Sheet Music
Publisher. Info.
London: I. Willis & Co., n.d. Plate 454.
Misc. Notes
Twelve Favorite Songs sung by the Tyrolese Family Rainer, with English Words
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Publisher. Info.
Robert Cocks & Co's Vocal Quartets, No.36. London: Robert Cocks & Co., n.d.[1876].
Misc. Notes
SATB and piano - B♭ major
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Arrangements and Transcriptions
For Flute and Piano (Nicholson and Bochsa)
For Guitar (Eulenstein)
Charles Eulenstein (1802–1890)
Publisher. Info.
London: Unidentified publisher, n.d.
London: Robert Cocks, n.d. Plate 8565.
Misc. Notes
from Boije's Collection. Contains 9 songs.
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The Village Chorister (Vol.2 No.12)
For 2 Voices and Piano (Redhead)
Alfred Redhead (1855–1937)
Publisher. Info.
The Vocal Garland, No.12. London: Joseph Williams Ltd., n.d.[1905]. Plate J.W. 14064.
Misc. Notes
From uploader's collection.
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General Information
Work Title
The Tyrolese Melodies
Alternative. Title
The Tyrolese Melodies Arranged for One or Four Voices with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte by I. Moscheles
Moscheles, Ignaz
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
3 Volumes of 12 songs each
First Publication.
Traditional / Felix Rainer English free-translations: Vols.1-2 - William Ball Vol.3 - Thomas Haynes Bayly
German (Tirol dialect) / English
1. Princess Esterhazy 2. Countess St. Antonio 3. Earl Stanhope
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
1 or 4 voices, piano. 1 waltz for piano solo
Navigation etc.
The Tyrolese Melodies sung by the Rainer family were published in various other arrangements by Willis & Co, and other publishers.
The title-page to Volume 1 contains this interesting note (a condensed version is affixed to Volume 3):
The Public are cautioned against Spurious Editions of the Airs now singing by the Tyrolese Family "Rainer" and are respectfully referred by Willis & Co., the only authorized Publishers, to the following Notice:
The Tyrolese Melodies.
We, the undersigned, hereby declare that Mr. Ignace Moscheles has been duly empowered and solely authorized by us to edit the Music and Arrangement of the Song, &c. for publication; to which intent, and with a view to their being accurately rendered, together with the original words they have been carefully noted down by him, under our immediate supervision for that purpose which has not been extended to any other person whomsoever. The free translation of the Words, some of which are written by Felix Rainer, and the adaptation of the same to the Melodies, by Mr. William Ball and Mr. Moscheles, are also made with our united permission and authority, and no copies thereof can be correct or genuine, but such as are or may be issued by Mr. Willis, Music Seller, Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, to whom the Publication is assigned
35 Foley Street, London
June 23rd 1827
[signatures of Felix, Anton, Maria, Joseph and Franz Rainer]
- (In the "Volumes 1-3" posted above, the songs also bear English
- titles, and those in Vol.2 are numbered 13 through 24.)
Volume 1
- The Narrative of the Tyrolese Minstrels
- Jodeln [specimen of the yodel]
- Der Schweizerbue
- Der Alpen Jäger
- Sagt er
- Die Frühlingszeit
- Die Gamsen
- All Enk Nachbarsleuten
- Der Tyroler Landsturm
- Wann i Morgens früh
- Das Schüzenlied
- War's vielleicht um eins?
- Lauterbach
- Auf d'Alm
- The Jodeln Waltzes
Volume 2
- Mein Schatz
- Alpenlied
- Die Verlassene
- Der Senderbue
- Schweizer's Heimweh
- Der erwachende Frühling
- Der genügsame Jäger
- Das Tyrolerlied
- Der zufriedene Bauer
- Das Tyrolerleben
- Der Tyrolerbue
- Der Dorf Cantor
Volume 3
- Der lustige Alpenhirt
- Der Alpenlust
- Freyheits-Lied
- Weibertreue
- Frühlings Lied
- Der Fischer und sein Weib
- Wahre Liebe
- Der Fuhrmann
- Des Tirolerbuben Lust
- Die Alpen Dirne
- Harfen-Gruss
- Die zufriedene Hirtin