The Gondoliers (Sullivan, Arthur)





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Dbmiller (2022/1/23)

Performer Pages Really Authentic Gilbert and Sullivan Performance Trust (company)
Dunedin Symphony Orchestra (orchestra)
Alan Spencer (stage director)
Michael Andrewes (conductor/musical director)
Tessa Petersen (concertmaster)
Julian Anderson (The Duke of Plaza-Toro)
Sandra Shaw Bennett (The Duchess of Plaza-Toro)
Andreas Hirt (Don Alhambra del Bolero)
Martin Kidd (Luiz)
Bridget Telfer (Casilda)
Michael Warby (Marco Palmieri)
Joel Allen (Giuseppe Palmieri)
Nadya Shaw Bennett (Gianetta)
Sophie Uden (Tessa)
Dave Solomon (Antonio)
Tanara Stedman (Giorgio)
Nick Beckwith (Francesco)
Chris Caradus (Annibale/Waiter)
Anita Smith (Vittoria)
Natalie-Jane Reid (Fiametta)
Erin Hoskins (Giulia)
Claire Barton (Inez)
Publisher Info. Really Authentic Gilbert and Sullivan Performance Trust, 2010.
Misc. Notes Recorded live, 2010. This is audio from a videotaped performance.
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Dbmiller (2022/1/30)

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Dbmiller (2022/1/30)

Performer Pages Gilbert and Sullivan Operatic Society Dunedin (company)
Dunedin Symphony Orchestra (orchestra, as Dunedin Civic Orchestra)
Bertha Rawlinson (producer)
Michael Andrewes (conductor/musical director)
Joan Gardiner (leader)
Peter Rowlands (The Duke of Plaza-Toro)
Bertha Rawlinson (The Duchess of Plaza-Toro)
Robert Mair (Luiz)
Judy Faris (Casilda)
Cyril Powell (Don Alhambra del Bolero)
Jeff Todd (Marco)
Noel Davie (Giuseppe)
Ian McLay (Antonio)
Ross Stevens (Francesco)
David Clark (Giorgio)
Ross Stevens (Annibale)
Noeline McKechnie (Gianetta)
Sue Hannan (Tessa)
Colleen Brocket (Fiametta)
Elizabeth Murray (Vittoria)
Nicola Martin (Giulia)
Kathleen Padman (Inez)
Publisher Info. RAGSPT Revisited, 2022.
Misc. Notes Recorded live, 1970. Enquiries, comments or programme book requests may be addressed to
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Dbmiller (2021/12/21)

36 more: List and learn • Good morrow, pretty maids • For the merriest fellows are we • Buon giorno, signorine • We're called gondolieri • And now to choose our brides • Thank you, gallant gondolieri • From the sunny Spanish shore • In enterprise of martial kind • Oh rapture, when alone together • There was a time, a time forever gone • I stole the Prince • But, bless my heart, consider my position • Try we life-long • Bridegroom and bride • When a merry maiden marries • Kind sir, you cannot have the heart • Do not give way to this uncalled-for grief • Then one of us will be a queen • Replying we sing as one individual • For everyone who feels inclined, some post we undertake to find • Come, let's away — Now Marco dear my wishes hear • Then away we go to an island fair • Of happiness the very pith in Barataria you may see • Rising early in the morning • Take a pair of sparkling eyes • Here we are at the risk of our lives • Dance a cachucha • There lived a king, as I've been told • In a contemplative fashion • With ducal pomp and ducal pride • On the day when I was wedded to your admirable sire • To help unhappy commoners and add to their enjoyment • I am a courtier grave and serious who is about to kiss your hand • Here is a case unprecedented • Now let the loyal lieges gather round

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Dbmiller (2021/12/21)

