The Modern Musick-Master, or The Universal Musician (Prelleur, Peter)




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MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/6/15)

10 more: Gavot in Otho (G. F. Handel) • Minuets (P. Prelleur & J.-B. Loeillet) • Prelude (W. Babell) • Minuet (J.-B. Loeillet) - T’amo tanto (A. Ariosti) • Jig in Siroe (G. F. Handel) • Courant from Suite VIII (J. Mattheson) • Suite X (J. Mattheson) • Air in the Opera of Floridant (G. F. Handel) • Dimmi cara in the Opera of Scipio (G. F. Handel) • Con forza ascoza in the Opera of Vespasian (A. Ariosti)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/6/15)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/6/15)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/6/15)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/6/15)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/6/15)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/6/15)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/6/15)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/6/15)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/6/15)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2015/6/15)

Publisher Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2015
Performers MIDI file by Pierre Gouin
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Sheet Music



7 more: I. An Introduction to Singing • II. Directions for Playing on the Flute (Recorder) • III. The Newest Method for Learners on the German Flute • IV. Instructions upon the Hautboy (Oboe) • V. The Art of Playing on the Violin • VI. The Harpsichord Illustrated and Improv'd • A Brief History of Musick, and a Musical Dictionary

Publisher. Info. London: (for the Author), 1730.
Misc. Notes Royal College of Music Library, London (GB-Lcm): B84
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Fynnjamin (2010/7/2)

7 more: I. An Introduction to Singing • II. Directions for Playing on the Flute (Recorder) • III. The Newest Method for Learners on the German Flute • IV. Instructions upon the Hautboy (Oboe) • V. The Art of Playing on the Violin • VI. The Harpsichord Illustrated and Improv'd • A Brief History of Musick, and a Musical Dictionary

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Fynnjamin (2010/7/2)

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Fynnjamin (2010/7/2)

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Fynnjamin (2010/7/2)

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Fynnjamin (2010/7/2)

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Fynnjamin (2010/7/2)

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Fynnjamin (2010/7/2)

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Fynnjamin (2010/7/2)

Publisher. Info. London: (for the Author), 1731.
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Fynnjamin (2012/1/7)

Publisher. Info. London: (for the Author), 1731.
Misc. Notes Title: Instructions upon the Hautboy, in a more familiar method than any extant. Together with a curious collection of Marches, Minuets, Rigadoons and Opera Airs, by Mr. Handel, and other Eminent Masters
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VI. The Harpsichord Illustrated and Improv'd

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editor (2015/6/15)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2005
Misc. Notes Urtext edition after a facsimile of the original publication.
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editor (2011/10/26)

10 more: Gavot in Otho (G. F. Handel) • Minuets (P. Prelleur & J.-B. Loeillet) • Prelude (W. Babell) • Minuet (J.-B. Loeillet) - T’amo tanto (A. Ariosti) • Jig in Siroe (G. F. Handel) • Courant from Suite VIII (J. Mattheson) • Suite X (J. Mattheson) • Air in the Opera of Floridant (G. F. Handel) • Dimmi cara in the Opera of Scipio (G. F. Handel) • Con forza ascoza in the Opera of Vespasian (A. Ariosti)

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editor (2011/10/26)

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editor (2011/10/26)

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editor (2011/10/26)

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editor (2011/10/26)

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editor (2011/10/26)

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editor (2011/10/26)

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editor (2011/10/26)

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editor (2011/10/26)

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editor (2011/10/26)

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editor (2011/10/26)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2005
Misc. Notes Urtext edition after a facsimile of the orginal publication.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

Dances and Marches

For Flute (Gardner)

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shafflein (2010/10/27)

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shafflein (2010/10/27)

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shafflein (2010/10/27)

Arranger T.P. Gardner
Publisher. Info. T.P. Gardner
Misc. Notes Transposed into the traverso (=flute) range.
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General Information

