Sheet Music
⇒ 19 more: 9. I Fell From the Clouds [Я упал с облаков] • 10. Blacksmith [Кузнец] • 11. He Bowed the Strings [Он водил по струнам] • 12. Oh, If The Mother-Volga [Ой, каб Волга-матушка] • 13. Did You Know [Ты знал ли!] • 14. Before the Dawn [Перед рассветом] • 15. I Waited for You [Я ждал тебя] • 16. I know [Я знаю] • 17. Submerged Plants [Подводные растения] • 18. I am Afraid that Love Seething [Я боюсь, что любовью кипучей] • 19. Feather Grass [Ковыль] • 21. Prince Rostislav [Князь Ростислав] • 22. By Wind [К ветру] • 23. Creek [Ручей] • 24. Какое счастье! • 25. Fairy [Фея] • 26. Mermaid [Русалка] • 27. Cranes [Журавли] • 28. Spring has Come Again [Опять пришла весна]
Publisher. Info.
Moscow: Gutheil, 1905-1906. Plate A. 8655-8667 G, A. 8698-8701 G., A. 2733-2736 G.
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General Information
Work Title
Alternative. Title
Bazilevsky, Georgy
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
IGB 14
30 romances:
- The Dream [Сон], Op.14
- The Peasant's Musing [Раздумье селянина], Op.15
- Day Is Reigns [День ли царит], Op.18
- A Golden Cloud [Ночевала тучка золотая], Op.8
- I Deeply Despise Myself [Я за то глубоко презираю себя], Op.20
- The Seagull [Чайка], Op.21
- Swan [Лебедь], Op.20
- The Nightingale [Соловей]
- I Fell From the Clouds [Я упал с облаков]
- Blacksmith [Кузнец]
- He Bowed the Strings [Он водил по струнам]
- Oh, If The Mother-Volga [Ой, каб Волга-матушка]
- Did You Know [Ты знал ли!]
- Before the Dawn [Перед рассветом]
- I Waited for You [Я ждал тебя]
- I know [Я знаю]
- Submerged Plants [Подводные растения]
- I am Afraid that Love Seething [Я боюсь, что любовью кипучей]
- Feather Grass [Ковыль]
- The Airship [Воздушный корабль], Op.32
- Prince Rostislav [Князь Ростислав]
- To the Wind [К ветру]
- Creek [Ручей]
- What a Joy! [Какое счастье!]
- Fairy [Фея]
- Mermaid [Русалка]
- Cranes [Журавли]
- Spring has Come Again [Опять пришла весна]
- I Wanted to Die [Я б умереть хотел]
- She was Yours [Она была твоя]
First Publication.
see below
- 8, 26. Aleksandr Pushkin (1799–1837)
- 9-10,23. Stepan Petrov (1869–1941)
- 11-12, 21. Aleksey Tolstoy (1817–1875)
- 13-14. Vadim Peresleni*
- 15. Aleksey Apukhtin (1840–1893)
- 16-19, 22. Konstantin Balmont (1867–1942)
- 24. Afanasy Fet (1820–1892)
- 25. Maxim Gorky (1868–1936)
- 27. Fyodor Sologub (1863–1927)
- 28. Daniil Rathaus (1868–1937)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
voice, piano
Navigation etc.
Nos. 1-20 were published in 1905, Nos. 21-24 in 1906, Nos. 25-28 in ?, Nos. 29-30 probably in 1911.
Vadim Peresleni (Tchaikovsky Research)