Performer Pages Glyndebourne Festival Chorus (cast)
Pro Arte Orchestra (orchestra)
Malcolm Sargent (conductor)
Geraint Evans (The Duke of Plaza-Toro)
Alexander Young (Luiz/Francesco)
Owen Brannigan (Don Alhambra del Bolero)
Richard Lewis (Marco Palmieri)
John Cameron (Giuseppe Palmieri)
James Milligan (Antonio/Giorgio)
Monica Sinclair (The Duchess of Plaza-Toro)
Edna Graham (Casilda)
Elsie Morison (Gianetta)
Marjorie Thomas (Tessa)
Stella Hitchens (Fiametta)
Lavinia Hankinson (Vittoria)
Helen Watts (Giulia/Inez)
Publisher Info. His Master's Voice, 1957.
Reissue Remastered and reissued on CD: EMI, 1985/1987.
Misc. Notes Recorded March 11–15, 1957. Recording on Publication information: (release), (master). Another version of this recording is also available below, a transfer from the pre-remastered version, but there are some issues with the transfer.
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Dbmiller (2021/12/20)

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Dbmiller (2021/12/20)

Performer Pages Glyndebourne Festival Chorus (cast)
Pro Arte Orchestra (orchestra)
Malcolm Sargent (conductor)
Geraint Evans (The Duke of Plaza-Toro)
Alexander Young (Luiz/Francesco)
Owen Brannigan (Don Alhambra del Bolero)
Richard Lewis (Marco Palmieri)
John Cameron (Giuseppe Palmieri)
James Milligan (Antonio/Giorgio)
Monica Sinclair (The Duchess of Plaza-Toro)
Edna Graham (Casilda)
Elsie Morison (Gianetta)
Marjorie Thomas (Tessa)
Stella Hitchens (Fiametta)
Lavinia Hankinson (Vittoria)
Helen Watts (Giulia/Inez)
Publisher Info. His Master's Voice, 1957.
Misc. Notes This transfer has a few skips. Recorded March 11–15, 1957. Recording on Publication information: (release), (master).
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Dbmiller (2022/12/22)

41 more: List and learn • Good morrow, pretty maids • For the merriest fellows are we • See, see, at last they come to make their choice • Buon' giorno, signorine! • We're called gondolieri • And now to choose our brides! • Are you peeping? • Thank you, gallant gondolieri • From the sunny Spanish shore • In enterprise of martial kind • O rapture! When alone together • There was a time • I stole the Prince • But, bless my heart, consider my position • Try we lifelong • Bridegroom and Bride • When a merry maiden marries • Kind sir, you cannot have the heart • Do not give way to this uncalled-for grief • Then one of us will be a Queen • Replying we sing as one individual • For everyone who feels inclined, some post we undertake to find • Come, let's away! • Now Marco dear, my wishes hear • Then away we go to an island fair that lies in a southern sea • Of happiness the very pith • Rising early in the morning • Take a pair of sparkling eyes • Here we are at the risk of our lives • After sailing to this island • Dance a cachucha • There lived a King • In a contemplative fashion • With ducal pomp and ducal pride • On the day that I was wedded to your admirable sire • To help unhappy commoners and add to their enjoyment • I am a courtier grave and serious • Here is a case unprecedented • Now let the loyal lieges gather round • Once more gondolieri

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Dbmiller (2022/12/22)

Performer Pages Isidore Godfrey (Conductor)
D'Oyly Carte Opera Company (Company)
New Promenade Orchestra (Orchestra)
Martyn Green (The Duke of Plaza-Toro)
Henry Goodier (Luiz)
Richard Watson (Don Alhambra del Bolero)
Leonard Osborn (Marco)
Alan Styler (Giuseppe)
Geoffrey Sanders (Antonio)
Thomas Hancock (Francesco)
L. Radley Flynn (Giorgio)
Stanley Youngman (Annibale)
Ella Halman (The Duchess of Plaza-Toro)
Margaret Mitchell (Casilda)
Muriel Harding (Gianetta)
Yvonne Dean (Tessa/Vittoria)
Enid Walsh (Fiametta)
Joyce Wright (Giulia)
Caryl Fane (Inez)
Publisher Info. Decca, No.LK4015/6, 1950.
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Dbmiller (2021/12/20)