Work Title The Modern Musick-Master, or The Universal Musician
Alternative. Title
Composer Prelleur, Peter
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IPP 1
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 7 sections:
I. Introduction to Singing
An Introduction to Singing ~ Of Notes and their Lengths ~ Of Time ~ Of other Characters used in Musick ~ Of Keeping Time ~ Of tuning the Voice &c. ~ Of the Keys used in Musick ~ Flat Keys ~ Sharp Keys ~ Of Syncompation or driving Notes ~ The chief Graces in Singing &c.
Songs (all with figured bass)
1. Anonymous: Clorinda hear my moan (A New Song) [p.12]
2. Anonymous: The Artifice ("When Cloe we ply, we swear we shall die") (a favourite Song) [p.15]
3. ????: Poor Aminta sigh no more (A New favourite Song by an eminent Master) [p.14]
4. Anonymous: O hear my last complaint (A New Song) [p.16]
5. Anonymous: As I lay in a cooling shade (A Favourite New Song) [p.18]
6. Vanbrughe [Sir John Vanbrugh?]: The Defiance ("I smile at love and all his arts") (A New Song) [p.20]
7. Handel: Lamenting complaining of Coelias (AFAO - Julius Caesar) [V'adoro, pupille] [p.22]
8. Anonymous: Tis thee I love, I'll constant prove (A Favourite Song) [p.24]
9. Anonymous: False Strephon ("Strephon be gone you've me undone") [p.25]
10. Handel: O Cupid, gentle Cupid in pity ease my pain (AFSO - Theseus) [Amarti si vorrei] [p.26]
11. Anonymous: Cupid may lay aside his dart (A Favourite Song) [p.28]
12. Anonymous: The Lovers Treasure ("My diamond, my Queen, my treasure") [p.29]
13. Handel: My Life, my only treasure (AFSO - Julius Caesar) [Non ha più che temere] [p.30]
14. Anonymous: Kind fate now guard me from all harms (A New Song) [p.33]
15. Rowl Kellegren: Love and wine are pleasures beyond all (AFNS; Music Master at Paris) [p.34]
16. Munro: A Message from Mars to Venus by Cupid ("Thou little blind deceiver go") [p.36]
17. Handel: Love gives war or peace at pleasure (AFSO - Tamerlane) [Amor da guerra e pace] [p.38]
18. Anonymous: Dear charming beauty, you're my pleasure (A New Song) [p.41] "Charming Phillis"]
19. Purcell: And in each track of glory (3 voices) [p.42] ["second treble was never printed before"]
20. Handel: Come to my arms my treasure (AFAO - Otho; words by Leveridge) [Nò, non temere] [p.46]

II. Directions for Playing on the Flute - with A Scale for Transposing any Piece of Musick to the properest Keys for that Instrument.
Directions for Playing on the Flute ~ Examples of all the Notes both Flat and Sharp ~ Of Time ~ The Marks and Rules for gracing ~ Of Transposition &c.
A Fine Collection of Minuets, Rigadoons, Marches and Opera Airs by Judicious Masters
1. March, C major [p.9]
2. Minuet, C major [p.9]
3. Handel: Minuet, C major [p.10]
4. Minuet, C major [p.10]
5. Minuet, F major [p.11]
6. Minuet, C major [p.11]
7. Handel: Air in Julius Caesar, C major [p.12]
8. Minuet, C major [p.12]
9. A March, F major [p.13]
10. Minuet, C major [p.13]
11. Handel: Chi puo mirare, in the Opera of Flavius, C minor [p.14]
12. Bononcini: No oh Dio, [in] Calphurnia, Lento, G minor [p.16]
13. Haym: [Too lovely cruel] An Air in Pyrrhus and Demetrius, F major [p.17]
14. Handel: A Favourite Minuet in Floridante, Allegro, C major [p.18]
15. Handel: Morrai si, AFAO - Rodelinda, F major [p.20]
16. Handel: Temo che lusinghiero, AFAO - Scipio, G minor [p.22]
17. Handel: Lusinghie pito care, AFAO - Alexander, C major [p.24]
18. Handel: No che sei, AFAO - Tamerlane, G major [p.26]
19. Woodcock: Minuet, C major [p.27]
20. Handel: Pregrison d'un alma, AFAO - Alexander, D minor [p.28]
21. Handel: La cervetta nei lacci, AFAO - Alexander, D minor [p.30]
22. Handel: La forte mia, AFAO - Admetus, Allegro, C major [p.32]
23. Handel: Vadoro o luci, AFAO - King Richard the First, F major [p.34]
24. Handel: Se il caro figlio, AFAO - Siroe, C major [p.36]
25. Handel: Mi volgo ad ogni, AFAO - Ptolomi, Allegro, C major [p.38]
26. Handel: Chorus in Lotharius, C major [p.40]
27. Handel: Care mura, in the Opera of Parthenope, Largo, C major [p.41]
28. Handel: Dimmi pietoso, AFAO - Parthenope, Allegro, D minor [p.42]
29. Handel: Voglio dire, in the Opera of Parthenope, Andante, D minor [p.44]
30. Handel: La spemeti consoli, AFAO - Parthenope, Andante, C major [p.46]
31. Handel: La speranza lusinghiera - Air in the Opera of Ormisda, F major [p.48]

