Dear Kompy,
Welcome to the IMSLP! We would like to thank you for contributing.
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We're looking forward to your next submission!
Peter talk 05:09, 26 August 2007 (EDT)
Peter talk 05:09, 26 August 2007 (EDT)
Hello Kompy, I assume you have permission from Daniel Valentine to post his works and tagged them as "permission granted." I was just checking in to make sure this is OK. Thanks, Carolus 21:19, 2 October 2008 (EDT) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)
Hello kompy, I would be very happy if you could send me your source files (best midi) from the follwing music: "Sinfonie e Concerti a 5, Op.2 (Albinoni, Tomaso Giovanni)" , which is avaible at imslp in various pdf files, but not in the combination I need (pdf file with the notes of cembalo with violino 1+2+3 or viollotta together). If you would send me the source files, I could arrange it for me. Here in German:
Hallo kompy, ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn du mir die Quelldateien (MIDI etc.) der "Sinfonie e Concerti a 5, Op.2 (Albinoni, Tomaso Giovanni)" schicken könntest, die du ja schon als pdf hochgeladen hast. Ich brauche die Dateien, weil ich für mich eine Ausgabe erstellen möchte in der Cembalo, violino 1+2+3 oder Viollotta übereinander notiert sind. Wenn ich das MIDI oder so hätte, könnte ich mir das selbst arrangieren. Beste Grüße, Jeggers
Die Version mit Cembalo, Violine 1, 2 3 und Violotta folgt in ein paar Wochen.
Merci pour ces partitions.
Il faut vérifier sur la Bass
Gigue françoise bar 24 beat 4 : f g et non f a
Passecaille bar 28 : minim ,quarter note and no quarter note, minim
Hello Kompy, Do the files you just uploaded for the Op. 2 Sonatas have the identical full scores with those which are already posted, or have you included revised full scores along with the parts? Let me know so I can place things in the correct position on the work-page. Thanks for the addition, I am sure it will be appreciated by many. Best Wishes, Carolus 14:33, 27 May 2009 (EDT) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)
Hello Carolus,
I've replaced the files of the scores of the separate sonatas by files including both score and parts of each sonata.
Yours, kompy
Hello again, Kompy. Have you gotten permission from the kantoreiarchiv for the typesets you uploaded? The Mutopia item should be OK as they have not complained to us about people posting their typesets here. We ask that uploaders obtain permission unless the site explicitly states the files are to be freely distributed (like Mutopia does). Thanks, Carolus 19:48, 27 May 2009 (EDT) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)
Hello Carolus, today (2009-05-28) I've recieved an E-Mail from Helmut Kickton: He wrote (in German):
"Das Urheberrecht der Musikalien ist erloschen. Ausnahme sind meine eigenen Kompositionen. Auch als wissenschaftliche Ausgabe sind die Noten nicht mehr geschützt, da die Vorlagen über 25 Jahre alt sind. Meine Generalbässe haben meist keine ausreichende Gestaltungshöhe um Schutz zu genießen. Sie können sich also hemmungslos bedienen. "
This means in English: All sheet music works on my website (exept my own compositions) are out of copyright/ public domain. The music isn't either protected anymore as a "scholarly" edition, as the sources are more than 25 years old. My figured basses aren't at a level of creation to be protected. You can serve yourself as you want."
This means IMHO, that I'm (and anybody else) is allowed to re-distribute arrangements by Helmut Kickton from www.
Mayby I'll upload some more very nice peaces from this website.
