Maria egiziaca (Respighi, Ottorino)

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Sheet Music

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LinBoHe (2021/8/13)

Publisher. Info. Roma: Ricordi, 1931. Plate 122338.
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Vocal Scores

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LinBoHe (2022/2/8)

Publisher. Info. Milano: Ricordi, 1931. Plate 122341.
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General Information

Work Title Maria Egiziaca
Alternative. Title Opera in 1 act
Composer Respighi, Ottorino
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. IOR 58
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 3 episodes
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1931
First Performance. 1932/03/16 in New York City, Carnegie Hall
1932/08/10 in Venice, Teatro Goldoni (First Stage Performance)
Librettist Claudio Guastalla (1880-1948)
Language Italian
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation voices, chorus, orchestra
Maria (soprano)
Abbate Zosimo (Abbot Zosima)/Pilgrim (baritone)
Sailor (tenor)
The leper (tenor)
Second companion/Poor man (contralto)
First companion/Blind woman/Voice of an angel (soprano)


flute, oboe, 2 clarinets, bassoon
2 horns, trumpet, 2 trombones
harpsichord (or piano), strings
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Stage Works by Ottorino Respighi
Operas Ballets
  • Re Enzo (1905)
  • Al mulino (1908, unfinished)
  • Semirâma (1910)
  • La Marquise Zabeth (1913, unfinished)
  • Marie Victoire (1914)
  • Belfagor (1922)
  • La campana sommersa (1927)
  • Maria egiziaca (1931)
  • La fiamma (1933)
  • La bella dormente nel bosco (1933)
  • Lucrezia (1935)