III. The Newest Method for Learners on the German Flute
Of the Situation of the Body ~ The first Scale ~ Of Shakes or Cadences ~ A Further Explanation of the Shakes or Cadences ~ Remarks on some Semitones, & on some Cadences ~ Of the double Cadences, Accents, Ports-de-voix and tongueing the German Flute and other wind Instruments ~ Of Sliding or Slurring ~ Of Time ~ Of other Characters used in Musick ~ A Scale of all the Notes and Half Notes of the German Flute Musically and Tabularly ~ A Scale of all the Beats or Shakes
A Collection of the finest Minuets, Rigadoons, and Opera Airs extant
1. Minuet, G minor [p.13]
2. Minuet, D major [p.13]
3. Rigadoon, D major [p.13]
4. Trumpet Minuet, D major [p.14]
5. Minuet, D minor [p.14]
6. Minuet, G major [p.15]
7. Minuet, G major [p.15]
8. Minuet, D major [p.15]
9. Minuet, G major [p.16]
10. Bononcini: Minuet, G minor [p.16]
11. Minuet, G major [p.17]
12. Rigadoon, G major [p.17]
13. Minuet, D major [p.17]
14. Minuet, D major [p.18]
15. Grano: Trumpet Minuet, D major [p.18]
16. Minuet, D major [p.19]
17. Minuet, F major [p.20]
18. Minuet, D minor [p.20]
19. Handel: Dove sei, [in] Rodelinda, G major [p.21]
20. Bononcini: [Non mi sequir], AFAO - Astarte, G minor [p.22]
21. Handel: La sorte il Ciel, &c. in the Opera of Radamistus, Bb major [p.24]
22. Handel: Alla fama dimmi, AFSO - Otho, Allegro, D major [p.26]
23. Handel: Spero placare, AFAO - Rhadamistus, D minor [p.28]
24. Handel: Caro vieni, AFAO - Richard 1st, G major [p.30]
25. Handel: Non sara quest alma, in the Opera of Radamistus, G minor [p.32]
26. Handel: Non vi piacque, AFAO - Siroe, Larghetta, G major [p.34]
27. Handel: Orgogliosetto, AFAO - Lotharius, E minor [p.36]
28. Handel: Se il Cor, a Duet in Ptolomy (2 flutes), Larghetto, G minor [p.38]
29. Handel: Se non te sai, AFAO - Parthenope, G major [p.40]
30. Handel: Sei mia gioia, AFAO - Parthenope, Bb major [p.42]
31. Handel: Gigue in Parthenope, D minor [p.44]
32. Sarro: Amico il Fato in Ormisda, G major [p.45]
33. Hasse: Se quel cor con nobil vanto, AFAO - Ormisda, Allegro, G major [p.46]
34. Hasse(?): Tacero tacero setulo (Tacero se tu lo brami), AFAO - Ormisda, G major [p.48]

