List of works by Robin Schreiber

This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see
Category:Schreiber, Robin.

A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.

Information: The works will be replaced step by step and thus, the catalogue will get updated. Information on the current state will be provided in brackets.


Works with Opus number

  1. Spanischer Walzer (E minor)
  2. Melancholischer Walzer (D major)
  3. Tragischer Walzer (C minor)
  • Op.2 - Go Down Moses. Paraphrase for piano in F minor (2017) (Formerly: Op.4)
  • Op.3 - Impressions. 5 Pieces for piano (2018) (Formerly: 6 Preludes, Op.5, No.6 got abandoned)
  1. Dschungel (D minor)
  2. Spanischer Tanz (F minor)
  3. Ouvertüre (C major)
  4. Liebeserklärung (E major)
  5. Das Schiff in der Grotte (E minor)
  • Op.4 - Water Colors. 4 Pieces for piano (2018) (Formerly: Op.6; No. 5 got abandoned)
  1. Herbstwald (E major)
  2. Pfau (C minor)
  3. Basar (G minor)
  4. Atlantis (A minor)
  • Op.5 - Romance for cello and piano in G minor (2018) (Formerly: Op.7)
  • Op.6 - Der Junge. A narration for voice and piano in F minor (2019) (Formerly: 2 Songs, Op.8; No.2 got abandoned)
  • Op.7 - 9 Sketches for piano (2017 - 2019) (Formerly: Op.4a, Op.13a, Op.6a, Op.7a, Op.12; some pieces got abandoned)
  1. Sommertag (A minor) (from Op.4a)
  2. Marsch (C minor) (from Op.4a)
  3. Ein schöner Traum (B major) (from Op.4a)
  4. Die Hinrichtung (B minor) (from the former 5 Bagatelles, Op.12)
  5. Kleiner Blues (F minor) (from Op.7a)
  6. Der Trampelpfad (E major) (from Op.13a)
  7. Aphrodite (A major) (from Op.6a)
  8. Wahnsinn (G minor) (from Op.6a)
  9. Donau bei Nacht (A major) (from Op.6a)
  • Op.8 - Toskana. 6 Character pictures for piano (2019)
  1. Zypressen (G major)
  2. Das alte Kloster (E minor)
  3. Sonnenuntergang (D major)
  4. Einsamer Weg (B minor)
  5. Sturm in Florenz (F minor)
  6. Saltarello (G minor)
  • Op.9 - Impromptu No.1 for piano in G minor (2019) (Formerly: Op.13)
  • Op.10 - Erinnerungen an Ingolstadt. 5 Pieces for piano (2019) (Formerly: Op.14; No.6 got abandoned)
  1. Rückblick (G minor)
  2. Donausteg bei Nebel (A major)
  3. Das Kreuztor (Thema und Variationen) (D minor)
  4. Die Altstadt bei Nacht (D major)
  5. Das Reduit Tilly (E minor)
  • Op.11 - 3 Rhythmical pieces for piano four hands (2014 - 2020) (Formerly: Op.2, Op.15, Op.15a)
  1. Tarantella (D minor)
  2. Sternenhimmel (F minor) (Formerly: Meteroritenhagel, Op.15)
  3. The Roaring Twenties (F minor)
  • Op.12 - Rondo No.1 for piano in B minor (2019 - 2020) (Formerly: Op.9)
  • Op.13 - 2 Elegies for piano (2016 - 2020)
  1. Sehr langsam und schmerzerfüllt (B minor) (Formerly: Elegy No.1, Op.3)
  2. Ruhig meditierend und sehr ruhig (E major)
  • Op.14 - Serenade for melodica and piano in E major (2020)
  • Op.15 - Sonatina for piano in D minor (2020)
  • Op.16 - Celtic Serenade for oboe and piano in B minor (2021) (Formerly: W.1)
  • Op.17 - Piano Sonata in C minor (2018 - 2020)
  • Op.18 - 6 Bagatelles for piano (2020 - 2021)
  1. Allegretto (E major)
  2. Molto lento; mesto e tenuto (B minor)
  3. Scherzando spiritoso (C major)
  4. Precipitato impetuoso (F minor)
  5. Andantino placido (D major)
  6. Erregt (G minor)
  • Op.19 - Exotic Rhapsody for piano in C minor (2020 - 2021)
  • Op.20 - Little Sonata (Sonata Pastorale) for flute and piano in F major (2021) (virtual performance)
  • Op.21 - Pictures from a Monastery. 7 Lyrical pieces for piano (2021 - 2022)
  1. Der Lindenbaum (C minor)
  2. Das Vesperbrot (F minor)
  3. Devotion (D minor)
  4. Päderasten (C major)
  5. Im Klostergarten (G minor)
  6. Der Brand (E minor)
  7. Ruinen (F minor)
  • Op.22 - Bossa Nova for piano four hands in D major (2022) (virtual performance)
  • Op.23 - 4 Songs for voice and piano (2021 - 2022)
  1. Die Verratene (Emil Claar) (E minor)
  2. Notschrei (Christian Morgenstern) (G minor)
  3. Da steht ein Baum (Karl Ferdinand Dräxler-Manfred) (C minor)
  4. Ach (Friedrich Kayssler), 4a. Postludium (D minor)

Works with W. number

NB: W. refers to 'Werk' and is a secondary work list for compositions of little artistic value.

  • W.1 - Abfälle for piano (2020 - 2021)
  1. Sonatinensatz (A minor)
  2. Menuett im strengen Stil (C minor)
  3. Ich hasse diese Welt! (A minor)
  • W.2 - In memoriam Walter Niemann. Small pieces in the style of Walter Niemann for piano (2021 - 2022)
  1. Der Waldbach (F major)
  2. Blumenstrauß (B major)
  3. Tanz der Nymphen (A major)
  4. Gavotte im Park (G major)