Alternative. Title
Title-page transcription
- The Principles of Harmony, containing a Complete & Compendious Illustration of the Theory of Music, on a New & Original Plan, in which every Part of that Science from its most Simple to its highest Branches, is Progressively Exhibited, and so arranged as to render the Whole familiar to the General Capacity of Students on the Piano Forte, by J. Relfe, Musician in Ordinary to his Majesty. A Course of Exercises in Skeleton, with appropriate Rules and Examples accompanies this Work, to enable Pupils by writing on each Branch of the Science to familiarize the whole, and in order to correct such Errors as may occur a Key is annex'd containing the Exercises in their complete State, by the help of which the Student may detect every fault, and without further Instruction attain a complete knowledge of the Theory of Music.</span>