List of works by Samuel de Lange Jr.

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Main Sources:

  • HMB (website in UK up to 1900, ONB from 1901 on)
  • Worldcat
  • Catalog of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek


Dates are publication dates from HMB, almost entirely. Many of his works were published without 'Jr.' attached, suggesting the possibility that some works listed here are by Samuel de Lange Sr. instead, but this seems less of a risk with the works with opus number and the works not for organ, as the works so far known (to me…) by de Lange Sr. are for organ or choir - generally liturgical - and do not use opus numbers. The advice of an expert, however, would be appreciated.

Some of the works listed here are, indeed, attributed to de Lange Sr. in the [Nederlands Musik Instituut de Lange Sr.] archives, e.g. the 1883-published Adagio for cello and piano Op.36, and possibly some of the organ sonatas and earlier works. Where an opus number is associated with two works here, it seems very likely that one is associated with de Lange Sr., one with de Lange Jr.


Works with Opus Number

  • Op.1 - polonaise for piano in A (1868, Schott)
  • Op.2 - ?
  • Op.3 - 3 impromptus for piano (1868, Seitz of Leipzig)
  • Op.4 - ?
  • Op.5 - Sonate op het Koraal 'Aus tiefer Noth schrei ich zu Dir' (ca.1870)
  • Op.6 - Nachts in der Kajüte. Ein Liedercyklus v. Heine. (1871)
  • Op.7 - Märchenbilder. (1872, Roothaan)
  • Op.8 - Sonate über 'Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott' (Organ Sonata 2) (1872)
  • Op.9 - Prelude and Fugue for organ ; also, 4 impromptus for piano (1873)
  • Op.10 - Praeludium und Fuge (1872)
  • Op.11 - unsure - possibly Prelude and Fugue or Preludes and Fugues for organ
  • Op.12 - Der einsame Fels for men's chorus (pub. by 1881.)
  • Op.13 - Willem de Eerste voor Damiate : woorden van J.P. Heije : voor baryton-solo en mannenkoor met orkestbegeleiding (ca.1874 by Roothan, Amsterdam)
  • Op.14 - Organ sonata no.3 in G minor (Simrock, 1873)
  • Op.15 - String Quartet no.1 in E minor (Leuckart plate FECL2470, 1873) (dedicated to Jean Becker.)
  • Op.16 - Cello Concerto in C minor (Kahnt, 1874) (manuscript at Free Library of Philadelphia as Op.15)
  • Op.17 - ?
  • Op.18 - String Quartet No.2 in C major (Leuckart plate FECL2520, 1874)
  • Op.19 - Violin sonata no.1 in G major (Forberg: plate 1800. Published Monatsbericht (1875), p.57.)
  • Op.20 - Sonatinas for piano (Ca.1881) (pub. Bonn:Cohen)
  • Op.21 - Piano Trio No.1 (in G) (Leuckart, 1876)
  • Op.22 - Violin Concerto in D minor (Schott, 1878. Dedicated to H.Léonard. Piano reduction has plate Schott 22370. 1878.)
  • Op.23 - Serenade for Piano Quintet in D (Cohen of Bonn, 1878)
  • Op.24 - 5 Gesänge f. Männerchor. (1877)
  • Op.25 - 5 Gesänge f. Männerchor. (1878)
  • Op.26 - 6 Lieder (1878)
  • Op.27 - 3 Klavierstücke (1878)
  • Op.28 - Organ Sonata No.4 in D (1879)
  • Op.29 - Violin Sonata No.2 in C minor (ded. Richard Gompertz) (Rieter-Biedermann plate 1091, pub. 1880)
  • Op.30 - 2 Andantes (in E major and C minor) for organ (1880, 1887)
  • Op.31 - 5 Gesänge for medium voice (middenstem) and piano (score incomplete at KB)
  • Op.32 - Piano Concerto in G minor (Cologne: Alt & Uhrig, plate A&U 83. 1880)
  • Op.33 - Sonata for Piano 4-hands in E minor (Monatsbericht (1881), p.112 from Weber of Cologne.)
  • Op.34 - Variationen über das Volkslied "God save the queen" for organ (J. Rieter-Biedermann, 1883)
  • Op.35 - Lieder u. Gesänge f. dreistimm. Frauenchor m. Pfte (1882)
  • Op.36 -
  • Op.37 - Cello Sonata No.1 in C minor (1879, published by Cranz in 1883, plate 35489)
  • Op.38 - Adagio and Tarantella - Concert pieces for cello and piano. (1885)
  • Op.39 - Romance for violin and piano (1884)
  • Op.40 - Songs from Liana (1886)
  • Op.41 - ?
  • Op.42 - Paraphrases on a Choralmelodie for organ (1885)
  • Op.42 - also -4 Lieder for 3 voice women's chorus and piano. (1886)
  • Op.43 - ?
  • Op.44 - Liederen en gezangen voor gemengd koor (1893?)
  • Op.45 - Der Engel (1898?) (after Hans Christian Andersen) (song for mezzo-soprano and piano)
