Songs of Travel (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)

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MP3 file (audio)
Carolus (2011/2/24)

Performer Pages Anton Belov (baritone)
Lydia Brown (piano)
Publisher Info. Boston: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
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Sheet Music


Complete (original version without epilogue)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Dbmiller (2011/3/17)

PDF scanned by Unknown
TJ Busse (2011/1/8)

Editor First edition (reprint)
Publisher. Info. London: Boosey & Co., 1905, 1907, 1912.
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Complete (with posthumous epilogue)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Dbmiller (2023/1/14)

Publisher. Info. London: Boosey & Hawkes, 1960. Plate B&H 18741.
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PDF scanned by HathiTrust
Cypressdome (2023/9/6)

Editor First edition
Publisher. Info. London: Boosey & Co., 1907. Plate H. 5557.
Misc. Notes Published as "Four Songs by Robert Louis Stevenson." Includes: Let Beauty Awake, Youth and Love, In Dreams, and The Infinite Shining Heavens.
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PhilHolmes (2013/6/27)

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PhilHolmes (2013/7/7)

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PhilHolmes (2013/7/13)

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PhilHolmes (2013/7/16)

Editor Phil Holmes
Publisher. Info. Phil Holmes
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Wither Must I Wander (No.7)

PDF scanned by TJ Busse
TJ Busse (2011/1/8)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Zeyarshwe (2016/9/15)

Publisher. Info. London: Boosey & Co., 1912. Plate H. 7547.
Misc. Notes Transposed from D minor
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I Have Trod the Upward and the Downward Slope (No.9)

PDF scanned by Dbmiller
Dbmiller (2018/8/27)

Publisher. Info. London: Boosey & Hawkes, 1960.
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Mercurypickles (2024/6/7)

Editor Evan Sercombe
Publisher. Info. Evan Sercombe, 2024.
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General Information

Work Title Songs of Travel
Alternative. Title
Composer Vaughan Williams, Ralph
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. IRV 77
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 9 songs (originally 8)
  1. The Vagabond. Allegro moderato (C minor)
  2. Let Beauty Awake. Moderato (F dorian)
  3. The Roadside Fire. Allegretto (D major)
  4. Youth and Love. Andante sostenuto (G major)
  5. In Dreams. Andantino (C minor)
  6. The Infinite Shining Heavens. Andante sostenuto (D minor)
  7. Whither Must I Wander? Andante (C minor)
  8. Bright is the Ring of Words. Moderato risoluto (C major)
  9. I Have Trod the Upward and the Downward Slope.* Andante sostenuto (D minor)
First Publication. 1905-12
Librettist Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)
Language English
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation voice, piano
External Links Wikipedia article
The Lied, Art Song, and Choral Texts Archive
Extra Information *No.9. "I have Trod the Upward and the Downward Slope" published posthumously in 1960 and should be sung only if the entire cycle is being performed.
Vaughan Williams orchestrated the first, third, and eighth songs, and his assistant Roy Douglas later orchestrated the remaining songs using the same instrumentation