- This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see
Category:Straesser, Ewald.
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- Hofmeister Monatsberichte - see three scan repositories/etc.:
- Verzeichnis by Friedrich Hofmeister
- Hofmeister XIX - transcriptions and search engine of issues of the Monatsberichte from 1829 to 1900.
- Hofmeister Monatsberichte Scans @ University of Regensburg (German) (scans of issues from 1829 to 1947. The 1946 issues are not there, but were there any 1946 issues? - question, not rhetorical.)
- German Wikipedia (for Symphony no.5 - article on conductor who premiered the work)
- Worldcat.org (treated of course carefully)
- Klassika
There is a complete-as-of-its-writing list of Straesser's works compiled by his widow ( Ewald Straesser. Sein musikalisches Schaffen. (Herausgegeben von Frau E. Straesser.)) but this has not been found or consulted as of yet. (It may not contain works found and published only recently such as the wind quintet and cello suite.)
With Opus Number
- Op.1 - Concert Overture
- Op.2 -
- Op.3 - Drei Lieder f. 1 Singst. m. Pfte. (1896. Köln, pub. Heinrich vom Ende's Verlag.)
- Liebe u. Frühling: („Im Rosenbusch die Liebe schlief“.)
- Röthe Aeuglein: („Könnt’st du meine Aeuglein schoenen“.)
- No title („Gold’ne Brücken seien alle Lieder mir“)
- Op.4 - Eine Tragödien-Ouv. f. gr. Orch. (premiered poss. ca. May 1893?, published 1896. Köln, pub. H. vom Ende's Verlag. Plate v.E. 1282.) (Library of Congress, USA has this in some form- possibly full score? Austrian National Library Musiksammlung has the full score, plate 1282 as noted.)
- Op.5 - Zwei Lieder f. 1 Singst. m. Pfte. (1896, Köln, pub. H. vom Ende's Verlag.)
- Frühlingserwachen: ( „Der Frühling erbrauset“.)
- Augen und Lippen: („Augen die leuchten“.)
- Op.6 - Vier Lieder f. gem. Chor. (1895, Köln, pub. H. vom Ende's Verlag.)
- Knabenlied: („Ich hatt’ ein Blümlein gefunden“)
- Frau Nachtigall als Botin: „Frau Nachtigall, klein’s Vögelein“
- Keine Freude: „Auf dieser Welt hab’ ich kein’ Freud’“
- Unwetter: „Es regnet, jedoch es regnet Küsse“.
- Op.7 - Stimmungsbilder in 3 books for Piano (1895, pub. H. vom Ende's Verlag.) (four pieces from the Stimmungsbilder arranged as Intermezzo, Op.7 for string orchestra (by whom?) - this is available at the Free Library of Philadelphia. The set was republished by Leuckart in 1916, revised by the composer ("vom Komponisten sorgfältig durchgesehene Ausg[abe]"))
- Op.8 - Piano Concerto in E minor (1896 in 2-piano reduction, by H. vom Ende's Verlag. Premiered by early 1897 (or earlier))
- Moderato
- Ziemlich langsam
- Presto
- Moderato energico
- Op.9b - Quintet for Woodwind in G (may be the same as the work published in 1997?), 1903.
- Op.10 - Prolog for Orchestra (revision of 1892 Symphonic Fantasy)
- Op.11 -
- Op.12 - 2 String Quartets
- String Quartet in E minor (Simrock, 1901. Plate 11607.)
- String Quartet No.2 in G major (Simrock, 1901.)
- Op.13 -
- Op.13a - Arioso for Violin or Cello and piano (Munich: Tischer & Jagenberg, ©1910)
- Op.13b - 3 Kleine gesänge (for middle voice and piano) (Tischer & Jagenberg, 1910)
- Meine Lieder (Wenn mein Herz beginnt zu klingen)
- Ständchen (Gut’ Nacht, gut’ Nacht, mein liebster Schatz)
- Sehnsucht (Mein Schatz ist nicht da)
- Op.14 -
- Op.15 - String Quartet No.3 in B♭ major (©1913, Tischer & Jagenberg. Plate T. & J. 223.)
