Dear J.p.m,
You recently created composer pages for composers that do not seem to be in public domain. IMSLP only accepts works that are not copyrighted. Please visit Public Domain for more information about the public domain. Tips for determining the publication date of your score can be found on IMSLP:Contributing scores.
If your submission was in public domain, please add relevant information about the publication to the file page. Copyrighted files will be deleted.
Sorry. I also love Shostakovich, and the rest, but we cannot accept works by them without permission. -- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 13:23, 9 May 2009 (EDT)
Please do not continue to create pages for works which we already have! We thank you for the time you took scanning this, but it is useless if it is not submitted using the manual of style found on the score submission guide. If you have any questions, please respond here or by email. We look forward to your response.-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 07:09, 10 May 2009 (EDT)
Dear J.p.m., To repeat what others have stated above, you really need to become more familiar with what is public domain before uploading things here. The Prokofiev Violin Sonata No.1, Op.80 (also please note how the title is formatted, in contrast to Violin sonate No 1op 80 F min) you uploaded was in an edition by Joseph Szigeti, who died only in 1973 (less than 50 years ago), which means the edition is still protected in Canada. Also, kindly refrain from un-doing my revisions to items, as you did with the Mozart K.285b. The Mozart volume you uplaoded contains three quartets, not just the one. That's why I created the other workpages. Thanks, Carolus 13:48, 16 May 2009 (EDT) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)
Please do not create needless pages. We already have pages for the Beethoven Violin Sonatas. Thanks, Carolus 15:06, 16 May 2009 (EDT) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)
Dear J.p.m,
Thank you for your submission. The upload was successful, but you did not provide enough source and publisher information. Can we kindly ask you to fill in as much information as possible? Correct identification of a score is absolutely needed to make sure a score is in public domain and does not violate copyright laws. Also, this identification reflects IMSLP's strive to quality and completeness.
Please pay attention to the following items:
More fields are described in the Score submission guide.
You will find a lot of information on the first pages of the score. If you have problems gaining information, more tips and help are provided at IMSLP:Contributing scores and Historical Publication Info. An example of a good submission is Frühlingsrauschen (Sinding, Christian)
Thanks! -- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 19:29, 17 May 2009 (EDT)
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Dear J.p.m. Please check a composer's page before creating needless new pages. For example, we already have a page for the Prokofiev: Violin Sonata No.2, Op.94. We certainly did not need for you to create an additional - superfluous - page for this title. You end up creating a lot of needless work for the admins to clean up, when just paying attention to what is already here would save time. Thanks, 20:48, 21 May 2009 (EDT) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)
I saw your entry but I created a new one for the following reason:
Your existing entry is called
"Violin Sonata No.2, Op.94 (Prokofiev, Sergei)"
But as long as I know, op 94 if not a violin but a flute sonata composed in 1942-43, it's violin adaptation by prokofiev and oistrak was realized in 1944 and is known under op 94 bis
As long as I proposed the flute score, I wasn't OK to put it under violon sonate entry. For that reason I added an enrty 'sonate N2 op 94' without a specific violin reference in the title
In my opinion, your corrections and moved are not yet finished. You still have to rename the title Violin Sonata No.2, Op.94 (Prokofiev, Sergei) to Flute Sonata No.2, Op.94 (Prokofiev, Sergei) and adaptation for violin (op 94bis)
and your title Arrangements and Transcriptions For Flute and Piano have to be swapped to Arrangements and Transcriptions For Violin and Piano (as 94 bis) and attributed to the violin score
Dear Sir,
I did a small error and I proposed a Goldmark violin concert (violin only) score. Unhappily,I load it under Glazounov!
it would be great, in the case this score is not rejected, to move it under Glodmark!
best regards.
Hello J.p.m.
Is this your own typeset of the violin solo part for the first portrait? Please let us know as soon as possible as we normally delete new typesets where there is no apparent attribution or permission from the creator in 24 hours or less. Thanks, Carolus 06:57, 21 February 2010 (UTC) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)
YES. I enter myself this missing score and, from my side, you are fully allowed to introduce it in the site in order to propose a compete set regarding this Bartok's work.
For information : I used 'MuseScore 9.5' software to create this score and PrimoPDF to pint it in PDF file format
Hi J.p.m., much as I would love IMSLP to have a score of the 3rd concerto in E, the 1991 edition by Boccaccini & Spada isn’t anywhere near PD – the piano reduction is credited to Francesco Fiore; the violin part has ample revisions by Vicenzo Bolognese. This wouldn’t even qualify under the EU laws regarding urtexts (scientific editions) as it is only 20 years old.
Cheers, Philip @ © talk 14:29, 13 February 2011 (UTC)
IMSLP Copyright Review team
Hi J.p.m. If I judge 'Ricci' and 'Kremer' to refer to Ruggiero Ricci and Gidon Kremer respectively, then the recordings you uploaded are under copyright worldwide and therefore had to be deleted. Please be more careful about checking the copyright status of files you're planning on uploading in the future. Thanks, KGill talk email 15:40, 15 February 2011 (UTC)
Hi J.p.m,
the violin concerto is under copyright worldwide (see here) and had to be deleted. Hobbypianist 20:00, 1 March 2011 (UTC)
heey! can you send the this flute sonata to my e-mail please! i would really appreciate it :D thanks you..