Performer Pages D'Oyly Carte Opera Company (cast)
Harry Norris (conductor)
Henry Lytton (The Duke of Plaza-Toro)
Arthur Hosking (Luiz)
Leo Sheffield (Don Alhambra del Bolero)
Derek Oldham (Marco Palmieri)
George Baker (Giuseppe Palmieri)
Richard Walker (Antonio)
Herbert Aitken (Francesco)
Ronald Stear (Giorgio)
Bertha Lewis (The Duchess of Plaza-Toro)
Mavis Bennett (Casilda)
Winifred Lawson (Gianetta)
Aileen Davies (Tessa)
Sybil Gordon (Fiametta)
Beatrice Elburn (Vittoria)
Doris Hemingway (Giulia)
Gwladys Gowrie (Inez)
Publisher Info. His Master's Voice, 1927.
Misc. Notes Recording on
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Dbmiller (2022/6/4)

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Dbmiller (2022/6/4)

Performer Pages Arthur Wood (conductor)
George Baker (The Duke of Plaza-Toro, Don Alhambra, Giuseppe, Antonio)
Ernest Pike (Luiz, Marco, Francesco)
Robert Radford (Don Alhambra)
John Harrison (Marco, Giorgio)
Derek Oldham (Marco)
Tudor Davies (Marco)
Edna Thornton (The Duchess of Plaza-Toro, Tessa, Vittoria, Inez)
Violet Essex (Casilda)
Sarah Jones (Casilda, Giulia)
Bessie Jones (Gianetta, Fiametta)
Nellie Walker (Vittoria)
Publisher Info. His Master's Voice, 1917.
Misc. Notes Split parts as identified by Marc Shepherd are as follows.
Don Alhambra: Robert Radford, except for the Act I finale (George Baker).
Marco: John Harrison, except for the finales (Ernest Pike). Derek Oldham sings the role only on matrix HO4550 (side 12), recorded much later than the other sides and included in some copies of the set. Tudor Davies sings "sparkling eyes" only on matrix Cc2690-3 (side 15), issued with later copies of the set.
Casilda:Violet Essex, except for the Act II finale (Sarah Jones).
Vittoria: Nellie Walker, except for "Here we are at the risk of our lives" (Edna Thornton).
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Dbmiller (2021/12/30)

10 more: For the merriest fellows are we • Thank you, gallant gondolieri • From the sunny Spanish shore • I stole the Prince • Bridegroom and bride — When a merry maiden marries • Kind sir, you cannot have the heart • Rising early in the morning • Take a pair of sparkling eyes • On the day when I was wedded to your admirable sire • Dance a cachucha

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Dbmiller (2021/12/30)

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Dbmiller (2021/12/30)

Performer Pages Beecham Choral Society (chorus)
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (orchestra)
James Walker (conductor)
Kenneth Sandford (The Duke of Plaza-Toro/Giuseppe)
Edgar Fleet (Luiz/Marco)
Donald Adams (Don Alhambra del Bolero)
Jean Allister (The Duchess of Plaza-Toro/Tessa)
Patricia Clarke (Casilda/Gianetta)
Publisher Info. Reader's Digest, 1963.
Performers The singer in the role of Antonio is not credited.
Misc. Notes Part of a Reader's Digest Gilbert and Sullivan highlight compilation endorsed by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Recorded at Walthamstow Town Hall, February 19–20 and 25–27, 1963.
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Dbmiller (2022/12/22)

15 more: Buon giorno, signorine • From the sunny Spanish shore • In enterprise of martial kind • There was a time • I stole the Prince • Try we lifelong • Bridegroom and Bride • When a merry maiden marries • Then one of us will be a Queen • Rising early in the morning • Take a pair of sparkling eyes • There lived a King • I am a courtier grave and serious • Here we are at the risk of our lives • Dance a cachucha