  • Op.46 - Berceuse and Gavotte for cello and piano
  • Op.47 - Dutch (Hollandsch) Song and others (ca.1886)
  • Op.48 - Violin Sonata No.3 in D (Rieter-Biedermann 1525, pub. 1888)
  • Op.49 - Psalm 22 for baritone, chorus and orchestra or piano in C major (text in Dutch and German.) (in 6 sections.) (1887)
  • Op.50 - Organ Sonata No.5 (C minor, 1887, Rieter-Biedermann. Dedicated to Johannes Brahms.)
  • Op.51 - Heloise: „Im Klostergarten steht ein steinern Bild“ - concert piece for mezzo-soprano (?) and orchestra. (vocal score pub. 1887.)
  • Op.52 - Ave Maria gratia plena for voice, cello and piano (Rieter-Biedermann, 1888)
  • Op.53 - Fantasy and Fugue for Organ (C minor) (1888)
  • Op.54 - „Mein Herz ist im Urwald“ for 4 part men's chorus, ad lib. (willkürlicher) accompaniment of 2 horns, 2 trombones. (1888)
  • Op.55 - 2 piano pieces (nocturne and scherzo) (1890)
  • Op.56 - 12 leichtere Orgelstücke verschiedenen Charakters zum Gebrauche in Kirche u. Concert (3 books) (1889)
  • Op.57 - Moses (1891, vocal score published 1890)
  • Op.58 - 3 Nocturnes for piano (1890)
  • Op.59 - Adagio for viola and organ (1892)
  • Op.60 - preludes for organ -at least 18 in 3 books, pub. end of 1893/prob. through 1895 (7-12 on p.28 of HMB 1894, book 2 1895, book 4 1902)
  • Op.61 - Sonata No. 6 for Organ in C major (Monatsbericht (1892), p.53)
  • Op.61 - also used for Maienlust, for soprano and piano
  • Op.62 - Fantasie und Fuge über die Melodie des 66ten Psalms for organ (Monatsbericht (1892), p.53)
  • Op.63 - Piano Sonata in C minor (Rieter-Biedermann, 1892)
  • Op.64 - De opstanding: cantata for soloists, choir and organ (pub. van Eck, the Hague. Plate 311.)
  • Op.65 - Piano Quintet in C major (1894)
  • Op.66 - 20 Canonic Variations on 2 Ricercars on the melody of the 72nd Psalm, for organ (Rieter-Biedermann, 1895)
  • Op.67 - String Quartet No.3 in G minor (1895)
  • Op.68 - Feestbundel : koorstukken : ten dienste der Christelijke feesten : met en zonder begeleiding
  • Op.69 - Violin Sonata No.4 in D (1896)
  • Op.70 - 3 Songs for middle voice and piano (1896) (Rieter-Biedermann) (texts by Neubauer, Chamisso, Marosch)
  • Op.71 - Elias auf Horeb: „Ist alle Hoffnung dir entschwunden“ for men's chorus (Rieter-Biedermann, 1896)
  • Op.72 - Deux poésies de Paul Bourget (1898?)
  • Op.73 - Todtenklage: „Bang die Gräberstrass’ entlang“ for soprano solo, mixed choir, violin solo, harp, organ. (Rieter-Biedermann, 1898)
  • Op.74 - 5 Songs after C. Lemcke for high voice (1898) (Rieter-Biedermann plate 2199)
  • Op.75 - Organ Sonata No.7 in F minor (©1898, Rieter-Biedermann)
  • Op.76 - Cello Sonata No.2 in A (Rieter-Biedermann, 1899. Dedicated to Hugo Becker. 4 movements.)
  • Op.77 - 5 Lieder for Men's Chorus (1899)
  • Op.78 - Tägliche Übungen im Pedalspiel (1899)
  • Op.79 - Die Schollenfahrer? (Monatsbericht (1902), p.28 (possibly early 1901) from Ebner of Stuttgart)
  • Op.80 - Serenade for small orchestra (flute, horn, trumpet, timpani, strings) (Rieter-Biedermann, 1900)
  • Op.81 - String Quartet No.4 in D major (pub. J. Rieter-Biedermann, 1901)
  • Op.82 - Concertstück (Toccata, Adagio, Finale) für die Orgel (pub. Rieter-Biedermann, 1901)
  • Op.83 - Fantasy in A minor for organ (ca.1902)
  • Op.84 - 8 Liederblüthen f. 1 Singst. m. Pfte. (Stuttgart: Ebner, 1902. for list of songs see HMB 1902 p.622.)
  • Op.85 - ?
  • Op.86 - Eines Königs Tränen : Kantate (pub. Breitkopf und Härtel, 1903)
  • Op.87 - Die Nordsee: 4 Songs for Baritone and Orchestra (Kistner, 1903)
  1. Meergruss (Thalatta! Sei mir gegrüsst.)
  2. Sonnenuntergang (Die glühend rotte Sonne steigt hinab)
  3. Sturm (Es wüthet der Sturm)
  4. Frieden (Hoch am Himmel stand die Sonne)
  • Op.88 - Organ Sonata No.8 in E major (Kistner, © 1903)
  • Op.89 - Piano Trio No.2 (1904)
  • Op.90 - 12? Preludes and Fugues for Organ (Rieter-Biedermann, 1905 (HMB 1905 p.534))
  • Op.91 - Albumblätter für Klavier (pub.1907)
  • Op.92 - (or Op.92 No.1 according to HMB) Praeludium und Fuge a-moll (published in 1912 by Junne)
  • Op.93 - Die Ketzerin : Ballade : für Männerchor, Soli und Orchester (Rieter-Biedermann, cop.1908)

