%version 0.2 \version "2.16.2" \header { title = "波浮の港 Habu no Minato" subtitle = "(The Harbor of Habu)" composer = "野口 雨情 Noguchi Ujō lyrics" arranger = "Nakayama Shinpei music" } \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") } global = { \key d \minor \numericTimeSignature \time 2/4 \tempo "(volkston)" } chordNames = \chordmode { \global % Chords follow here. } melody = \relative c' { \global % Music follows here. s2| s2| s2| s2| r2| r2| r2\mf| r8 a8\< d e\!| \repeat unfold 5{ a4\ff f| e(\> f8 d)\!| e4\< g8\!\upbow a8\mf| bes4. d8| bes4 a8( g)| a2| r8 f8 a bes\mf| <<{d4\< f} {s4 s8 s8\!}>>| <<{e4(\f d8 f)} {s8 s8\> s4}>>| e4 d8(\! e\p)| d4(\< bes8) a\!| <<{g4 a8( bes)}{s8 s8\< s4}>>| <<{a2} {s4 s8 s8\!}>>| r8 a8 d8 d8| bes4 a8( f16 e)| d4.( e8)| f4 a8\< a8| bes\! a f e| f a f e| d2| <<{r2}{s4\< s8 s8\!}>>| r2| r2| r2| } \alternative{ { r8 a8\mf\< d e\!| } { <<{r2} {s8 s8\mf s4}>>| } } %checked^ } verses = \lyricmode { % \set stanza = "1." % Lyrics follow here. i -- so no | \repeat unfold 5 {} \alternative { { %first verse \set stanza = "1." u no | to __ | rya hi -- gu -- | re nya | ka -- e __ | ru | ha -- bu no | mi -- na -- | to __ | nya \set ignoreMelismata = ##t yu -- u -- \set ignoreMelismata = ##f| ya __ ke | ko -- ya __ | ke | a -- su no | hi -- yo __ | ri __ | wa ya -- re | ho -- n -- ni -- sa | na -- gi -- ru ya -- | ra | %it's correct ^ } %second verse { \set stanza = "2." fu -- ne mo | \break se -- ka -- | re __ | rya de -- fu -- | ne no | shi -- ta __ | ku | shi -- ma no | mu -- sume | ta __ | cha \set ignoreMelismata = ##t go -- ji -- \set ignoreMelismata = ##f| n __ ka | gu -- ra __ | shi | na -- jo -- na | ko -- ko __ | ro __ | de ya -- re | ho -- n -- ni -- sa | i -- ru -- no -- ya -- | ra %seems ok ^ } { %third verse \set stanza = "3." shi -- ma de | \break ku -- ra -- | su __ | nya to -- bo -- | shu -- te | na -- ra __ | nu | i -- zu no | i -- too | to __ | wa \set ignoreMelismata = ##t yu -- u -- \set ignoreMelismata = ##f| bi -- n | da -- yo -- | ri | shi -- mo -- da | mi -- na __ | \set ignoreMelismata = ##t to to -- \set ignoreMelismata = ##f| wa ya -- re | ho -- n -- ni -- sa | ka -- ze da -- yo -- | ri } { %fourth verse \set stanza = "4." ka -- ze wa | \break shi -- o | ka __ | ze go -- ji -- | n -- ka | o -- ro __ | shi | shi -- ma no | mu -- sume | ta __ | cha \set ignoreMelismata = ##t de -- fu -- \set ignoreMelismata = ##f| ne __ no | to -- ki __ | nya | fu -- ne no | to -- mo __ | zu __ | na ya -- re | ho -- n -- ni -- sa | na -- i -- te to -- | ku | } { %fifth verse \set stanza = "5." i -- so no | \break u no | to __ | rya o -- ki | ka -- ra | i -- so __ | e | na -- i -- te | o -- ku -- | ra __ | nya \set ignoreMelismata = ##t de -- fu -- \set ignoreMelismata = ##f| ne __ mo | ni -- bu __ | ru | a -- su mo | hi -- yo __ | ri __ | de ya -- re | ho -- n -- ni -- sa | na -- gi -- ru ya -- | ra } } } right = \relative c { \global % Music follows here. r8\ff <f a d>8 r8 <f a d>8| <f a d>8 a'\>( f e)\!