MediaWiki talk:FTE:nonpublicdomaincomposer

This FTE template is for limited use.

Composers must meet the following criteria:

  1. Composer must be under copyright protection in Canada;
  2. No significant compositions prior to 1930 available on IMSLP·US;
  3. Multiple instances of copyright violation by contributors uploading protected works to IMSLP.

The first line of the normal template for a person’s category page may be altered to use this template by changing the line:




The page should be protected against editing by anyone except a sysop: this is insufficient to prevent work pages being created, but will probably be sufficient deterrent.

Non-Public Domain Composers

Composers are added to the category Non-Public Domain People, but not to the categories People or Composers.

Thus the subset of composers fitting these criteria can be inspected using the Category Walker (by means of excluding “People” from the “Non-Public Domain People”: thus).

As of 25 July 2011 it consists of the following four composers:

  1. Dmitry Kabalevsky
  2. Fritz Kreisler
  3. Astor Piazzolla
  4. Dmitry Shostakovich


The US part must say "after 1922", not "after 1923", iirc? Eric 09:39, 17 August 2018 (CEST)