestra 1954
"Poem of Labour" from Unity Mixed Chorus and Orchestra 1954
2 Songs from Unity ("A Song of Unity" and "Peaceful Labour") Voice and Piano 1954
Waltz from Unity Orchestra 1954
Hamlet (play music) by William Shakespeare Orchestra 1954 Not the same as the music for the 1964 film of the same name
Pendozalis, Greek song Voice and Piano 1954
October Dawn Soloists and Chorus 1954
097 The Gadfly (film music), based on the novel by Ethel Lilian Voynich Orchestra 1955 Assembled into The Gadfly Suite as Op.97a
098 5 Romances on Verses by Dolmatovsky Bass and Piano 1954
4 Waltzes Flute, Clarinet and Piano 1955
3 Violin Duets 2 Violins with Piano Accompaniment 1955
099 The First Echelo (film music) Orchestra 1955-1956
100 Spanish Songs (Mezzo)-Soprano and Piano 1956
101 String Quartet No.6 in G major String quartet 1956
Suite for Variety Orchestra Variety orchestra post-1956
102 Piano Concerto No.2 in F major Orchestra 1957
103 Symphony No.11 in G minor The Year 1905 Orchestra 1957
104 Cultivation: 2 Russian Folk Song Arrangements Chorus a capella 1957
105 Moscow, Cheryomushki, operetta in 3 acts Orchestra 1958
106 Re-orchestration of Modest Mussorgsky's Opera Khovanshchina Orchestra 1959
107 Cello Concerto No.1 in E flat major Cello and Orchestra 1959
108 String Quartet No.7 in F sharp minor String quartet 1960
109 Satires (Pictures of the Past), 5 Romances on Verses by Chorny Soprano and Piano 1960
110 String Quartet No.8 in C minor String quartet 1960
111 Five Days, Five Nights (film music) Orchestra 1960
Novorossiisk Chimes, the Flame of Eternal Glory Orchestra 1960
112 Symphony No.12 in D minor The Year 1917 Orchestra 1961
113 Symphony No.13 in B flat minor Babi-Yar Bass Soloist, Bass Chorus and Orchestra 1962
The Lady and the Hooligan, ballet in one act Orchestra 1962
114 Katerina Izmailova, opera in 4 acts after Leskov Orchestra 1956-1963
115 Overture on Russian and Khirgiz Folk Themes Orchestra 1963
116 Hamlet (film music) Orchestra 1963-1964
117 String Quartet No.9 in E flat major String Quartet 1964
118 String Quartet No.10 in A flat major String Quartet 1964
119 The Execution of Stepan Razin, cantata after Yevtushenko Bass, Mixed Chorus and Orchestra 1964
120 A Year Is Like a Lifetime (film music) Orchestra 1965
121 5 Romances on Texts from the Magazine Krokodil Bass and Piano 1965
122 String Quartet No.11 in F minor String Quartet 1966
123 Preface to the Complete Collection of My Works and Brief Reflections on this Preface Bass and Piano 1966
124 2 Choruses after Davidenko Chorus and Orchestra 1962
125 Re-scoring of orchestral accompaniment to Robert Schumann's Cello Concerto in A minor Cello and Orchestra 1963
126 Cello Concerto No.2 in G minor Cello and Orchestra 1966
127 Seven Songs on Poems by Alexander Blok Soprano, Violin, Cello and Piano 1967
128 Romance "Spring, Spring" to Verses by Pushkin Bass and Piano 1967
129 Violin Concerto No.2 in C sharp minor Violin and Orchestra 1967
130 Funeral-Triumphal Prelude Orchestra 1967
131 October, symphonic poem in C minor Orchestra 1967
132 Sofiya Perovskaya (film music) Orchestra 1967
133 String Quartet No.12 in D flat major String Quartet 1968
134 Violin Sonata Violin and piano 1968
135 Symphony No. 14 Soprano Soloist, Bass Soloist, String Orchestra and Percussion 1969
136 Loyalty, 8 ballads after Dolmatovsky Male Chorus 1970
137 King Lear (1971 USSR film music) Orchestra 1970
138 String Quartet No.13 in B flat minor String Quartet 1970
139 March of the Soviet Militia Military Band/Wind Orchestra 1970
140 6 Romances on Verses by English Poets Bass and Chamber Orchestra 1971
141 Symphony No.15 in A major Orchestra 1971
142 String Quartet No.14 in F sharp major String Quartet 1972-1973
143 6 Poems by Marina Tsvetayeva Contralto and piano 1973
144 String Quartet No.15 in E flat minor String Quartet 1974
145 Suite on Verses by Buonarrotti Bass and Piano 1974
146 4 Verses of Captain Lebyadkin of texts by Dostoevsky Bass and Piano 1975
The Dreamers, ballet in 4 acts Orchestra 1975
147 Viola Sonata Viola and piano 1975 Last composition by Shostakovich