%version 0.1 \version "2.16.2" \header { title = "関の夕ざれ" subtitle = "Seki no Yūzare" composer = "Japanese old poem" arranger = "Motoori Nagayo music" } \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") } global = { \key f \minor \time 4/4 } chordNames = \chordmode { \global % Chords follow here. } melody = \relative c'' { \global % Music follows here. s1 s s s s s s s s s s | r8 c8\p c4~ c8 c4.\<\(~ <<{c2~ c8~ c32 des c bes g4~}{s8 s4\! s8\> s4}>>| g2~\! g8 bes8\) c8( d) \acciaccatura c8 aes2~\( aes4.~ aes32 c aes f~ f8\) g\(~ g2.~| g4\) r4 r2| r8 d8 f( g) aes4 f'~( f8 d~ d2.~^\< d2~\! d8) d\upbow f( g) des! 2.(~\p des8~ des32 ees des bes~ bes8) bes( c2.~ c1~ c4) r4 r2 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r8\mf f, aes f g4 des' c8.\(( des32 c) aes8( c)\) f, g( aes bes c8) r8 f4 d2( des8) c\(( c2.)( c1)( c4.) bes8 g\) g\upbow aes( g) f8 f\upbow aes f g4 des' c8.( des32 c aes8 c) f, g( aes bes c8) r8 f4 d2 g1\f->\(( g2)(\< g8.)\!\> f16 c4( c1)\!\<\fermata( c2\!\>)( c8.)\! bes16-> g8-> f->\) r1 r4\fermata c2 c'8( g aes2.)-\markup{\italic \small "rit."} \times 2/3 {g8 aes g} f2. r4 r1 r1 } verse = \lyricmode { % Lyrics follow here. \set ignoreMelismata = ##t ka -- ne __ _ ga __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ na -- ru __ _ ka __ _ _ _ _ _ _ yo __ _ _ shu -- mo __ _ ku ga __ _ _ _ _ _ na -- ru __ _ ka __ _ _ _ _ _ _ (yo __ _ _ _) ka -- ne to shu -- mo -- ku __ _ _ _ _ no (sa __ _ _ _) a -- i __ _ ga __ _ _ _ _ _ na -- ru __ _ (yo) ka -- ne to shu -- mo -- ku __ _ _ _ _ no (sa __ _ _ ) a -- i ga __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (sa) na __ _ _ ru __ _ _ (yo) } right = \relative c' { \global % Music follows here. c2\pp \fermata c2 \fermata | c1 \fermata | \times 2/3 {g8(-"ad lib."\sustainOn bes des)} \times 2/3 {f( ees des)} \times 2/3 {c( ees ges)} \times 2/3 {c( bes aes)}| \times 2/3 {g!(-\cresc\sustainOn bes des)} \times 2/3 {f( ees des)} \times 2/3 {c( ees ges)} \times 2/3 {c( bes aes)}| \break \times 2/3 {g!(\sustainOn bes des)} f2-\fermata-\f( \times 2/3 {f8)(\sustainOff e ees)}| \times 2/3 {d( des c)} \times 2/3 {b( bes\decr-\markup{\italic \small "(decresc.)"} a)} \times 2/3 { aes( g ges)} \times 2/3 {f( e ees)}| \times 2/3 {d( des c)} \times 2/3 {b( bes a)} aes2-\fermata| \break \times 4/6 {g!8-\p c, g bes des g} \times 4/6 {f ees des c bes aes}| g2 <e bes' c>\sustainOn\fermata \tempo 4=83 r8.\pp\sustainOn aes32( bes c8) <aes f'>-. <aes c>4-. <c aes'>-. r8.\sustainOn aes32( bes c8) <aes f'>-. <aes c>4-. <c aes'>-. \break r8.