Otto Wernthal

cover 1901
cover 1899
Wernthal-Ascherberg decorative cover 1893
decorative cover



Otto Wernthal, who was a director of Bosworth & Co. from 1892, operated his own company in Magdeburg from 1893. He opened a Berlin office in 1899.

It published mainly domestic music for piano or violin. According to Hofmeister's Verzeichniss for 1899 Wernthal acquired the publishing firms of Gustav Cohen (Bonn) and Fritz Fiedler (Görlitz) in that year. In 1901 Wernthal acquired the Berlin publisher G. Tschentscher.


Imprints, Agencies, Addresses



  • Magdeburg (1893-1899)
  • Berlin (1899-?)

Plate Numbers

Wernthal's plate numbers are in the following format: O.W. ####. Dates in italics are estimated.

Plate Composer Work Year
0053 Bode Krupp-Marsch (arr. solo piano) 1893
0091 Hollaender Die Schliersee'r, Op.86 1894
0423 Kwast Romanze 1899
0434 Brauer Idyllische Sonate, Op.3 (revised edition) 1900
0478 Jensen Sinfonietta, Op.22 (full score) 1899
0547 Gompertz Violin Sonata 1899
0577 Orth 10 Tonstücke, Op.11 (No.10) 1899
0698 Dessau Berceuse, Op.23 1901
1130-1132 Dölb 3 Leichte Vortragsstücke, Op.30 1901
1134 Dölb 2 Pieces for Violin and Piano, Op.43 (No.2) 1901
1149 Dölb Nachtgesang, Op.45 1901
1150-1151 Dölb 2 Pieces for Violin and Piano, Op.44 1901
1380 Förster Ständchen, Op.82
1455 Dessau Berceuse, Op.4 1902
1464, 1468 Rehfeld 4 Salonstücke, Op.25 (No.1 piano score/cello part)
1467, 1471 Rehfeld 4 Salonstücke, Op.25 (No.4 piano score/cello part)
1495 Dessau Pastorale, Op.25 1902
1730, 2073, 2203 Friedemann Slavische Rhapsodie No.1, Op.114 1904
2073, 2203 Friedemann Slavische Rhapsodie No.1, Op.114 (salon orch. parts) 1904(a.)
a. Date is possibly the copyright date of the first published edition (piano solo, plate O.W. 1730)

IMSLP Entries

Plate #Full PlateComposerWorkIMSLP #Full YearYear

Sources Consulted

Authority Control