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Dbmiller (2022/12/22)

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Dbmiller (2022/12/22)

Performer Pages Joseph Batten (Conductor)
Columbia Light Opera Chorus and Orchestra (Chorus and Orchestra)
Appleton Moore (The Duke of Plaza-Toro / Antonio)
William Heseltine (Luiz)
George Baker (Don Alhambra del Bolero / Giuseppe – partial — under the pseudonym George Portland)
Dan Jones (Marco)
Randell Jackson (Giuseppe – partial)
Nellie Walker (The Duchess of Plaza-Toro)
Alice Lilley (Casilda)
Joan Cross (Gianetta)
Sophie Rowlands (Tessa)
Léon Goossens (Oboe)
Charles Draper (Clarinet)
Aubrey Brain (Horn)
Publisher Info. Columbia, No.DB386/91, 1931.
Misc. Notes Recorded January 14–17, 1931. Orchestral musicians given are only those listed individually and not the entire orchestra.
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Sheet Music

Full Scores

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Dbmiller (2022/6/4)

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Dbmiller (2022/6/4)

Publisher. Info. Holograph manuscript, n.d.[1889].
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Dbmiller (2023/3/4)

Editor David Lloyd-Jones (1934–2022)
Publisher. Info. Mainz/London: Eulenburg, No.927, 1984. Plate EE 6664.
Misc. Notes

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland), and only if the edition is published after the copyrights of the original creator(s) have expired. In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States, as the copyright on the original work may not have expired.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Sallen112 (2022/8/19)

Copyist Woody Norvell (b. 1948)
Publisher. Info. New York: E.F. Kalmus, No.A2456, n.d.(1986–94).
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Dbmiller (2025/1/12)

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Dbmiller (2025/1/12)

Editor Marc Shepherd
Publisher. Info. Riverdale: Oakapple Press, 2025.
Misc. Notes Second draft, January 2025.
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Fg1 (2015/9/9)

Editor Francis Griffin (b. 1956)
Publisher. Info. Francis Griffin
Misc. Notes Complete Full Score available from the editor.
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Overture Optional Ending

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

Editor Yanko Sheiretov
Publisher. Info. Yanko Sheiretov, 2015.
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There Lived a King (No.16)

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Dbmiller (2023/4/3)

Editor D. Benjamin Miller (b. 2000)
Publisher. Info. D. Benjamin Miller
Misc. Notes Substitution for "There Lived a King" in The Gondoliers, adding back the removed "Yankee Doodle" reference. Based on Sullivan's manuscript. The vocal line shown here has not been changed from the later vocal score.
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Sallen112 (2016/10/17)

11 more: Oboe • Clarinet 1/2 (A/B♭) • Bassoon 1/2 • Horn 1/2 (F) • Cornet 1/2 (A/B♭) • Trombone 1/2, 3 • Timpani/Triangle/Snare Drum/Bass Drum/Cymbals/Tambourine • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos/Basses

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Sallen112 (2016/10/17)

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Sallen112 (2016/10/17)

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Sallen112 (2016/10/17)

Publisher. Info. London: Chappell / D'Oyly Carte Opera Co., n.d.(ca.1920).
Misc. Notes 600 dpi. Needs to be cleaned and repaired for the parts to be serviceable in performance and personal study. "Bassoons" and "Cellos/Basses" parts had missing pages in each, replaced by the reprinted Kalmus parts.
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Romanov76110 (2008/8/14)

12 more: Oboe • Clarinet 1/2 (A/B♭) • Bassoon 1/2 • Horn 1/2 (F) • Cornet 1/2 (A/B♭) • Trombone 1/2 • Trombone 3 • Timpani/Triangle/Snare Drum/Bass Drum/Cymbals/Tambourine • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos/Basses

