This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see Category:Oesten, Max. A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page. Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.
Op. 70 - Schlummerlied aus den Romanzen - Pub. ca. 1877
Op. 71 - "Frühlingsglaube von F. de Ries" Salon Paraphrase – Pub. ca. 1878
Op. 72 – "Aufforderung zum Tanz" Polka-Rondo - Pub. in Leipzig by Forberg, 07/1882.
Op. 73 - "Früblingsgrüsse" 3 leichte Tonstücke - Pub. in Leipzig by Portius, 06/1880.
Rauschender Bach
Durch Feld und Au’
Op. 77 - Schlusslied der "Die Zeit entflieht" - Pub. ca. 1878
Op. 79 - "Die Sylphen" Salon-Walzer - Pub. in Braunschweig by Litolff, 02/1882.
Op. 80 - Märchenstrauss - Pub. in Braunschweig by Bauer, 07/1883.
Von der schönen Melusine
Op. 82 - "Waldscenen" 3 Salonstücke - Pub. in Braunschweig by Kott, 07/1895.
Rauschender Bach
Op. 86 - "Eistanz" Brillantes Klavierstück - Pub. in Königsberg by Jakubowski, 03/1880.
Op. 87 - "Schweizers Frühlingslied" Fantasie über das Volkslied (Wenn der Schnee von der Alma weggageht) - Pub. in Magdeburg by Heinrichshofen, 11/1880.