\sustainOn aes32( bes c8) <aes f'>-. <aes c>4-. <c aes'>-. r8.\sustainOn g32( aes bes8) <g e'>-. <g bes>4-. <bes g'>-. r8.\sustainOn g32( aes bes8) <g e'>-. <g bes>4-. <bes g'>-. r8.\sustainOn aes32( bes c8) <aes f'>-. <aes c>4-. <c aes'>-. \break r8.\sustainOn g32( aes bes8) <g e'>-. <g bes>4-. <bes g'>-. \change Staff = left r8.\sustainOn e,32( f g8) <e c'>-. <e g>4-. <g e'>-. \change Staff = right r8.\sustainOn aes32( bes c8) <aes f'>-. <aes c>4-. <c aes'>-. r8.\sustainOn bes32( c d8) <bes f'>-. < bes d>4-. <d aes'>-. \change Staff = left r8.\sustainOn f,32( g aes8) <f d'>-. <f aes>4-. <aes f'>-. \change Staff = right \break \change Staff = left r8.\sustainOn f32( g aes8) <f des'!>-. <f aes>4-. <aes f'>-. \change Staff = right r8.\sustainOn g32( aes bes8) <g e'>-. <g bes>4-. <bes g'>4-. \change Staff = left r8.\sustainOn e,32 ( f g8) <e c'>-. <e g>4-. <g e'>4 \change Staff = right r8.\sustainOn aes32( bes c8) <aes f'> <aes c> <aes' c>( <g bes> <f aes>) \break <<\new Voice {\voiceTwo <e g>8( <f aes> <g bes> <aes c>) bes8. aes16 g8 f \voiceOne c'8. bes16 aes8 g \voiceTwo f8. ees?16 des8 c b4 bes <bes f' g> <bes e c'>\arpeggio\fermata } \new Voice {\voiceOne s2 des' \voiceTwo e,2 \voiceOne g <f aes>2 s2}>> \tempo 4 = 97 r8.\sustainOn\pp-\markup{\italic \small "piu mosso"} aes,32( bes c8) <aes f'>8-. <aes c>4-. <c aes'>-. r8.\<\sustainOn aes32( bes c8) <aes f'>8-. <aes c>4-. <c aes'>-.\! \break r8.\sustainOn aes32( bes c8) <aes f'>-. <g des'>4-. <bes g'>-. r8.\sustainOn aes32( bes c8) <aes f'> <aes c>\sustainOff g( aes bes c8) r8 <g d' f>2.\sustainOn \change Staff = left r8.\cresc\sustainOn e32( f g8) <e c'>-. <e g>4-. <g e'>4-. \change Staff = right r8.\f g32( aes bes8) <g e'>-. <g bes>4-. <bes g'>-. \break r1 r8.\p\sustainOn aes32( bes c8) <aes f'>-. <g des'>4-. <bes g'>4-. r8.\sustainOn aes32( bes c8) <aes f'> <aes c>\sustainOff <g g'>( <aes aes'> <bes bes'> <c c'>) r8 <d aes' c>2->\sustainOn <d! g d'>4~->\sustainOn \break <<{<des g des'>1}{s4 s4 s4 s8 s8\sustainOff}>> r8.\sustainOn e32( f g8) < e c'>-. <e g>4-. <g e'> r8.\sustainOn g32( aes bes8) <g e'>-. <g bes>4-. <bes g'>-.\fermata r2 r4 r8\f\sustainOff <des, f>8-> <d f g>4 <d f aes>2-> <bes e g>4 \break <bes e g>2.\p\fermata\sustainOn r4 <<{r1\pp }{s8\tempo 4=95 s8\tempo 4=94 s8\tempo 4=92 s8\tempo 4=90 s8\tempo 4=88 s16\tempo 4=87 s16\tempo 4=86 s8\tempo 4=85 s8\tempo 4=83}>> r8. aes32( bes c8) <aes f'>8-. <aes c>4-. <c aes'>-. r8.\p g32( aes bes8) <g f'>-. <g des'>4-. <bes g'>-. r8.\pp aes'32( bes c8) <aes f'>-. <aes c>4-. <c aes'>4-. \break r8.