Missa Sex vocum (Brumel, Antoine)

Authorship Note
Brumel's authorship of this work is uncertain. In some sources, it is attributed to Noel Bauldeweyn (ca.1480-after 1513).

Sheet Music


PDF typeset by editor
Clegoldberg (2020/10/23)

PDF typeset by editor
Clegoldberg (2020/10/23)

Editor Clemens Goldberg
Publisher. Info. Goldberg Stiftung, 2018.
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General Information

Work Title Missa Sex vocum
Alternative. Title Missa Anthonii Brumelii sex vocum
Composer Brumel, Antoine
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IAB 25
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 5 sections:
  1. Kyrie
  2. Gloria
  3. Credo
  4. Sanctus
  5. Agnus Dei
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Renaissance
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation 6 voices
Manuscript Sources CZ-Bam fond V 2 Svatojakubská knihovna, sign. 15/4 (Bam. 1) "Missa Anthonij Brumelij / Sex Vocum"
V-CVbav (formerly I-Rvat) MS Capp. Sist. 57 [sine nomine] attrib. "Noel Balduin"
D-W Cod. Guelf. A Aug. 2° [sine nomine] attrib. "Noe Balbun"