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Romanov76110 (2008/8/14)

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Romanov76110 (2008/8/14)

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Romanov76110 (2008/8/14)

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Romanov76110 (2008/8/14)

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Romanov76110 (2008/8/14)

Publisher. Info. London: Chappell / D'Oyly Carte Opera Co., n.d.(ca.1920).
Reprinted New York: E.F. Kalmus, n.d.(1933–70). Catalog A2456.
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Dbmiller (2025/1/12)

16 more: Oboe • Clarinet 1/2 (A/B♭) • Clarinet 1/2 (B♭, transposed) • Bassoon 1/2 • Horn 1/2 (D/D♭/E♭/F) • Horn 1/2 (F, transposed) • Cornet 1/2 (A/B♭) • Cornet 1/2 (B♭, transposed) • Trombone 1/2 • Trombone 3 • Percussion • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses

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Dbmiller (2025/1/12)

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Dbmiller (2025/1/12)

Editor Marc Shepherd
Publisher. Info. Riverdale: Oakapple Press, 2025.
Misc. Notes Second draft, January 2025.
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Overture Optional Ending

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

13 more: Oboe • Clarinet 1/2 (A) • Clarinet 1/2 (B♭, transposed) • Bassoon 1/2 • Horn 1/2 (F) • Trumpet 1/2 (A) • Trumpet 1/2 (B♭, transposed) • Trombone 1/2/3 (Bass) • Triangle/Tambourine/Castenets • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos/Basses

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

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Yanko (2018/1/29)

Editor Yanko Sheiretov
Publisher. Info. Yanko Sheiretov, 2015.
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Vocal Scores

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Carolus (2008/8/23)

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Carolus (2008/8/23)

Arranger Joseph H. Wadsworth (fl.1878-1898), reduction
Editor First edition (later printing)
Language English
Publisher. Info. London: Chappell & Co., 1890*. Plate 18,844.
Misc. Notes Chappell likely printed vocal scores in time for the premiere (December 1889). Wadsworth filed for the Church issue in 1889 and the original Chappell after the first of the year. The scanned copy scanned was probably printed between 1890 and 1894.
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Massenetique (2011/12/8)

Arranger Joseph H. Wadsworth (fl.1878-1898), reduction
Publisher. Info. Cincinnati: The John Church Company, 1889.
Misc. Notes Despite the date of filing, it's unlikely the American edition came before the London issue.
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PDF scanned by US-PRV
Carolus (2015/10/6)

Arranger Joseph H. Wadsworth (fl.1878-1898), reduction
Editor "Revised edition" (new engraving)
Publisher. Info. London: Chappell & Co., n.d.(after 1911). Plate 18844.
Misc. Notes Chappell re-engraved the more popular of the G. & S. vocal scores starting in the 1920s, hence the reference to the 1911 revision of the English copyright law.
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PDF scanned by MadOne
MadOne (2015/10/6)

Arranger Joseph H. Wadsworth (fl.1878-1898), reduction
Editor "Revised edition" (new engraving)
Publisher. Info. London: Chappell & Co., n.d.(after 1911). Plate 18844.
Misc. Notes This edition is believed to have been originally printed in the 1930s. This cover started to be issued on scores in the 1970s. The particular scanned score has been owned by MadOne since 1987 and is certainly over 25 years old. The back cover was lost so the back cover is now a copy of the front cover.
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PDF scanned by US-PRV
Dbmiller (2015/10/6)

Arranger Joseph H. Wadsworth (fl.1878-1898), reduction
Editor "Revised edition" (new engraving)
Publisher. Info. London: Chappell & Co., n.d.(after 1911). Plate 18844.
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Dbmiller (2022/1/3)