- Op.16 -
- Op.17 -
- Op.18 - Piano Quintet in F♯ minor (1907 June 12 - see WorldCat. ©1911, Tischer & Jagenberg. Plate T. & J. 62.) (in 3 movements)
- Op.18a - 3 Stücklein for piano (Cöln am Rhein : Tischer & Jagenberg, 1910)
- Mondnacht
- Deingedanken
- Gelübde
- Op.18b - ? String Quartet No.3b? (mentioned in Riemann Musiklexikon 1922)
- Op.19 -
- Op.20 - 5 Lieder für eine Singst. und Pf. (Köln: Weber, 1909. Later: Tischer & Jagenberg (middle - mittlere - voice only), ca.1925? Plates T.&J. 271–275?) (Order changed when reprinted for middle voice in 1914 - new order has "Wenn ich wüsste" first, then Nachtgesang, Worte am Abend, Julinacht and Ruhelos.)
- Ruhelos ("In meinem Herzen die brandenden Wogen" - Text by P. Sothis)
- "Wenn ich wüsste, dass du warten würdest"
- Nachtgesang ("Wie der Nachtwind haucht". Text by Hans Bohm)
- Julinacht ("Wie die Traube von (den?) dunklen Beeren")
- Worte am Abend ("Manchmal, wenn dein Mund im Abend spricht"- text by Hans Müller)
- Op.21 - 2 Rhapsodien for piano (1924?, Köln am Rhein: Tischer & Jagenberg) (1925 HMB, page 17)
(Perhaps published separately; the 1911 publication of the E minor rhapsody is listed in HMB just as Rhapsody (Em.) Op.21, not Op.21 No.1, and the plate of no.2 suggests later publication?)
- in E minor (published 1911)
- in C major (T & J 539)
- Op.22 - Symphony No.1 in G major (Köln, Tischer & Jagenberg, 1910. Plate T&J 1.)
- Op.23 - Suite in D major for piano (1912, Tischer & Jagenberg. Plates T.&J. 107 to 112.)
- Präludium
- Capriccio
- Fantasie
- Menuett
- Intermezzo
- Gigue.
- Op.24 - 3 Partsongs for Women’s chorus.
- Volkslied (text by Anna Ritter)
- In meiner Träume Heimat for SSAA chorus (text by Carl Hauptmann.) (1912 autograph @ RISM.)
- Mädchens Morgenträume (text by W.v.Gilm.)
- Op.25 - 3 Reigen for violin and piano (pub.1912 by Tischer & Jagenberg)
- Laendler
- Spanischer Tanz
- Mazurka
- Op.26 - Serenade in A for violin or cello and piano (pub.1912, Tischer & Jagenberg)
- Op.27 - Symphony No.2 in D minor (Köln, Tischer & Jagenberg, 1913. Plate T&J 218.)
- Op.28 -
- Op.29 - 3 Orchesterlieder (composed 1907, orchestrated 1913, according to information at RISM.)
- Worte am Abend
- Julinacht
- Ruhelos
- Op.30 - Vier Lieder f. 1 hohe Singst. m. Pfte. - Gedichte von E. A. Herrmann. (Tischer & Jagenberg, 1916)
- No title (Heut Nacht, in der blauen Nacht)
- Abendgang im Schnee (Stiller Gang durch weite weisse Ruh)
- Vor dem Frühling (Noch wehen die Winde kalt)
- No title (Willst du mit mir gehn?)
- Op.31 - Drei Lieder f. 1 singst. m. Pfte. (pub. 1916) (Tischer & Jagenberg)
- Der Heimat zu: (Der Strom rinnt lautlos)
- No title (Jetzt ist es Herbst)
- Das Kind im Walde (Hier an der Bergeshalde)
- Op.32 - Violin Sonata in D (pub. 1918 by Tischer & Jagenberg. Plate T. & J. 438.)
