%version 0.4 \version "2.16.2" \header { title = "薊の花 Azami no Hana" subtitle = "(Thistle Flower)" composer = "北原 白秋 Kitahara Hakushū lyrics" arranger = "Hashimoto Kunihiko music" } \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") } global = { \key e \major \numericTimeSignature \time 3/4 } chordNames = \chordmode { \global % Chords follow here. } melody = \relative c'' { \global % Music follows here. s2. s2 s2. s2. s2. r2. r2. <<{gis8(\p fis b2)\<(}{s4 s4 s8 s16 s16\mf\>}>> b8) r8\! cis8( gis8\< <<{b4.)( cis8-.) gis8( b}{s16\!\> s16\! s8 s4 s8\< s8}>> fis4 e\!\mp\> cis| <<{gis'2.)(}{s4 s4\! s4}>> gis2) r4 b8\mp\tenuto cis\tenuto gis4 r8 e'-> cis4->\mf b8(\< cis) g!4\!\>| r8\! b8(\p\dim gis!8 fis| e4)( cis8 e fis4) e8(\< cis)\!\>| b2.\!\dim( b2) r4| fis'8\tenuto\mp cis\tenuto e2(| e8)\tenuto fis\tenuto cis\tenuto gis'\tenuto| fis4. gis8\upbow\tenuto e\tenuto gis\upbow(| fis4\<)( e4 cis)\!| b'2.(^\< b2)\!^\> r8\!\p b8( c8.) e16 c2( cis8) a8^\< b( c) b4\mf g^\> r8\! r16\pp e16\(( fis2~| fis8 g fis e c8. e16) fis4\p e8( fis)\)\<\upbow\breathe gis8_( b~\mp b2)( b2.\dim)( b2)( b2.)( b4) r4\! r4| r2. r2. r2. r2.\fermata } verse = \lyricmode { % Lyrics follow here. \set ignoreMelismata = ##t kyo -- o mo __ _ a -- za -- mi no mu -- ra -- sa __ _ ki ni __ _ to -- ge ga hi ka -- re __ _ ba hi wa __ _ ku __ _ _ _ re __ _ ru __ _ i -- tsu -- ka __ _ no ni ki -- te ta -- da hi -- to __ _ _ ri __ _ na __ _ i -- ta __ _ to shi __ _ ma ga na -- tsu __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ka -- shi __ _ ya __ _ _ _ _ _ _ } right = \relative c'{ \global % Music follows here. << \new Voice { \voiceOne \voiceOneStyle gis'8\( fis b2( \time 2/4 b4) cis8 gis8| \time 3/4 b2.\)_( \stemDown b4) e gis,\stemNeutral| fis4 e cis| \break r4 r4 r8 <a'! a'!>8( <b b'>2.) gis8( fis b2| a4 gis)| \time 3/4 \stemUp b4. cis8(-.\tenuto gis\tenuto-. b-.\tenuto\stemNeutral \break a4.) <gis b>8(^[ cis\arpeggio <a dis>]| <gis e'>2.)_~ <gis e'>4 r4 gis4| <a! b>4 gis4. \stemUp e'8( cis4 b8 cis g4)\stemNeutral \break \time 2/4 r8 b8( gis! fis| \time 4/4 gis2) <e fis>2| \time 3/4 r4 r8^\ppp <fis' b>( <gis cis> <ais e'>| dis^[ b] <dis, fisis ais cis>4) r4 \break r4 r8 <b b'>8( <cis cis'>4)~ \time 2/4 \stemUp <cis cis'>2~ \time 3/4 \stemUp <cis cis'>2 s4 \stemNeutral <ais fis'>8(^[ gis')] <ais, e'>(^[ gis')] <ais, cis>(^[ gis')]| \break <dis b' dis>2.~ <dis b' dis>2 r8 <b' b'>(| <c! c'>4.)\( <b b'>8 <a a'> <g g'> \time 4/4 <fis fis'>4 <e e'> <dis? b'> <e g>| \break \time 3/4 \stemUp fis2\)(\stemNeutral e4| c2 e4 \time 2/4 \stemUp fis4)\stemNeutral e8(^[ fis]| \time 3/4 \stemUp gis2.)