Livre d'orgue No.3 (Lebègue, Nicolas)

Ambox notice.png This page is only for complete editions and multiple selections from the collection here. For arrangements, new editions, etc. see (or create) separate pages for individual works linked in the General Information section below.




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For Organ (Gouin)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/22)

9 more: Offertoire 2 • Offertoire 3 • Offertoire 4 • Offertoire 5 • Offertoire 6 • Offertoire 7 • Offertoire 8 • Offertoire 9 • Offertoire 10

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/22)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/22)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/22)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/22)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/22)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/22)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/22)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/22)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/22)

Publisher Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2015
Performers MIDI file by Pierre Gouin
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For Organ (Gouin)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/23)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/23)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/23)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/23)

Publisher Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2015
Performers MIDI file by Pierre Gouin
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Noëls - Les Cloches

For Organ (Gouin)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/25)

9 more: Noël 2 • Noël 3 • Noël 4 • Noël 5 • Noël 6 • Noël 7 • Noël 8 • Noël 9 • Les Cloches

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/25)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/25)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/25)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/25)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/25)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/25)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/25)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/25)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/25)

Publisher Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2015
Performers MIDI file by Pierre Gouin
Javascript is required for this feature.

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/25)

Publisher Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2015
Performers MIDI file by Pierre Gouin
Javascript is required for this feature.

Noëls 1-9

For Trumpet and Organ (Rondeau)

MID file (audio/video)
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

Publisher Info. Michel Rondeau
Performers Synthesized MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Les Cloches

For 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones and Timpani (Rondeau)

MID file (audio/video)
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

Publisher Info. Michel Rondeau
Performers Synthesized MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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For Organ (Gouin)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/27)

7 more: Élévation 2 • Élévation 3 • Élévation 4 • Élévation 5 • Élévation 6 • Élévation 7 • Élévation 8

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/27)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/27)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/27)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/27)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/27)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/27)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/7/27)

Publisher Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2015
Performers MIDI file by Pierre Gouin
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Sheet Music



PDF scanned by F-TLm
Squin (2010/5/21)

PDF scanned by F-TLm
Irishmaestro (2011/4/12)

Editor First edition
Engraver Henri de Baussen
Publisher. Info. Paris: [Chez le Sieur de Baussen], n.d.[1685]
Misc. Notes Pages added by previous owner, Guillaume Delvaux, with his own compositions or arrangements dated 1745 & 1751 (pp.76-78, 84, 84bis, 84ter, 87). Score has been cleaned up a bit; several manuscript insertions by Delvaux have been deleted.
This copy is from Bibliothèque municipale de Toulouse, Res. Mus. Cons. 8896 (Fonds musicaux anciens, Toulouse 1640, RISM L1211).
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PDF scanned by Unknown
NachoBA (2007/2/19)

Editor Alexandre Guilmant (1837-1911)
André Pirro (1869-1943)
Publisher. Info. Archives des Maîtres de l'orgue, Vol.9
Paris: A. Durand & Fils, 1909. Plate A.G. 1??
Misc. Notes The title page here is the same than the Second Livre, which of course is erroneous; that mistake is not due to A. Guilmant however!
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PDF typeset by editor
editor (2015/7/27)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2010
Misc. Notes Urtext edition after a facsimile of the original publication, BnF, département Musique, VM7-3107.
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I. Offertoires

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2015/7/22)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2010
Misc. Notes Urtext edition after a facsimile of the original publication.
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PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

9 more: (2e) Offertoire en G♭ (sol mineur) • (3e) Offertoire du 3e ton • (4e) Offertoire du 5e ton • (5e) Autre Offertoire en C • (6e) Offertoire en G♮ (majeur) • (7e) Offertoire en ♭ fa (si♭ majeur) • (8e) Offertoire en C sol ut ♭ (ut mineur) • (9e) Offertoire en F ut fa sur le Stabat Mater • (10e) Offertoire sur le Chant d’O filii et filiæ

