Mayon (Buencamino Sr., Francisco)

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Sheet Music

Arrangements and Transcriptions

1st Movement (A Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra)

For Piano (Buencamino)

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Vesteel (2020/8/3)

Editor 1st Edition
Publisher. Info. Manila: Philippine Music Publishers, 1949.
Misc. Notes Published as "Fantasia de Concierto"
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Vesteel (2020/8/3)

Publisher. Info. Manila: Rhapsody Music House, c. 1960.
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General Information

Work Title Mayon
Alternative. Title
Composer Buencamino Sr., Francisco
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IFB 4
Key D-flat major
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 3 movements
I. A Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra
II. Ang Dalagang Matimtiman
III. Ang Diwa ng Aking Bayan
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1943-1948
First Performance. 1950-02-05 — Manila: Rosario Buencamino (piano), Francisco Buencamino Jr. (conductor)
First Publication. 1949 - Manila: Philippine Music Publishers (2 piano version)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation piano, orchestra

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Much of the info here was taken from E. Arsenio Manuel's Biography of the composer. First published as a two piano arrangement, Buencamino later reworked the first movement into a solo piano rhapsody called "Mayon Fantasy"