Oeuvres célèbres et transcriptions classiques (Bazelaire, Paul)

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General Information

Work Title Œuvres Célèbres et Transcriptions Classiques
Alternative. Title
Composer Bazelaire, Paul
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 7
Haydn Adagio (Symphony No.13)
Haendel. Larghetto 1546
Mozart. Menuet 1543
Schumann. La source 1549
Stradella. Aria di chiesa 1544
Tartini. Adagio.1542
Valensin. Menuet. 1548
Veracini. Menuet et gavotte 1545
First Publication. 1920
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation cello, piano

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pub Senart

  • I have posted a work by Rameau belonging to a collection bearing this title and published by Senart (no date) which isn't even mentioned here, and the Bazelaire arrangement mentioned here doe not belong to this collection, so it leaves me wondering (see Rameau, Jean-Philippe : Dardanus, Arrangements and Transcriptions)* The confusion stems from the fact that Leduc published at least 2 series of collections, one with the title Les Classiques du Violoncelle with original or arranged works edited by Bazelaire for cello and piano, and the other with the title Les Classiques du Violon six years running (1919-1924), edited by Georges Catherine for violin and piano. - Jurabe