- Op.33 - Piano Trio in D major (©1917, Tischer & Jagenberg. Plate T. & J. 400. "Herrn Alfred Vorster zu Eigen.")
- Op.34 - Clarinet Quintet in G major (1915, pub. Simrock, 1920, plates 14130 (score) and 14131 (parts).)
- Op.35 - Frühlingsbilder for large orchestra (pub.1916 by Tischer & Jagenberg) (3 Flutes, 3 oboes, 3 clarinets, 3 bassoons, 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, percussion, strings acc. to. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. Plate of full score T. & J. 354. )
- Vorfrühling
- Nacht
- Festlicher Tag
- Op.36 - Violin Concerto No.1 in D major
- Op.37 -
- Op.38 -
- Op.38a - Impromptu alla marcia, Klavierstück. 1919. Münster i.W.: Bisping.
- Op.39 -
- Op.39a - Ein Tag im gold’nen Licht for men's chorus (begins Woher ich komm’) (Tischer & Jagenberg, 1918)
- Op.39b - Nachgedanken for men's chorus (begins Mitten in dunkler Nacht) (1919, Rebbert of Bochum)
- Op.40 - Wir sind der verlorene Haufen (Trinkt aus! Wir zechen aus letztenmal) (for men's chorus. 1920, Rebbert of Bochum.) (Text possibly by Viktor Klemperer, with changes? See The Lied, Art Song, and Choral Texts Archive.)
- Op.41 -
- Op.42 - String Quartet No.4 in E minor (pub. 1920, Leipzig, C.F. Peters, plate 10215, ed.3719.)
- Op.43 -
- Op.43a - Lichter Tag (Sonntagstille! Goldne Glorie), for men's chorus. (pub. 1922 by Rebbert of Bochum.)
- Op.44 - Kleine sonate für klavier zu 2 händen
- Op.45 - 6 Vortragsstücke für Klavier (Münster, Bisping, 1921)
- Op.46 or Op.44 - Symphony No.4 in G minor (conducted by Furtwängler, 10 January 1924) (Furtwängler Concerts) (a PDF on the Furtwangler site calls this - same concert- not op46 but symphony no.4- assuming this is right, that answers that question. Syms. 3 and 5 may or may not have opus numbers (though Opp.37, 39, 41, 47, 51, 53 and 56 are not in our list at this time- perhaps in his widow’s published list-2019 edit). Probably composed and perhaps premiered by 1921 rather than as late as 1924, though, according to Zeitschrift für Musik, 88 Jahrgang (1921), page 555 and 615 (noting a performance imminent ("bevorstehende") in Stuttgart). Mislabeled as G major in some sources, but incipits are given at RISM. Movements are (1) Kräftig nicht schnell, G minor ; Largo, B minor ; Moderato energico, G major. (RISM autograph is dated 1920. Performed in Stuttgart around November 1921.)
- Op.47 -
- Op.48 - 6 Choralvorspiele für die Orgel (pub. Schultheiss, 1941? but possibly composed in the 1920s)
- Op.49 - Men's Choruses:
- Op.49b - Die Quelle (Unsre Quelle kommt im Schatten) (after Chamisso) (published 1931 by Rebbert of Bochum)
- Op.49c - Unser Glück (Der Sommerabend lacht: Es laden) (after Henriette Kreis) (published 1931 by Rebbert of Bochum)
- Op.50 - Symphony No.6 in E (conducted by Furtwängler October 13 1927)
- Op.51 -
- Op.52 - String Quartet No.5 in G minor (Published by Leipzig: Steingraber, 1927. Edition 2433, plate 2284 (score), 2285 (parts).)
- Op.53 -
- Op.54 - Kleine sonate (1926) (published in 1927 by Steingraber Edition Leipzig. Plate 2253, Edition No. 2467)
- Op.55 - Violin Concerto No.2?
