User:Tsester/Fuji-san (Anonymous)

%version 0.3
\version "2.16.2"

\header {
  title = "富士山"
  subtitle = "Fuji-san"
  subsubtitle = "(Mt. Fuji)"
  composer = "唱歌 Shōka"
  arranger = "巌谷 小波 lyrics"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a4")

global = {
  \key b \minor
  \time 4/4

chordNames = \chordmode {
  % Chords follow here.

melody = \relative c'' {
  \tempo 4= 96
  % Music follows here.
    r1\mf |
    r1 |
    r1 |
  \repeat unfold 2{
  a4.\mf a8 b4 a4|
  fis4 d8( e8) fis2|
  e4. a8 a4 g8( fis8)|
  e2. r4|
  a4. a8 fis4 d4|
  b'4.( cis8) d4 b4|
  a4. b8 a( g) fis( e)|
  d2. r4|
  e4. e8 e4 e4|
  d8( e) fis( g) a2|
  b4. cis8 d4 b4|
  a2. r4|
  d2 b4 g|
  fis4. fis8 b4 a\breathe|
  g fis e4. d8|
  d2. r4

verses = \lyricmode {
  \repeat unfold 2{}
  \alternative {
  \set stanza = "1."
  % Lyrics follow here.
  a -- ta -- ma o |
  ku -- mo __ no |
  u -- e ni da __ |
  shi |
  shi -- ho -- o no |
  ya __ ma o |
  mi -- o -- ro __ shi __ te |
  ka -- mi -- na -- ri |
  sa __ ma __ o |
  shi -- ta ni ki -- |
  ku |
  fu -- ji wa |
  ni -- p -- po -- n |
  i -- chi no ya -- |
  \set stanza = "2."
  % Lyrics follow here.
  a -- o -- zo -- ra |
  ta -- ka __ ku |
  so -- bi -- e -- ta __ |
  chi |
  ka -- ra -- da ni |
  yu __ ki no |
  ki -- mo -- no __ ki __ te |
  ka -- su -- mi no |
  su __ so __ o |
  to -- o -- ku hi -- |
  ku |
  fu -- ji wa |
  ni -- p -- po -- n |
  i -- chi no ya -- |

verseTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2."
  % Lyrics follow here.
  a -- o -- zo -- ra |
  ta -- ka __ ku |
  so -- bi -- e -- ta __ |
  chi |
  ka -- ra -- da ni |
  yu __ ki no |
  ki -- mo -- no __ ki __ te |
  ka -- su -- mi no |
  su __ so __ o |
  to -- o -- ku hi -- |
  ku |
  fu -- ji wa |
  ni -- p -- po -- n |
  i -- chi no ya -- |

right = \relative c' {
  % Music follows here.
  \voiceOne <d fis a>4.( \mf <d fis a>8 <d g b>4 <d fis a>4|
  << {\voiceOne \stemUp fis8 a8 d8 <e a,>8 fis4 e4)} \new Voice {\voiceTwo d,4 fis4 a4 a4} {s4\< s4 s4 s4\!}>>|
  <fis d'>4(\> <a cis>8 <g b>8 <fis a>4 <e g>4\!|
  <<{<d fis>4.)( \p <e g>8 <d fis>-"poco rit." <e g> <d fis> <e g>)}{\tempo 4 = 95 s8\tempo 4 = 94 s8\tempo 4 = 92 s8\tempo 4 = 91 s8\tempo 4 = 90 s8\tempo 4 = 89 s8\tempo 4 = 87 s8\tempo 4 = 86 s8\tempo 4 = 96}>>|
  \repeat unfold 2{
  <d fis a>4.(-"a tempo" \mf <d fis a>8 <d g b>4 <d fis a>4|
  <d fis> d8 <d e> <d fis>2)|
  <d e>4.( <cis a'>8 <cis a'>4 <e g>8\> <d fis>8|
  << {\voiceOne <cis e>2.)\! r4} {\voiceTwo s4 s4\mf s2}>>|
  <d fis a>4.( <d fis a>8 <c d fis>4 <c d>|
  <b g' b>4.\< <e g cis>8 <d a' d>4 <d g b>)\!|
  <cis e a>4.( <d g b>8 <fis a> <e g> <d fis> <cis e>\!|
  d2.) r4|
  <cis e>4.( \mp <cis e>8 <cis e>4 <cis e>|
  d8\< <cis e> <d fis> <e g>\! <fis a>2)|
  <d g b>4.^(\< \mf <e g cis>8\! <d a' d>4\> <d g b>|
  <<  {\voiceOne  a'2.) b8( cis} \new Voice {\voiceTwo  <cis, e>2. <e g>4 } {s4 s4\! s4 s8\< s8}>>|
  << {\voiceOne <d fis d'>2 \!\f <d eis b'>4 <d eis g>} {\voiceTwo } >>|
  << {\voiceOne <d fis>4. <d fis>8 <d g b>4 <d fis a>)} {\voiceTwo }>>|
  <cis e g>^( <d fis>\> e4.\arpeggio d8\!|
  d2.)\arpeggio r4|

left = \relative c {
  % Music follows here.
  d2\mf d2|
  d4\<( fis8 a d4 cis,\!)|
  << {\voiceOne d8\>( e fis g a4. a,8} {\voiceTwo s2 s4 s8\! s8}>>|
  d2.\p) r4|
  \repeat unfold 2{
  d2\mf d2 d4( fis8 e d4) fis,8( g|
  a2 a4 cis8\> d|
  a4)\! <g g'>-.(\mf <fis fis'>-. <e e'>-.)|
  <d d'>2( <d d'>4 <fis fis'>|
  <g g'>2\< <fis fis'>4 <g g'>4\!)|
  <a a'>2( <a, a'>2|
  << {\voiceOne <d d'>2.) r4} \new Voice {\voiceTwo r4 fis'8( e d4)}>>|
  << {\voiceOne r4 a'4-.( a-. a-.)} \new Voice {\voiceTwo a,1}{s1\mp}>>|
  << {\voiceOne r4 a'-.( a-. a-.)} \new Voice {\voiceTwo d,1} {\voiceThree s8\< s8 s8 s8\! s4 s4}>>|
  << {\voiceOne <g, g'>2\mf\<( <fis fis'>4 <g g'>} {\voiceTwo s4. s8\! s4\> s4}>>|
  << {\voiceOne <a a'>2) a'(} {\voiceTwo s4 s4\! s4 s8\< s8}>>|
  b2)(\f\! g4 b4|
  <d, a'>2 <d a'>2)|
  << {\voiceOne a'( <a, g' cis>\arpeggio} {\voiceTwo s4 s4\> s4. s8\!}>>|
  <<{<d, d' >2.) r4} {<fis' a>2.\arpeggio}>>

leadSheetPart = <<
  \new ChordNames \chordNames
%  \new Staff { \melody }
%  \addlyrics { \verseOne }
%  \addlyrics { \verseTwo }
  \new Staff \with {
    instrumentName = "Soprano"
    midiInstrument = "Trumpet"
  } { \melody }
  \addlyrics { \verses }
%  \addlyrics { \verseTwo }

pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with {
  instrumentName = "Piano"
} <<
  \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
  \new Staff = "right" \with {
    midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
  } \right
  \new Staff = "left" \with {
    midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
  } { \clef bass \left }

\score {
  \layout { }
  \midi {
    \context {
      tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 96 4)