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Category:Wranitzky, Paul.
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Stage Works
Operas and Singspiele
- Oberon, König der Elfen 1789
- Der dreifache Liebhaber (lost) 1791
- Walmir und Gertraud oder Man kann es ja probieren (lost)
- ?1791
- Merkur der Heiratsstifter oder Der Geiz im Geldkasten 1793
- Die Poststation oder Die unerwartete Zusammenkunft 1793
- Das Fest der Lazzaroni 1794
- Das Maroccanische Reich oder Die unterirdischen Schätze 1794
- Die Gute Mutter 1795
- Der Schreiner 1799
- Das Mitgefühl (Liederspiel) 1804
- Die drei Bucklingen (lost) 1808
- Medea (Melodrama, Parody of Georg Benda: Medea und Jason) ~1796
- Macbeth (Parody)
- Die Weinlese 1794
- Zephir und Flora 1795
- Das Waldmädchen 1796
- Die Luftfahrer (lost) 1797
- Cyrus und Tomyris (lost) 1797
- Zemire und Azor (lost) 1799
- Die Waise der Höhle oder Der Zauber der beiden Bildnisse (Collaboration with Thadäus Weigl) 1800
- Das Urtheil des Paris 1801
- Der Raub der Sabinerinnen (L'enlèvement des Sabines) (lost) 1804
- Zufriedenheit mehr als Reichtum oder Der Tyroler Jahrmarkt (Collaboration with Weigl et al) 1805
- Zelina und Gorano oder Die Morlaken-Hochzeit (lost) 1806
- Die Rache der Diana (lost) 1807
- Die geraubte und wiedereroberte Braut
- Das listige Bauernmädchen
- L'Amore Paterno
- Die Binder 1801
- Vorstellungen 1803
- Das Picknick der Götter 1804
- Die Erkenntlichkeit 1805
Incidental music
- Rudolf von Felseck (Die Schwarzhaler Mühle; La tempestà) (lost) 1792
- Siri Brahe oder Die Neugierigen 1794
- Die Dienstpflicht 1794
- Die Spanier in Peru oder Rollas Tod 1795
- Die Rache 1795
- Achmet und Zenide 1796
- Jolantha, Königin von Jerusalem 1797
- Johanna von Montfaucon (lost) 1799
- Regulus (lost) † 1801
- Der Tyrann von Syracus - Trauer Marsch 1806
- Bianka dellaPorta (lost) † 1807
- Maeon (lost) † 1807
- Der Wald bei Hermannstadt (lost) * 1807
- Die Bestürmung von Smolensk (lost) 1808
- Fernando und Marie (lost) † 1808
- (* - listed in Die Oper in Italien und Deutschland zwischen 1770 und 1830)
- († - listed in Die Wiener Hoftheater 1776-1810)
Vocal Works
- Die Fürstenfeyer, Soprano, 2 Tenors, Basso, Chorus & Orch.
Arias and Ensembles with Orchestra
- Aria 'Felice ch'io vi mira', Soprano & Orch.
- Scena: Recitativo 'No, che non ha la sorte' & Aria 'Vo' solcando un mar crudele', Basso & Orch. (by Anton?)
- Quodlibet, Basso & Orch.
- Duet 'O Deus in te unico spem omnem', Soprano, Alto & Orch.
- - Arrangement of 'Felice ch'io vi mira'
- Terzetto 'Die Juden'
Songs with Piano
- Kriegs-Lied 'Auf tapfre Brüder! auf ins Feld'
- Chor für Mädchen, und Knaben in der Schule
2, 3 and 4-part Songs
- 13 Duetti
- 40 Terzetti
- 37 Quartetti
- 12 two part canons
- 52 three part canons
- 44 four part canons
- 1 five part canon
Instrumental Works
Symphonies (Published)
- Symphony in C 'Joy of the Hungarian people', op 2
- Sinfonie Périodique No.2 in C minor, Op.11 No.1
- Sinfonie Périodique No.3 in F major, Op.11 No.2
- Sinfonie Périodique No.4 in A major, Op.11 No.3
- Symphony in C, op 16 no 1
- Symphony in A, op 16 no 2
- Symphony in D, op 16 no 3
- Symphony in C major, Op.17
- Symphony in B-flat major, Op.18
- Symphony in C major, Op.19 'Coronation'
- Symphony in D major, 'La Chasse', Op.25
- Symphony in C minor 'La Paix', Op.31
- Symphony in B-flat major, op 33 no 1
- Symphony in C major, op 33 no 2
- Symphony in F major, op 33 no 3
- Symphony in C, op 35 no 1
- Symphony in G, op 35 no 2
- Symphony in Eb, op 35 no 3
- Symphony in D, op 36
- Symphony in D, op 37
- Symphony in G, op 50
- Symphony in A, op 51
- Symphony in D, op 52
Symphonies (Unpublished)
At least 22 surviving unpublished symphonies including:
- Symphony in D with Toy instruments
- Symphony in D with Echo
- Symphony in D 'Sinfonia Quodlibet'
- Symphony in D minor 'La Tempesta'
- Symphony in Eb 'Jagd-Sinfonie'
- Symphony in G minor with a storm, a hunt and solo piano
- Violin Concerto in C
- Violin Concerto in D
- Violin Concerto in F
- Violin Concerto in G
- Cello Concerto in C, Op.27
- Flute Concerto in D, op 24/op 1
- Oboe Concerto in G
- Concertante for Flute & Oboe in C, op 39
- Concertino for Oboe & Cello in D (lost) *
- Concerto for two Flutes in G (lost) *
- (* - listed in Traeg's Musikalienverzeichnis for 1799)
- Divertimento in Bb with Solo Clarinet
- 6 Divertimenti for Ob, Vln, 2 Vla, Vlc & 2 Hn (ad lib.)