( gis4) \stemNeutral r8 <fis b>( <gis cis> <b e>| \break \time 2/4 dis8^[ b] cis^[ gis] \time 3/4 fis^[ gis fis e cis b]| gis )( fis <e b'>2)| gis8( fis \stemUp <b>2)| cis2( gis4 \stemNeutral <e b'>2.)~ \stemDown <e gis b>2.~ \stemNeutral }\new Voice { \voiceTwo \voiceTwoStyle cis4( e2| gis2) r4 r8 <fis' b>8( <gis cis> <b e>| \stemUp dis b cis) \stemNeutral r8 r4| \stemDown cis,,2 ais4\stemNeutral s2. s2. \stemDown cis4\stemNeutral e8( dis cis b| \stemDown cis8 dis e4)| e4 gis! \stemDown fis( fis) e cis\arpeggio\stemNeutral r4 r8 <fis' b>8^(^[ <gis cis> <b e>]| dis8^[ b] cis4) cis, \stemDown fis, e4. e8~ e2 cis4( \stemDown cisis4 dis| e2) ais,2( <b dis fis>2.)~ \stemDown <b dis fis fis'>4 r4 <b gis'>(\stemNeutral <cis fis!>) <e>2~ \stemDown e~ \stemDown e2.~ e2.\stemNeutral s2. s2. s2. s1 c'2. a2. %2/4 b4 <a cis!>4( %3/4 \stemDown <gis b>2.)~ <gis b>4 r4 r4\stemNeutral %2/4 gis'4 e| %3/4 cis4 b \stemDown gis| s2. \stemDown ais,4 dis2 dis2. s2. \stemUp <e' gis b>2.~ \stemNeutral }\new Voice { \voiceThree \voiceThreeStyle s2. s2 s2. gis4 r4 b,,_( s2. <b dis>2.)_~ <b dis>2. s2. s2 s2. s2. s2. gis''4 e ais, s2. s2. s2 s1 s2. s2. s4 gis,2_~_( gis4 ais)_\tenuto_\( \stemDown a2.\)_(\stemNeutral a2.) }\new Voice { \voiceFour \voiceFourStyle s2. s2 s2. s4 s4 s4 s2. s2. s2. s2. s2 s2. s2. s2. s2. s2. s2. s2 s1 s2. s2. s2. r4 r8 <e'' e'>8^( \stemUp <fis fis'>2)\stemNeutral }\new Voice{ s2. s2 s2. s4 s4 s4 s2. s2. s2. s2. s2 s2. s2. s2. s2. s2. s2. s2 s1 s2. s2. s2. s4 s8 s8 r8 cis'8( <ais, fis'>8^[ gis')] <ais, e'>^(^[ gis')] } %crescendi/diminuendi/volumes \/\/ { s4-\markup{\italic \small "espressivo"}\mp\< s2\!\> s2\!\pp s2.\sustainOn s4 s4 s4\sustainOff\< s4 s4\! s8 s8 s4\sustainOn s4 s8 s8\pp| s2.^\> s8\!\sustainOff\p s8 s4\< s8 s8\! \time 2/4 s4\> s4\! s4 s4 s8\< s8 s4 s4\!\mp\> s8 s8\sustainOn s4\sustainOn s8\!\pp s8 s4 s4 s4\sustainOff s4\mp\> s4 s4\! s4 s2 s4 s8\p s8\dim s4 s2 s2 s4\sustainOn s4 s4 s8 s8\sustainOff s4\sustainOn s4\sustainOn\!\mp s4 s2\sustainOn s2 s2.\pp s4\< s4 s8 s8\!\sustainOff s4\p\sustainOn s8\sustainOff\mp\< s8 s4 s2\mf\!\> s8 s8\p s4.\! s4\< s8 s4 s4\! s4\> s4 s4\!\pp s4 s4 s2. s2 s4\mp\sustainOn s4\< s4 s4\mf s4 s4 s4\< s8 s8 s4\!\> s4 s4\! s2.\p s4 s2\dim s2\!\<\sustainOn s4\! s2.\sustainOff\sustainOn\> s2.\!\fermata } >> } left = \relative c { \global % Music follows here. << \new Voice { \voiceOne \voiceOneStyle <a e'>4( <cis gis'>2| <e b'>2| <gis dis'>2.)~ <gis dis'>4 r4 <dis gis,>4_( <cis e>2 <cis fis,>4 <b, fis'>2.)