- Op.56 - Horn Trio in G major
- Op.57 - Geistlicher Gesang (1. Joh. 3 Vers 16-18) für eine mittlere Stimme mit begleitung von Klarinette (Violine) und Orgel (Klavier) (pub.ca.1930. Republished 1990, plate T. & J. 1226.)
- Op.58 - Clarinet Sonata in E, 1932
Without Opus Number?
- Wind Quintet (published 1997 from MS at Library of Congress. Performed 1931 or 1932 according to Melos, 10Jg., 1931, page 76, at the Bläser-Kammermusikvereinigung Köln (Melos) . A wind quintet Op.9 from 1903 has been recorded in 2021 - it's possible that it's this one?
- Suite for Cello Solo (1926. published 2007, ed. by Dietmar Berger)
- Symphony "No.0"? in F major? (one movement performed and noted in magazine before 1910)
- Symphony No.3 in A (manuscript?, 1920. According to page 21 of 89. Jg. ZM, premiere conducted by the composer, in the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, late 1921.)
- Symphony No.5 (in G?) (by 1922. Premiered by Karl Panzner. Performed ca. September 1922, Düsseldorf, acc. to the Musical Times, 1 October 1922 issue which contains an extremely brief review on page 737.)
- Cello Concerto (possibly lost?) (mentioned in a 1903 journal and at the BBC Proms Archive - (cello concerto in D major: performed by Karl Piening, cello, New Queen's Hall Orchestra (1895-1914, Queen's Hall Orchestra), Henry Wood conducting, on 9 October 1903 (UK premiere). Described in The Athenæum, October 17 1903, page 523, as having 3 movements, the 2nd, a brief intermezzo, the "most pleasing".) Further still- a Breslau performance (still from manuscript, same cellist) is mentioned in 1905 (Die Musik, Volume 4, Part 2, page 364). Guessing this work may not have been published and wondering if Frau Straesser's book mentions it. Also, an issue of Wegweiser durch die Chorgesanglitteratur mentions (announces as upcoming??) a performance of this work in Köln in a concert of the Richard Wagner-Vereins and the Kölner M-G-V during the 1902-03 season.
- Symphonic Fantasia in 4 sections? (performed 1894)
- Sinfonietta for strings (pub. Tischer & Jagenburg ? )
- Dubious attribution - "Lyra. Ein liederbuch für männer-gesangve-reine. Enthält: original-compositionen, volkslieder u.a." (said to have been published ca.1873? - publication date seems unlikely or else attribution is. But see below.)
- Grablied by Gustav Jensen arr. for String Orchestra, pub. 1896 by H. vom Ende's Verlag. (Grablied first published by vom Ende in early 1896 for voice and piano - "Grablied: „Geht nun hin und grabt mein Grab“ f. 1 Singst. m. Pfte. (Nachgel. Werk.)" - arrangement received by Hofmeisters Monatsberichte a few months later.)
- Album, klassisch-romantisches, f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn. 56 der beliebtesten klassischen u. romantischen Stücke nach der Schwierigkeit geordnet, m. Fingersatz u. Vortragszeichen versehen v. Ewald Strässer. (1900, Edition Tonger.)
- The Moldenhauer Archives at the US Library of Congress has the following material from ca.1906 to 1911: "Includes ALS, 1910 September 6, Coln, to E. Gutmann München; holograph scores of Strasser's Symphony in G major, op. 22, and Quintet for piano and strings, op. 18; a 6-page holograph analysis of his Symphony No. 2; and a resume."
- vom Ende in 1901 published a pair of choruses by "Ewald Strässer, sen." (or in HMB, "Strässer sen., Ewald"), suggesting that at least two generations of Straessers did at least some published music composition. This might solve the minor mystery of "Lyra", above. ... It also leaves open to question which of the early Straesser works above- the arrangement of the Grablied, e.g.- might instead be late works of his father. One presumes and hopes that the - rare but existing - book by the composer's wife, with worklist, or some other more recent books on Straesser which have been published, may have been able to clarify this.