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Sheet Music
Publisher. Info.
Boston: The Boston Music Company, 1914. Plate B. M. Co. 3740A.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions
For Piano 4 Hands (Thirion)
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General Information
Work Title
Symphony No.4
Alternative. Title
Ropartz, Guy
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
IGR 82
C major
3 movements (connected):
- Allegro moderato
- Adagio (reh.15) - Allegretto (reh.18) - Adagio (reh.21)
- Allegro moderato (reh.29)
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp.
First Performance.
- Paris
- Lamoureux Concerts
- Camille Chevillard conducting
First Publication.
à Gaston Carraud
Average DurationAvg. Duration
30 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Early 20th century
Piece Style
2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (B♭), bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, contrabass trombone, timpani, harp, and strings
External Links
Boston Symphony Program Notes (contains partial list of Ropartz works with premiere dates, including symphony no.4)
Navigation etc.
Composition date is given as "1910" on the score, 1911 elsewhere- perhaps begun in 1910, concluded in 1911? 1908-1911 according to notes to Timpani recording.
Given its US premiere by the Boston Symphony conducted by Karl Muck (not André Caplet as claimed in the Timpani notes), October 24, 1914. (The Timpani notes one can usually defer to, but on matters specifically Boston Symphony there should be no reason to doubt the Boston Symphony's own records.)