Work Title
The London Spring Annual for 1834
Alternative. Title
The London Spring Annual, Lyrical & Pictorial, for 1834
Ball, William
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
see below
- William Ball: National Hymn for the Royal Family of England. Ruler of all that live!
- Henry Forbes: The Triumph of Oberon. Floating through the balmy air
- John Henry Griesbach: Canzonet. Her lute she touch'd with gentle hand
- Elizabeth Mounsey: The Doves. Beside a crystal fountain
- Carl Maria von Weber: Die gefangenen Sänger, J.197. Vöglein einsam in dem Bauer / Bird, that newly leav'st the bow'r!
- William Ball: Air. Beauteous flow'r!
- Ann Mounsey Bartholomew: Mignon's Song. Kennst du das Land, wo die Citronen blühn / Know'st thou the land, the citron's blooming home
- Elizabeth Mounsey: Cantata. We will not part again. The hour was sad when last we met
- unattributed [arranged by Elizabeth Mounsey and Ferdinand Pelzer]: Caterina (Neapolitan Melody). Where, oh! where is Caterina?
- S.W. Ketell (Samuel Walker Ketell) Song. Our hearts were link'd together
- Charles Guynemer: Ballad. Rest, rest, thou gentle sea
- arranged by Ferdinand Pelzer: Spanish Air. Tho' time, in its flight hath bereft us
- John Leman Brownsmith: The Rose of Affection. The blossoms of hope, they are faded
- Wilhelm Neuland: Romance. The Bridal Hour. Aline, encore un jour laisse moi t'adorer / Aline! oh, yet but hear me, receive my farewell sigh. (Included in the category Vocal Ornamentation.)
- unattributed [arranged by William Ball?]: Arietta (Italian Melody). Oh come sul mattino / Along the sparkling waters
- arranged by William Ball: Scottish Melody [Auld Lang Syne]. The Braw Auld Scottish Gentleman. Oh! some will sing, wi' sore lament
- unattributed [arranged by Elizabeth Mounsey and Ferdinand Pelzer]: French Air. Montjoy. It was Montjoy, of lineage brave and high
- George Forbes: La Violette. Waltz in A♭ major
- George Forbes: La Fete Champêtre Quadrilles (5 movements)
- J. Paine: Galope in D major
First Publication.
see below
- 1-2, 4, 9-10, 12-13, 15-17 William Ball (1784–1869)
- 3. Rev. H. Butterfield
- 5. Max von Schenkendorf (1783–1817), with translation by William Ball
- 6. the late Lady Cameron
- 7. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832), with translation by William Ball
- 8. E. J. J.
- 11. C. Knight, Esq.
- 14. L. Lacour, with translation by William Ball
English, German, French, Italian
Duchess of Kent
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
voice, piano; 3 voices, piano (or voice, mixed chorus, piano); voice, guitar; 2 soprano voices, guitar; piano solo