Editor Bryceson Treharne (1879–1948)
Publisher. Info. New York: G. Schirmer, 1941. Plate 39001.
Misc. Notes This score contains all the dialogue.
In the USA this work is most likely in the public domain because no renewal was found after a thorough search of the Catalog of Copyright Entries and it was ineligible for "restoration" under GATT/TRIPS.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions


For Piano (Wadsworth)

PDF scanned by Timtin
Timtin (2012/2/4)

Arranger Joseph H. Wadsworth (fl.1878-1898)
Publisher. Info. London: Chappell & Co., n.d.[1890]. Plate 18,845.
Misc. Notes Procida Bucalossi (1832-1918), was the arranger of the selections entitled "Lancers", "Quadrilles", etc.
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Dance a cachucha (Act II, No.15)

For Male Chorus and 2 Pianos (Davison)

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Feduol (2023/9/27)

Arranger Archibald Thompson Davison (1883–1961)
G. Wallace Woodworth (1902–1969), piano accompaniment
Publisher. Info. The Concord Series: Harvard University Glee Club Collection of Part Songs for Men's Voices, No.82
Boston: E.C. Schirmer Music Co., 1925. Plate E.C.S. No.128.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Indianapolis Maennerchor Archive.
This item, which is in the public domain in its country of origin, is likewise in the public domain in countries which apply the rule of the shorter term. All EU countries apply the rule of the shorter term in general.
Note that in some cases this rule may be overridden by a treaty with the source country (especially the United States) and/or may not apply to works which fell into the public domain in their source country due to a failure to renew copyright or comply with other formalities.
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General Information

Work Title The Gondoliers
Alternative. Title The King of Barataria
Composer Sullivan, Arthur
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IAS 20
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 2 acts:
  • Act I.
1. List and learn
2. From the sunny Spanish shore
3. In enterprise of martial kind
4. O rapture, when alone together
5. There was a time
6. I stole the prince
7. But, bless my heart
8. Try we life-long
9. Bridegroom and bride
9a. When a merry maiden marries
10. Kind sir, you cannot have the heart
10a. Then one of us will be a Queen
  • Act II.
11. Of happiness the very pith
12. Rising early in the morning
13. Take a pair of sparkling eyes
14. Here we are at the risk of our lives
15. Dance a cachucha
16. There lived a king
17. In a contemplative fashion
18. With ducal pomp
19. On the day when I was wedded
20. To help unhappy commoners
21. I am a courtier grave and serious
22. Here is a case unprecedented
First Performance. 1889-12-07 in London: Savoy Theatre
First Publication. 1889
Librettist William Schwenck Gilbert (1836–1911)
Language English
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation voices, mixed chorus (SATB), orchestra
The Duke of Plaza-Toro, A Grandee of Spain (comic baritone)
Luiz, his Attendant (lyric baritone or tenor)
Don Alhambra del Bolero, the Grand Inquisitor (bass-baritone)
Marco Palmieri, Venetian Gondolier (tenor)
Giuseppe Palmieri, Venetian Gondolier (baritone)
Antonio, Venetian Gondolier (baritone)
Francesco, Venetian Gondolier (tenor)
Giorgio, Venetian Gondolier (bass)
Annibale, Venetian Gondolier (speaking role/chorus)
The Duchess of Plaza-Toro (contralto)
Casilda, Her Daughter (soprano)
Gianetta, Contadina (soprano)
Tessa, Contadina (mezzo-soprano)
Fiametta, Contadina (soprano)
Vittoria, Contadina (mezzo-soprano)
Giulia, Contadina (mezzo-soprano or soprano)
Inez, the King's Foster-mother (contralto)

Mixed Chorus (SATB)

gondoliers, contadine, men-at-arms, heralds, pages


2 flutes (2nd also piccolo), oboe, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons
2 horns, 2 cornets, 3 trombones, percussion, strings
Related Works Pieces based on 'The Gondoliers'
Discography Gilbert & Sullivan Discography
External Links Wikipedia article; Gilbert & Sullivan Archive

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