Michael Barkowski
Hallo Kompy, Da ein Mitmusiker die 2 Violinstimme des 11. Konzertes der Sinfonie e Concerti a 5, Op.2 vergessen hatte, hatte ich mich ersatzweise hier bedienen wollen. Beim Musizieren stellten wir fest dass die Sätze 2, 3, 4 der Stimme der ersten Violine entsprechen. Könntest du dies ändern oder den Autor kontaktieren, da ich selber kein Englische spreche. Gruß und Dank -- Frinck 10:34, 10 June 2009 (EDT)
ich habe die Berichtigung der Stimme der Violine 2 in op. 2 Nr. 11 2., 3. und 4. Satz durchgeführt. Die Korrekturen der richtigen Stimme sind in der Stimme der Violine 2 aller Sonaten und dem kompletten Material von op. 2 Nr. 11 - Partitur und Stimmen jetzt enthalten. Viele Grüße, kompy
Hello Kompy, Thanks for thinking of adding these items. They're a very nice addition to the collection here. In reading through his FAQ on copyright, I think we should be using the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commerical Share Alike 3.0 for his things, as he explicitly states it is for non-commercial distribution only. This will hopefully keep Sheet Music Archive, who has been duplicating the content of IMSLP and charging money for it, from including Mr. Tufvesson's work in their periodic duplication. Thanks, Carolus 01:01, 19 July 2009 (UTC) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)
Hallo Kompy, ich habe gerade mit großer Begeisterung Deine Typesets der Purcell Fantasien angeschaut (Fantazias and In Nomines, Z.732-747 (Purcell, Henry). Kannst Du mir evtl. die Quellen der Blockflötenfassung zugänglich machen ? Ich würde das gerne mit drei Klarinetten spielen und dazu den Bassschlüssel in einen Violinschlüssel verwandeln und das ganze ggfs. eine Quinte tiefer setzen. Ich dachte, bevor ich das einscanne und OCR verwende, frage ich Dich einfach mal nach den Quellen. Danke ! -- Noqu 11:20, 14 November 2009 (UTC)
leider kann ich nicht den ABC-Quelltext hochladen zu IMSLP. Ich wüsste nicht, wie ich die Quelltexte noch hoch laden könnte. Gibt es vielleicht noch einen weiteren Weg ?
Hi Kompy - Thanks so much for your Musical Offering typeset! I'm hoping to play some of these pieces with a different sort of orchestra and what I really need is the music typeset (i.e. MIDI or better yet, the originals from Sibelius or Finale or whichever program you used). Would it be possible to send these to me? My e-mail is ramparts [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks again!! AdamSolomon 17:06, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
I have used abcm2ps an Linux for typesetting The Musical Offering. Can you use this file type (.abc) ?
Hi Kompy! I'm assuming that you want those files you removed from 18 Sonatas (Legrenzi, Giovanni) to be deleted? KGill talk email 17:18, 20 December 2009 (UTC)
I am an amateur viola player and I would need the source file for your fantastic transcription of the Telemann viola concerto, could this be possible? I would need to change the non solits viola part to G key in order to have it read by a chelo. If it is possible my email is
Thanks a lot
Dear Gabriel,
The score of Telemann´s Viola Concerto is written by me by the proprietary notation program Capella which is rather popular in Europe.
If you´re interested in getting the Capella file, please answer me.
Unfortunately I don`t have any other sources of the Concerto anymore because I`ve migrated from capella to abcm2ps some years ago.
Yours, kompy
Can you supply the midi for Telemann's 4 concerti for 4 violins TWV 40:201−204. Thanks.
> This may still last some time, because I didn't already made them. kompy
Lieber Kompy,
vielen Dank für die Arbeit, die Du in diese Ausgabe gesteckt hast. Diese Werke sind wirklich zu Unrecht vergessen.
Liebe Grüße aus Koblenz
> Vielen Dank für die Anerkennung
Hello Kompy,
If Fischer originally wrote suites nos. 1 and 8 for trumpets plus strings and continuo, are the versions of those two suites you have provided for strings and continuo only (no trumpets) arrangements by you? Or, are they alternate versions done by the composer himself? According to the info I can find so far, Fischer only did nos. 1 and 8 for trumpets, strings and continuo. I've therefore put the strings and continuo versions under the "Arrangements and Transcriptions" section. Let me know if my information is not correct here. Thanks, Carolus 05:22, 19 April 2011 (UTC)
Dear Kompy,
Please do not edit the headings as these are read by the system now and must follow certain rules. Thanks, Carolus 20:59, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
Dear Kompy,
Thanks for uploading this great score last year. Appreciate it! Just wanted to point out a quick error (I am writing about suspensions right now) that is probably an easy fix. First sonata, first allegro, m. 20, first violin. Last note should be an E not F (w/ 7-6 in continuo). Checked against another edition. Thanks! Mscuthbert 02:36, 30 May 2024 (UTC)