Hi, I was born in mainland China and graduated from Peking University with bachelors in philosophy and EE. As a keyboardist I mostly play classical piano, but I also tried to group a gothic band before my graduation. Now I live in Munich, Germany, continuing my study at LMU majoring philosophy and musicology. I used to write pieces just for keyboards, but now I am trying to compose with more instruments:)
zh | 此用户中文达到母语水平。 |
en | This user speaks English at a native level. |
de | Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch auf Muttersprachler-Niveau. |
fr | Cet utilisateur parle français. |
it | Questo utente parla italiano. |
la | Hic usor lingua Latina uti potest. |
com-2 | This user is an intermediate composer. |