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2010
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Urtext edition after a facsimile of the original publication, BnF, département Musique, VM7-3107.
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II. Simphonies

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2015/7/23)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2010
Misc. Notes Urtext edition after a facsimile of the original publication.
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PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2010
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Urtext edition after a facsimile of the original publication, BnF, département Musique, VM7-3107.
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III. Noëls

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2015/7/25)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2010
Misc. Notes Urtext edition after a facsimile of the original publication.
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PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

9 more: II. Une Vierge Pucelle / Noël « Une Vierge Pusselle » (anon.) • III. Noël pour l’Amour de Marie • IV. Noël, cette Journée • V. Or nous ditte Marie - Pour la voix humaine • VI. Puer Nobis Nascitur • VII. Les Bourgeoises de Chatre • VIII. Ou s’en vont ces gays Bergers / Autre Noël «Laissez pestre vos bestes » Rondeaux (anon.) • IX. Laissez Paistre vos Bestes / À la venue de Noël, Dialogue (anon.) / Laissez paistre vos bestes, à 2 p. (anon.) • X. Les Cloches

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2010
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Urtext edition after a facsimile of the original publication, BnF, département Musique, VM7-3107.
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PDF typeset by editor
editor (2015/7/25)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2015
Misc. Notes Addendum. These noëls (ms. Vm7. 1823 in BnF) were attributed to LeBègue, or his pupils, by Alexandre Guilmant, in Archives des Maîtres de l’Orgue, Œuvres Complètes de Nicolas LeBègue, vol. IV (1909).
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PDF scanned by Sibley Library
Tolentino (2009/8/19)

Editor Joseph Bonnet (1884-1944)
Publisher. Info. Historical Organ-Recitals, Vol. I
New York: G. Schirmer, 1917, plate 27751
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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IV. Élévations

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2015/7/27)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2010
Misc. Notes Urtext edition after a facsimile of the original publication.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

7 more: (2e) Élévation en G♭ (sur les flûtes, en dialogue) • (3e) Élévation en g♮ (en dialogue et en trio) • (4e) Élévation en E mi la - Trio • (5e) Élévation en A♯ - Dialogue • (6e) Élévation en ♭ Fa pour la Voix humaine • (7e) Élévation en g. sol♮ (en dialogue) • (8e) Petitte Élévation en A♮ - Trio

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/9/24)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2010.
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Urtext edition after a facsimile of the original publication, BnF, département Musique, VM7-3107.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

Les Cloches

For 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones and Timpani (Rondeau)

PDF typeset by Michel Rondeau
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

4 more: Trumpet 1/2 • Trombone/Bass trombone • Timpani • Engraving files (Finale)

PDF typeset by Michel Rondeau
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

PDF typeset by Michel Rondeau
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

PDF typeset by Michel Rondeau
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

ZIP typeset by Michel Rondeau
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

Arranger Michel Rondeau
Publisher. Info. Michel Rondeau
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/7/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/7/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/7/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/7/18)

Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2018.
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Noëls 1-9

For Trumpet and Organ (Rondeau)

PDF typeset by Michel Rondeau
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

5 more: Trumpet (C) • Trumpet (B♭) • Organ • Engraving files (Finale) • Engraving files (MusicXML)

PDF typeset by Michel Rondeau
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

PDF typeset by Michel Rondeau
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

PDF typeset by Michel Rondeau
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

ZIP typeset by Michel Rondeau
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

ZIP typeset by Michel Rondeau
Reccmo (2012/4/8)

Arranger Michel Rondeau
Publisher. Info. Michel Rondeau
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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General Information

Work Title Troisième Livre d'Orgue
Alternative. Title
Composer Lebègue, Nicolas
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. INL 6
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 4 sections
  1. 10 Offertoires
  2. 4 Simphonies
  3. 9 Noëls, Les Cloches
  4. 8 Élévations
First Publication. 1685
Language French; français
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation Organ