Mvt. I Cello, rehearsal no. 16 “con sourdine” could be spurious.
Mvt. II Viola, 2 measures before 18, dotted quarter rest(?) missing.
2 before 20, “otez sourdine” must be spurious.
Cello, 5, first measure of rest has 3 beats, second measure 2.
Mvt. V Violin, 2 “sourdine” for Violin 2 alone?
Cello, 4, first 2 notes should be eighths.
Mvt. VI Violin 1, 3rd measure of 6, first rest should be eighth.
4th of 8, first note should be eighth.
7th of 26, eighth rest missing.
--Viola, 5th of 3, measure has 2 quarters.
5th of 9, quarter rest missing (end of measure?).
24, eighth rest missing (end of measure?).
3rd of 24, eighth rest missing (end of measure?).
5th of 25, spurious slur.
3 before 27, first eighth should be pizzicato.
8th of 33, should be C natural?.
Cello, 7, rest should be eighth.
12 before 7, measure has 2 quarters.
3rd of 7, rest should be eighth.
8 “con sourdine” missing. Good luck!