- This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see
Category:Glinka, Mikhail.
A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.
Fragments & unfinished works are not included
- Divertimento Brilliante in A♭ major on Themes from Bellini's Opera Sonnambula, for Piano, 2 Violins, Cello, & Contrabass (1832)
- Serenade in E♭ major on Themes from Donizetti's Opera Anna Bolena, for Piano, Harp, Bassoon, Horn, Viola, Cello, & Contrabass (1832)
- Grand sextet in E♭ major (1832)
- String Quartet No.1 in D major (1823-24)
- String Quartet in F major (1830)
- Trio Pathétique in D minor for Piano, Clarinet, & Bassoon (or Piano, Violin, & Cello) (1832)
- Viola Sonata (1825-28)
If anyone wants to translate these titles from the German to English, go right ahead since I'm unable to do it.
- A, du Nacht / O, you night (1828)
- Abschied von St. Petersburg / A Farewell to Saint Petersburg (Proshchaniye s Peterburgom) (1840)
- Adèle (1849)
- An Sie / To her (1843)
- Der arme Sänger / The poor singer (1826)
- Auf's neue verfolge mich nicht / Do not tempt me needlessly (1825)
- Bald wirst du mich vergessen / Soon you will forget me (1848)
- Brause, Wind / The wind howls loudly (1838)
- Dovinque il guardo giro / Everywhere I look (1828)
- Enttäuschung / Disenchantment (Разочарование) (1828)
- Erinnerung des Herzens / Heart's Memory (Память сердца) (1827)
- Für einen Augenblick / For one moment (Один лишь миг) (1827-28)
- Das Feuer der Sehnsucht brennt in meinem Blut / The fire of longing burns in my blood (В крови горит огонь желанья) (1838)
- Finnische Bucht / The Gulf of Finland (Финский залив) (1850)
- Geständnis / Confession (Признание) (1839)
- Gretchen am Spinnrad / Gretchen at the spinning wheel (1848)
- Großvater, die Mädchen haben's mir gesagt] (1828)
- Hart, hart ist es für mich / It's hard, it's hard to me (1827)
- Hast mir gesagt: Ich liebe dich! (1827)
- Hier ist der Ort der gemeinsamen Zusammenkunft / This is a place to meet together (1837)
- Ho perduto il mio tesoro / I lost my treasure(1828)
- Ich bin hier, Inesilia / I am here, Inesilia (1834)
- Ich liebe den schattigen Garten / I love the shady garden (1827-28)
- Ich liebe dich, du Rose / I love you, Rose (1842)
- 2 Italienische Lieder / 2 italian lieder (1828)
- L'iniquo voto / The unfair vote (1832)
- Der Laubwald rauscht / The forest is rustling (1834)
- Liebling / Honey (1847)
- Mary (1849)
- Meine Harfe / My harp (1824)
- Mein Liebling, du wundervolles Mädchen / My darling, you wonderful girl (1826)
- Mi sento il cor trafiggere / I feel my heart is broken (1828)
- Nächtliche Heerschau / The night army parade (1836)
- Nächtlicher Zephir / The night zephyr (1838)
- Nenn sie nicht erhaben / Don't call them sublime (1834)
- Der Nordstern / The north star (1839)
- O Dafni che di quest'anima amabile diletto / O Daphnis, who is the delight of this dear soul (1828)
- Pensa che questo istante / Think that this moment (1828)
- Piangendo ancora rinascer suole(1828)
- Pur nel sonno (1828)
- Sag mir warum / Tell me why (1827-28)
- Sag nicht, dass die Liebe vergeht / Don't say that the love will pass (1834)
- Sag nicht, dass es dein Herz zugrunde richtet (1856)
- Der Sieger / The winner (1832)
- Schule des Gesangs / School of singing (1857)
- Sing Zauberin, nur nicht vor mir (1828)
- Sobald ich dich erkannt / As soon as I recognized you (1834)
- Sollt ich vergessen? / Should I forgot? (1828)
- Stets weilst du unsichtbar bei mir / You always remain invisible next to me (1838)
- Stimmen aus einer anderen Welt / Voices from the other world (1829)
- 6 Studien für Sopran und Klavier (1833)
- 7 Studien für Alt und Klavier (1829-30)
- Der Toastbecher / The toast mug (1848)
- Traute Herbstnacht (1829)
- Trost / Consolation (1826)
- Tu sei figlia / You are daughter (1828)
- Übungen für die Stimme(1841)
- Übungen zum Weichmachen und Trainieren der Stimme (1835-36)
- Die Unterhaltung / The entertainment (1849)
- Venezianische Nacht / The venetian night(1832)
- Der Vogelbeerbaum blüht / The rowanberry is blooming (1839)
- [[Songs (Glinka, Mikhail)|Warum weinst du, junge Schönheit / Why are you crying, young beautiful
- Wenn ich deine Stimme höre / When I hear your voice (1848)
- Wenn ich dir begegne (1839)
- Wie schön ist's bei dir (1840)
- Wo ist die Rose? / Where is the Rose? (1837)
- Der Wunsch / The desire (1832)
- Zweifel / Doubt (1838)
- Zwitschern nicht, Nachtigall / Don't tweet, nightingale (1838)
2 Hands
4 Hands
- Abschiedslied for the Pupils of the Jekatarinsky Institute [Прощальная песнь воспитанниц Екатерининского института] (Platon Obodovsky), for Soprano, Choir, & Orchestra (1840)
- Abschiedslied for the Society for Daughters for Women's Choir & Orchestra (1850)
- Air to the Piece Gold & Dutch [Молдаванская цыганка, или Золото и кинжал] (Konstantin Bakhturin), for Choir (1836)
- Angel Song in C major for 6 Voices (1837)
- Cantata in Memory of Alexander I [Пролог или кантата : на кончину императора Александра I и восшествие на престол императора Николая I] for Solo Tenor, Mixed Chorus and Piano (1826)
- First Litanei for 4 Voices (1856)
- Our God is Great, Polonaise for Choir & Orchestra (1837) (probably After the Battle the God of War, Polonaise from A Life for the Tsar [Жизнь за царя]?)
- Prayer for Hard Times in Life [Молитва "В минуту жизни трудную"] (Lermontov), for Vocalist, Choir, & Orchestra (1855)
- Sogna chi Crede more d'esser Felice, for Vocalists & Orchestra (1826)
- Tarantella (Ivan Myatlev), for Speaker, Choir, & Orchestra (1840-41)
- Der Zopf [Коса] (Aleksandr Rimsky-Korsakov), Gypsy Song for Vocalist, Choir, & Orchestra (1854)