~ <b fis'>2. <a' e'>4_( <cis gis'>2| %2/4 <b fis'>4 <e b'>4)( b'2.)( b2) fisis4| gis2.\arpeggio( gis4) r4 <fis, e'>_( <dis'>4) b'8\tenuto( cis\tenuto gis4\tenuto)( gis2) b4( <e,, b'>2)_(\tenuto % 4/4 <cis gis'>2\tenuto <fis cis'>\tenuto % 3/4 <b, fis'>2.)~ <b fis'>4 r4 <gis' dis'>4_( a!4) cis2_( cis4.) fis,8( fis8) cis''( fis,) gis e( gis)| fis8( gis) e( gis) <cis, fis,>( gis') b2.( b2) r4 \clef treble<e' fis a>4\tenuto <c! e fis>2\tenuto| c!2( fis,4 g!) \clef bass fis2( e4 c!2 e4| fis) fis,,| r4 e'4( fis gis8 b~ b2)( b2)( b2.)_(\change Staff = right \stemDown cis4) \stemNeutral s2|\change Staff= left <fis,, cis'>4( <b fis'>2) r4 r4 a'!4( \stemUp gis2.)( gis2.)|\stemNeutral % }\new Voice { \voiceTwo \voiceTwoStyle s4 s2 s4 s4 s2. s2. s2. s2. s2. s2. s2 g8\( fis e4 dis(| dis4) cis4. b8^(| <e, b'>2.)\)~\arpeggio <b' e,>4 r4 s4 b4 e2(\tenuto e2.)| s2 s1 s2. s2. e2.| fis2 s2. s2. r4 r8 b,,8( cis e| dis b cis gis b4) s2. a'''4.( a,8 b4 e)| a,2.(| a2.) b4 b,,(| <e b'>2.)~ <e b'>2.~ <e b'>2~ <e b'>2.( <a e'>4)( <cis gis'>2) s2. <b, fis'>2.( <e b'>2.)~ <e b' >2. }\new Voice { \voiceThree \voiceThreeStyle s4 s2 s4 s4 s2. s2. s2. s2. s2. s2. s2 s8 s s4 s| s4 s4. s8| s2. s4 s4 s4 s4 s2 s2.| s2 s1 s2. s2. s2.| s4. fis8( fis2.)_( fis2.) }{ %crescendi/diminuendi/volumes \/\/ s4\p\< s2\!\>| s4\!\pp s4 s2.\sustainOn s4 s4 s8\sustainOff s8\< s4 s4\! s4 s2.\mf\>\sustainOn s4 s4 s8 s8\! s4\sustainOff\p s8\< s8 s8 s8\! s8\> s8 s4\! s4 s4 s4\< s4 s4\!\mp\> s8 s8\sustainOn s4\sustainOn s4\!\pp s4 s4 s4\sustainOff s4\mp\> s4 s32\! s32 s16 s8 s4 s4 s4 s4 s4\p s4\dim s1 s2.\sustainOn s8 s8\sustainOff s4\sustainOn s4\sustainOn\mp s4 s2\sustainOn| s4. s8 s4\pp s4 s4 s4\< s4 s8 s8\!\sustainOff s4\p\sustainOn s8\mp\sustainOff\< s4 s8 s4\mf\!\> s4 s8 s8\!\p s4. s8\< s4 s4 s4\! s4\> s4 s2\pp\! s4 s2. s2 s4\mp\sustainOn s4\< s4 s2.\mf s2\< s4\!\> s4 s4\! s2\p \tempo 4=58 s4 \tempo 4=56 s4\tempo 4=54 s4\dim s4 s4\!\<\sustainOn s4 s8\! s8\sustainOff s2.\sustainOn\> s2._\fermata\! } >> } leadSheetPart = << \new ChordNames \chordNames \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "cello" }{ \melody } \addlyrics { \verse } >> pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Piano" } << \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t \new Staff = "right" \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" } \right \new Staff = "left" \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" } { \clef bass \left } >> \score { << \leadSheetPart \pianoPart >> \layout { } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 60 4) } } }