| r8\mf <f, a d>8 r8 <f a d>8| <f a d> f''(\mf\< e f\!| \break e\ff d bes d)(| bes8\> a f e)\!| r8\mf <f, a d> r8 <f a d>| <f a d> a\staccato\< d\staccato e\staccato\!| \break \repeat unfold 5{ r8\ff <d f a>8 r8 <d f> | e(\> a f d)\!| << {\voiceOne s4\< s16\! s16 s8 } \new Voice { \voiceTwo <cis e>4 g'8 a\mf } >>| r8 <g bes>8 <g bes> <g bes d>| <g bes>4 <f a>8 g| \break r8 <cis, e a>8 r8 <cis e a>| <cis e a> f\staccato a\staccato <g bes>\mf\staccato| r8\< <f d'> r8 <a f'>\!| r8\f <a cis e>\> d f| \voiceOne <a, cis e>4 d8\! e\p \break r8\< <f, d'> <g bes> a\!| r8 g\< a <g bes>| r8 <cis, e a> r8 <cis e a>\!| <cis e a> a'( d d)| r8 bes a f16 e16| \break r8 d4 e8| f4 <d f a>8\< <d f a>| <d bes'>\! a' <d, f> e| f a <d, f> <cis e>| r8 <a d> r8 <f a d>| \break <f a d>\< f''( e f\!| e d bes d| bes a f e)| r8 <f, a d> r8 <f a d>| } \alternative{ { <f a d> a\mf\staccato\< d\staccato e\staccato\!| } { <f, a d> r8\mf r4| } } %checked^ } % a8 b c d % r2 % a8 b c d % r2 left = \relative c { \global % Music follows here. \voiceOne d4\ff f,8( a| \voiceOne d) r8 r4| \voiceOne d4\mf f,8( a| \voiceOne d8) r8 r4| \voiceOne r2\ff| \voiceOne d,8(\> f a cis\!| \voiceOne d4\mf) f,8( a| \voiceOne d8) r8 r4 \repeat unfold 5 { d4\ff f| a\> d,8( f\!| a4)\< s16\! s16\mf s8| d4 bes| g a8 bes| a4 cis,8( e| a8) r8 r4\mf| << {\voiceOne a4 d,} \new Voice {\voiceTwo s8\< s8 s8 s8\!} >>| << {\voiceOne s8\f s8\> s4} \new Voice{ \voiceTwo e4 f } >> | <<{\voiceOne s8 s8 s8\! s8\p} \new Voice{\voiceTwo a4 r4 }>> << {\voiceOne s8\< s4 s8\!} \new Voice{ \voiceTwo bes4 d } >> << {e4 d8 bes} {s8 s8\< s4} >>| a4 cis,8( e\!| a8) r8 r4| g4 a| bes4 a8 g| f4 r4\<| d,8\! f a cis| d4 a8 g'| <d f>4 f,8( a| <<{d8)\< r8 r4} {s4 s8 s8\!}>>| r2| d,8( f a cis| d4) f,8( a| } \alternative { { <<{d8) r8\mf\< r4} { s4 s8 s8\!}>> } { d8) r8\mf r4| } } %checked^ } % r2 % a''8 b c d % r2 % a8 b c d \change Staff = left leadSheetPart = << \new ChordNames \chordNames \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "trumpet" }{ \melody } \addlyrics { \verses } >> pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Piano" } << \new Staff = "right" \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" } \right \new Staff = "left" \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" } { \clef bass \left } >> \score { << \leadSheetPart \pianoPart >> \layout { } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 80 4) } } }