- 2 (?4) Divertimenti with Toy Instruments
Other Divertimenti
- Marches and Dances
- Pastorale & Allemande
- Several Quodlibets with Dances
- Ten "Deutsche" with Toy Instruments
- Many other sets of Dances
String Quintets
String Quartets
- 3 String Quartets, op 1
- 3 String Quartets, op 2
- 6 String Quartets, op 9
- 6 String Quartets, op 10
- 6 String Quartets, op 15
- 6 String Quartets, op 23
- 6 String Quartets, op 26/op 16
- 6 String Quartets, op 30
- 6 String Quartets, op 32
- 3 String Quartets, op 40
- String Quartet, op 41/op 45 no 1
- String Quartet, op 45/op 45 no 2
- String Quartet, op 49/op 45 no 3
- 5 unpublished surviving quartets
String Trios
- 6 String Trios published by Hoffmeister
- 6 String Trios, op 17/op 1&2
- 3 String Trios, op 20/op 3
- 3 Trios in manuscript
- 6 Trios for 2 Vln & Vc, autograph
String Duets
- 3 Sonatas for Violin & Viola, autograph
- 2 Violin Duets
Chamber music with Piano
- Divertimento 'La Chasse', op 44 - extract from Symphony in G minor, P 42
- 3 Piano Trios, op 21/op 1
- 3 Piano Trios, op 32
- 3 Piano Quartets, op 34
- Piano and Flute Sonata, op 31
- Piano and Violin Sonata - Arrangement of Symphony in C, P 9
- Piano Trio Arrangment of 'La Paix' Symphony, op 31
Music for Solo Piano
- 3 Piano Sonatas, op 22
- Feld-Marsch des Russischen Generals Benningsen
Octets for Winds
- Parthia (Harmonie) in F for 2Ob, 2Cl, 2Bn & 2Hn Hob.II: F7 (D-DO Mus.Ms. 2062). The "Haydn Octet in F"
Sextets with Winds
Quintets with Winds
- 6 Quintets for Ob, Vln, 2 Vla & Vlc, op 1
- 4 Quintets for Ob, Fl, 2 Vln & Vlc, op 3
Quartets with Winds
- 6 Flute Quartets published by Hoffmeister
- 3 Flute Quartets, op 28
Trios with Winds
- 4 Trios for Fl, Vla, Vlc
- 3 Trios for 2 Fl, Vlc, op 53
Duets with Winds
Other ensembles
- 10 variations on 'Ach du lieber Augustin' for Xylophone, Cymbals, Military Drum, 2 Violins and Cello
- Soli for Glass harmonica (lost)
Arrangments of music by others
- Mozart's "Sparrow Mass" KV 220 with added toy instruments
- Six Haydn String Quartets (Hob.III:69-74; The 'Apponyi' Quartets) arranged as divertimenti for Fl, Ob, 2Hn, 2Vn, Va, Vlc & B
Wranitzky arranged by others
- Many arrangements of selections from Oberon
- Three Choruses from Oberon arranged by Michael Haydn, autograph
- Symphony in A, P 46, arranged for Pno, Vln & Vlc by L. Isabey
- Symphony in C, P 8, arranged for Piano 2h & Piano 4h
- String Quartets op 15 no 1, 4, 5 arranged for Clarinet and Strings by G. F. Fuchs
- String Quartets op 15 no 1, 5, 6 arranged for Piano Trio by J. L. Adam
- String Quartet op 15 no 2 arranged for piano by C. Caselitz
Works based on music by Wranitzky
- Piano variations on a theme from 'Der Tyroler Jahrmarkt', by J. Gelinek
- Piano variations on a theme from 'Die Weinlese', by J. Gelinek
- Piano variations on a theme from 'Der Tyroler Jahrmarkt', by J. Gelinek