IV. Instructions Upon the Hautboy
First observe the manner of holding your Hautboy ~ A Scale of the plain Notes on the Hoboy ~ A Scale of all the Notes both flat and sharp on the Hautboy ~ Example of the Time or length of the Notes ~ An Example of the Graces ~ A Scale of all the Graces
A Curious Collection of Marches, Minuets, Rigadoons and Opera Airs
1. Minuet, F major [p.9]
2. Minuet, G minor [p.9]
3. Rigadoon, G minor [p.9]
4. Minuet, G minor [p.10]
5. March, D major [p.10]
6. March, D major [p.11]
7. Minuet, D minor [p.11]
8. Minuet, D minor [p.11]
9. Minuet, D minor [p.12]
10. Minuet, D minor [p.12]
11. Trumpet Minuet, D major [p.13]
12. Minuet, G major [p.13]
13. A March, D major [p.14]
14. A March, D major [p.14]
15. A March, D major [p.14]
16. A March, D major [p.15]
17. A March, C major [p.15]
18. March, D major [p.16]
19. Trumpet Minuet, D major [p.16]
20. Minuet, F major [p.17]
21. Rigadoon, D minor [p.17]
22. Minuet, A major [p.17]
23. Minuet, F major [p.18]
24. Minuet, D major [p.18]
25. Minuet, Bb major [p.19]
26. Minuet, C minor [p.19]
27. Minuet, C minor [p.19]
28. Eccho Minuet, A major [p.20]
29. Handel: Fals'imagine - [in] Otho, Largo, A major [p.21]
30. Handel: Benche povera, AFAO - Flavius, D minor [p.22]
31. Handel: Straggi morti, AFAO - Radamistus, D major [p.24]
32. Handel: Son contenta, AFAO - Radamistus, Presto, C minor [p.26]
33. Handel: Vanne sorella, AFAO - Radamistus, Allegro, C minor [p.28]
34. Handel: Tu sei il cor, AFAO - Julius Caesar, D minor [p.30]
35. Handel: Sueglia tevi, AFAO - Julius Caesar, C minor [p.32]
36. Handel: Deh piange te - [in] Julius Caesar, Largo, D minor [p.33]
37. Handel: Piu d’una Tygre, AFAO - Tamerlane, Allegro, F major [p.34]
38. Handel: Non e piu tempo, AFAO - Tamerlane, Allegro, A major [p.36]
39. Handel: Faro cosi - [in] Admetus, Larghetto, E minor [p.37]
40. Handel: Laura non sempre spira, in Siroe, Allegro, Bb major [p.38]
41. Handel: Senza il suo bene, AFAO - Ptolomy, Andante, D minor [p.40]
42. Handel: Gia mi sembra, AFAO - Lotharius, Allegro, A minor [p.42]
43. Handel: Un altra volta, AFAO - Parthenope, Allegro, A minor [p.44]
44. Handel: Si scherza si, AFAO - Parthenope, Allegro, G major [p.46]
45. Handel: Arsace oh Dio, Air in Parthenope, Larghetto, A minor [p.48]
46. Handel: Chorus in Parthenope, F major [p.48]