Works without Opus Number

(Incomplete list, even moreso than the above)

  • Waltz in A major for piano? (1880, Lichtenauer of Rotterdam)
  • Waltz in F minor for piano (1881, Lichtenauer of Rotterdam) (both these works may be by de Lange Sr., who also published a Valse p. Piano at the same time, through Alsbach of Rotterdam. The autograph (1882 date) of a Waltz by de Lange Sr. for Sophie de Lange is listed in the NMI; 4 pages, key not given, NMI Request # 217/037-2.)
  • Albumblad for violin and organ (dated 31 May 1878)
  • Hebräische Melodie for violin and piano (1893, Rieter-Biedermann)
  • Altniederländische Weisen (1893, Rieter-Biedermann)
  • Violin Concerto No.2 (1879) (autograph, undated manuscript at the Amsterdam Public Library.)
  • Overture in C minor (manuscript score (46 pp.) at the Amsterdam Public Library. Possibly by de Lange Sr.?)
  • Concerto for Viola and Orchestra
  • Two other cello concertos?
  • Symphony in F major? (performed 1897?)
  • Cello Sonata No.3 in B minor (composed 1900. Con moto moderato - Poco animato - Andante and variations. Manuscript @ Stuttgart.)
  • Funerale in C minor for organ (published 1912)
  • Prière in G major for organ (published 1912)