Saudades do Rio Grande (Albano da Conceição, Levino)

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MP3 file (audio)
Kennedy Violão (2022/12/5)

Publisher Info. Cinzas do Coração, 1963.
Performers José Rastelli (Guitar)
Misc. Notes It is a beautiful arrangement by the late guitarist José Rastelli, recorded in 1963 on the LP "Eu e meu amigo Violão". Curiously, it was not recorded with the original title "Saudades do Rio Grande".
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TN-PMLP1297313-13- cinzas do coração-7044.jpg

MP3 file (audio)
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/29)

Publisher Info. Saudades do Rio Grande, 1925.
Performers Levino da Conceição (Guitar)
Misc. Notes Original recording, made by Levino da Conceição in 1925, under Odeon Disc: R122924. Obs.: This is audio without sound treatment or improvement, therefore, a lot of noise.
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TN-PMLP1297313-5 - Saudades do Rio Grande - Valsa-6324.jpg


MP3 file (audio)
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/29)

Publisher Info. Saudades do Rio Grande (1963 version), 2021.
Performers Guitar (Musescore 3.0)
Misc. Notes Attention: This audio file was generated in Musescore 3.0, just for reference.
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TN-PMLP1297313-Saudades do Rio Grande - Levino Albano (1963)-4467.jpg

MP3 file (audio)
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/30)

Publisher Info. Saudades do Rio Grande (1929 version), 2021.
Performers Guitar (Musescore 3.0)
Misc. Notes Attention: This audio file was generated in Musescore 3.0, just for reference.
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TN-PMLP1297313-Saudades do Rio Grande - Levino Albano (1929)-6329.jpg

MP3 file (audio)
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/29)

Publisher Info. Saudades do Rio Grande (1925 version), 2021.
Performers Guitar (Musescore 3.0)
Misc. Notes Attention: This audio file was generated in Musescore 3.0, just for reference.
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TN-PMLP1297313-Saudades do Rio Grande - Levino Albano (1925)-5500.jpg

Sheet Music


PDF scanned by Kennedy Cirino
Kennedy Violão (2022/12/1)

Editor Domingos Samenzato (1908-1993)
Publisher. Info. São Paulo: Saudades do Rio Grande (Valsa Serenata), 1929. Plate 007.
Misc. Notes This version is the official second edition of this piece.
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PDF typeset by Kennedy Cirino
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/29)

Editor Kennedy Cirino
Martín Borrás (b. 1980)
Publisher. Info. Tribute Edition, 2021.
Misc. Notes This version was transcribed by Martín Borrás, from the original recording, made by Levino da Conceição in 1925.
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PDF typeset by editor
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/29)

Editor Kennedy Cirino
Domingos Samenzato (1908-1993)
Publisher. Info. Kennedy Cirino, 2022.
Misc. Notes This version was copied from a 1929 edition, released by Del Vecchio. Levino added an introduction to this version.
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PDF typeset by Martín Borrás
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/29)

Editor Martín Borrás (b. 1980)
José Rastelli (b. 1935)
Publisher. Info. Tribute Edition, 2021.
Misc. Notes This version was transcribed by Martín Borrás, from the original recording, made by José Rastelli in 1963.
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General Information

Work Title Saudades do Rio Grande
Alternative. Title Valsa Serenata
Composer Albano da Conceição, Levino
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. ILA 25
Key A minor
First Publication. 1922?
Average DurationAvg. Duration 3 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation guitar
Extra Information This waltz was very important for Levino da Conceição, as it represents his stay of 13 years (1913 to 1923) in the south of Brazil; it was a time of great recognition for the composer, many joys and intense activities. Interestingly, it was recorded with its own arrangement by the Brazilian guitarist José Rastelli in 1963, however, with the title "Cinzas do Coração". There are at least three versions of this waltz.