This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see Category:Tcherepnin, Nikolay. A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page. Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.
Cadence Fantastique for Violin and Orchestra, excerpt (Universal Ed.)
Op. 43 - Marche russe, ballet
Op.44 -
Op.45 - 12 Pièces for Wind instruments and Piano
Op.46 - Sinfonietta
Op.47 - Apothéose de la sinfonietta
Op.48 - 3 Mélodies, for Voice and Piano. Bessel, 1927.
Op.49 - Amaryllis (Das Bilsenkraut) (two versions), 2 sketches for Voice and Piano after texts by Balmont. Bessel, 1927.
Op.50 - 2 Légendes mystiques, for Voice and Piano (Vyacheslav Ivanov) [Две мистических легенды на слова Вяч. Иванова]. Belaieff, 1923.
Три гроба
Сон матери-пустыни
Op.50 - also: J'ai vu le jour ailleurs, mélodie for voice and piano, after text by Moréas. Bessel, 1927. (Not the only case of different publishers bringing out different works with the same opus number, of course.)
Op.51 -
Op. 52 - 7 Japanese Lyrics (7 Poèmes Japonais) [Семь японских пятистиший], for Voice and Piano (Balmont) Bessel
Весенней ночью
Осенней ночью
Ах, умереть бы мне
Озеро в мае
В вечерней дали
В тиши вечерней
Ночь бесконечна
Op. 53 - Oceanic Suite: A Cycle of Incantations by K. Balmont (Suite Océanique) [Океанийская сюита: цикл заклинаний К. Бальмонта], for Voice and Piano Bessel
Трубный глас "Под землею слышен ропот..." (Die Stimme des Gerichts), Ballade for Bass and Piano : A-e1. (Merezhkovsky)
Успокоенные A-f.2 (Merezhkovsky)
Институтская прощальная песнь : Для женского хора с сопровожд. ф.-п. / М. ; Лейпциг : Юргенсон, ценз. 1905
Liturgy (Mass) No. 1 Jurgenson
Liturgy (Mass) No. 2 Jurgenson
Liturgy (Mass) No. 3 Unpublished
Seven Hymns Schirmer
“Tati-tati” (paraphrases on a children’s tune), variations by Rimsky-Korsakov, Cui, Liadov, Borodin (and Liszt?), orchestrated by Nikolai Tcherepnin [Оркестровка «Парафраз» — совместного сочинения Римского-Корсакова, Кюи, Лядова, Бородина и Листа] (1937) Belaieff