V. The Art of Playing on the Violin
The first Thing to be learnt is the scale of the Gamut ~ The method of tuning the Violin ~ Of Flats & Sharps ~ Example of the Time ~ Of the usual Graces ~ The Method of Bowing in Common Time ~ The Method of Bowing in Triple Time
A Collection of the finest Rigadoons, Almands, Sarabands, Courants, & Opera Airs extant
1. Minuet, G minor [p.10]
2. Rigadoon, G minor [p.10]
3. Minuet, G major [p.11]
4. Rigadoon, G major [p.11]
5. Minuet, G major [p.11]
6. Handel: Minuet in Rodelinda, C major [p.12]
The following Minuets by the most Eminent Masters
7. Minuet, Bb major [p.12]
8. Minuet, E minor [p.13]
9. Minuet, G minor [p.13]
10. Minuet, Bb major [p.13]
11. Minuet, Bb major [p.14]
12. Minuet, G minor [p.14]
13. Minuet, C minor [p.15]
14. Minuet, D minor [p.15]
15. Minuet, D minor [p.16]
16. Rigadoon, D minor [p.16]
17. Albinoni: Saraband, G minor [p.17]
18. Albinoni: Gavot, G minor [p.17]
19. Masciti: Air, Presto, F major [p.18]
20. St. Helene, Allegro, B minor [p.20]
21. Anonymous: Minuet, Bb major [p.21]
22. Anonymous: Rigadoon, Bb major [p.21]
23. Anonymous: Rigadoon, C minor [p.21]
24. Handel: Sgombra del, AFAO - Siroe, Allegro, A minor [p.22]
25. Handel: Non e si vago, Air in Julius Ceasar, D major [p.23]
26. Handel: Un lampo e la speranza, in the Opera of Admetus, Allegro, G minor [p.24]
27. Handel: Si caro caro si, in Admetus, G major [p.25]
28. Handel: Scacciata dal suo, AFAO - Rodelinda, Allegro, G minor [p.26]
29. Anonymous: Minuet, G minor [p.27]
30. Anonymous: Rigadoon, G minor [p.27]
31. Handel: Aure portate, in Ptolomy, Allegro, A minor [p.28]
32. Bononcini: Air in Astyanax, G major [p.29]
33. Bononcini: Air in Astyanax, G minor [p.29]
34. Handel: Deh fuggi, AFAO - Radamistus, Allegro, G major [p.30]
35. Handel: Mi caro bene, AFAO - Rodelinda, G major [p.32]
36. Handel: Sen vola lo, AFAO - Admetus, A major [p.34]
37. Handel: Amor e un Tiranno, AFAO - Admetus, Allegro, G minor [p.36]
38. Handel: Ciel e terra, AFAO - Tamerlane, D major [p.38]
39. Handel: Chie pui sedele, AFAO - Siroe, A major [p.40]
40. Handel: Mi lagnero tacendo, AFAO - Siroe, D minor [p.42]
41. Anonymous: Minuet, G minor [p.44]
42. Anonymous: Rigadoon, G minor [p.44]
43. Anonymous: Minuet, F major [p.44]
44. Anonymous: Minuet, Bb major [p.45]
45. Anonymous: Minuet, G minor [p.45]
46. Handel: Furibondo, in the Opera Parthenope, Allegro, E minor [p.46]

VI. The Harpsichord Illustrated and Improved; Wherein is shewn The Italian Manner of Fingering; with Suits of Lessons for Beginners & those who are already Proficients on the Instrument and the Organ, with Rules for Attaining to Play a Thorough Bass, also with Rules for Tuning the Harpsichord or Spinnet
The Harpsichord Illustrated and Improv'd ~ Of Notes and their Lengths ~ Of Time ~ Of the Graces
~ Of Fingering
1. Prelleur: Prelude, C major (for fingering) [p.5]
2. Prelude, C major [p.6]
3. Handel: Gavot in Otho [p.6]
4. Minuet, D minor [p.8]
5. Lully (actually by Loeillet): Minuet, D major [p.8]
6. Babell: Prelude, F major [p.10]
7. Lully: Minuet, A minor [p.12]
8. Ariosti: T'amo tanto, in Artaxerxes, G major [p.13]
9. Handel: Jig in Siroe, G minor [p.14]
10. Mattheson: Courant, D minor [p.16]
11. Mattheson: Suite, E minor (Symphony; Quick; Allemand; Courant; Saraband; Gigg) [p.18]
11. Handel: [Vanne, segu'il mio desio], AFAO - Floridant, Bb major [p.25]
12. Handel: Dimmi cara, AFSO - Scipio, G major [p.26]
13. Ariosti: Con forza ascoza, AFAO - Vespasian [p.28]
Rules for attaining to play a Thorough Bass [p.29]
Musick consists of Concords & Discords ~ There are three sorts of Cadences, or Ways of preparing for a Close ~ Of Discords and how many Ways they are prepared and resolved ~ Example in a flat Key ~ Example in a sharp Key ~ Some Examples shewing what may be done when the Bass descends by Degrees ~ For the better remembring all sorts of Cords & what Cords they make to any other Note ~ Of Transposition ~ I shall add some few more Lessons to make the work compleat ~ Rules for tuning the Harpsichord or Spinnett
First Publication. 1730
Language English
Average DurationAvg. Duration 2-5 minutes each piece
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation voice, harpsichord, oboe, violin, recorder, flute
Related Works The flute method is an English translation (unattributed) of part of Principes de la flute traversiere, de la Flute a Bec, et du Haut-bois by Jacques Hotteterre; it is identical with the flute method in Wright's Aria di camera, but it is not known which is earlier.

Navigation etc.


AFAO - A Favourite Air in the Opera of . . .
AFSO - A Favourite Song in the Opera of . . .
AFNS - A Favourite New Song/A New Favourite Song