\p g32( aes bes8) <g f'>-. <g des'>4-. <bes g'>-. r8.\pp aes32( bes c8) <aes f'>-. r8. aes32( bes c8) <c aes'>-. <<{r8. f32( g aes8) <aes des>-. <aes f'>4-. <aes,, f'>\pp\fermata\sustainOn}{s8\tempo 4=82 s8\tempo 4=82 s8\tempo 4=81 s8\tempo 4=80 s8\tempo 4=79 s8\tempo 4=79 s8\tempo 4=78 s8\tempo 4=77}>> <a f'>1~\fermata\sustainOn <a f'>4\fermata\sustainOff r4 r2 \bar "|." } left = \relative c { \global % Music follows here. <aes, aes' ees' aes>2\fermata\pp <aes aes' ees' aes>2\fermata| <aes aes' ees' aes>1\fermata| <ees' ees'>1\sustainOn~ <ees ees'>1\sustainOn~\cresc <<{<ees ees'>1~ <ees ees'>1~ <ees ees'>2 <e e'>2~ <e e'>2 <f f'> }{s4\sustainOn s2\f s4\sustainOff s4 s8 s8\decr-\markup{\italic \small "(decresc.)"} s4 s4 s2 s2 s2\p s2}>> <c' e>2 <c, c'>\fermata\sustainOn <f, f'>1\sustainOn\pp <f f'>1\sustainOn <f f'>1\sustainOn <c' c'>1\sustainOn <c c'>1\sustainOn <f f'>1\sustainOn <aes, aes'>\sustainOn <aes aes'>\sustainOn <f' f'>1\sustainOn <f f'>1\sustainOn <d d'>1\sustainOn <des! des'!>1\sustainOn <c c'>\sustainOn <c c'>\sustainOn <f f'>\sustainOn <c c'>2 <bes bes'> <c c'>2 <des des'> <d d'>4 <des des'>2 <c c'>4\arpeggio\fermata <f, f'>1\pp\sustainOn <<{<f f'>1\sustainOn}{s4\< s4 s4 s4\!}>> <f f'>1\sustainOn <f f'>2~\sustainOn <f f'>8\sustainOff <e e'>( <f f'> <g g'> <aes aes'>) r8 <bes bes'>2.\sustainOn <c c'>1\sustainOn\cresc <<{<c c'>1\sustainOn}{s4\f s4 s4 s8 s8\sustainOff}>> r1 <f f'>1\p\sustainOn <f f'>2~\sustainOn <f f'>8\sustainOff <e e'>8( <f f'>8 <g g'>8 <aes aes'>) r8 <bes bes'>2->\sustainOn <b b'>4->~\sustainOn <<{<b b'>1}{s2 s4 s8 s8\sustainOff}>> <c c'>1\sustainOn <c c'>1\fermata \sustainOn r2 r4 r8 \sustainOff\f <bes bes'>8-> <bes bes'>4 <b b'>2-> <c c'>4 <c c'>2.\sustainOn\p\fermata r4 r2 c,2\pp <f f'>1\sustainOn <f f'>1\p <f' f'>\pp <f f'>1\p f'2\pp c2 f,2 f,4 <des des'>\fermata\sustainOn\pp <f c'>1\fermata~\sustainOn <f c'>4\sustainOff\fermata r4 r2 } leadSheetPart = << \new ChordNames \chordNames \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "trumpet"}{ \melody } \addlyrics { \verse } >> pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with { \consists #Span_stem_engraver instrumentName = "Piano" } << \new Staff = "right" \with { \consists #Span_stem_engraver midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" } \right \new Staff = "left" \with { \consists #Span_stem_engraver midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" } { \clef bass \left } >> \score { << \leadSheetPart \pianoPart >> \layout { } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 77 4) } } }